Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 379 One Lost Memory, The Other Lost Data

Chapter 379 One lost memory, one lost data

I just wanted to marvel at how the system is the same as Su Zicheng, one loses memory and the other loses data, but the last sentence suddenly made Su Zicheng want to complain. If you lose your data, you will lose it. Why did you suddenly go to upgrade? I’m sure it’s not a trick to lure Su Zicheng into spending money to upgrade? What’s more, upgrading to Hunter System 3.0 costs 500 billion. High, Su Zicheng can't bear it.

In fact, Su Zicheng has asked the system about Su Zicheng's own life experience, the mysterious metal key, the space battleship on the moon, and the wreckage of the battleship fortress on Bri star, but the answer every time is that there is no such data in the system.

Originally, Su Zicheng even joked, saying that there are things in the Marvel universe that the hunter system does not know. But now it seems that the hunter system, like himself, has experienced something.

So, later on, when faced with such memory-related matters, Su Zicheng did his own research and stopped asking the system. It was just a casual mention just now, but I didn't expect the system to say so much along the way.

However, after listening to the system's high evaluation of Iron Fist. Also, is that immortal dragon closely related to the keel of the Hand?

However, when Su Zicheng blew up his house because of a misunderstanding that the Hand would blow them up in the Sahara desert. Only Mrs. Gao and the other three fingers escaped. If there is a chance, Su Zicheng needs to find out what a keel is.

Overall, it sounds like this prehistoric Avengers is pretty strong. After all, there are old antiques such as the King of God Odin, Sorcerer Supreme Agamotto, and the first Black Panther. If these people form a group, it is estimated that the Japanese series should not be a problem.

Similarly, with such a powerful combination, the enemies they face must be surprisingly difficult.

Just one member of the prehistoric Avengers, if pulled out alone, I am afraid that they are all the ones who dominate the Fang universe. It can be seen from this that such a powerful character that such a big boss can't deal with alone is so powerful, and what a powerful dark force this must be, or a certain organization, or a certain cosmic boss, actually need to unite such a character Multi-ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra-ultra-super-ability to deal with 0......

What's more, according to this prehistoric Black Panther, some of the battles included bounty hunters, and even required the leadership of bounty hunters.

Su Zicheng didn't understand what he could do, so he let himself lead the prehistoric Avengers to deal with the enemy. Anyway, with Su Zicheng's current strength, he must be far from qualified

What is even more frightening is that what is the situation and what is the enemy that can make such a powerful combination mess up, so that the famous prehistoric Black Panther fell here. And, with the participation of bounty hunters, they lost so badly. Even the memory of Su Zicheng was lost.

In a daze, Su 1.2 Zicheng seemed to recall some pictures in his mind. And it played in his mind like a movie.

It was a dark day. The whole world seemed to be shrouded in a drowsy world.

In the distance, the afterglow of the sun, like the color of blood plasma, covered half of the sky, without the slightest sound of wind or temperature. .

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