Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 380 Possessing A Prehistoric Bounty Hunter

Chapter 380 Possessing a Prehistoric Bounty Hunter

It seems like the end of the world is coming to earth. And it is the tranquility before the storm, the whole world is silent.

I don't know where on the earth it is, but here is a flat plateau, and it seems that in the distance, you can see mountains with ravines and towering peaks. It is somewhat similar to the Chinese Kunlun Mountains that Su Zicheng saw on the map, or maybe the Himalayas.

At this moment, on the knee-high grass, there were a few figures standing tall and straight. Count carefully there are about seven or eight people.

Although there were only these seven or eight people, but just the aura they exuded made the surrounding weeds move without wind. In the invisible, with them as the center, the surrounding flowers and trees swayed crazily as if experiencing a strong wind.

From a distance, this phenomenon is not only bizarre, but even a little weird. Because there is obviously no wind in the distance, there is silence for tens of miles around, and a few of them are flying around indiscriminately.

Not only flowers and trees, but also Sabretooth hidden in the grass, pigs as strong as rhinoceros, leopards with the same file size as horses, whales with four legs, ants as big as tigers, etc. These ancient Beasts were all hiding in the dark and shivering, one by one lying on the ground, under the ferocious appearance, they were all docile like cute cats at the moment.

There is no other reason, just because of the aura these people exude from the inside out.

Especially one of them. He is dressed in black, holds a trident tightly in his hand, and wears a hood. He cannot see his face clearly. He is tall and tall, but he is much weaker than these beasts.

But for such a person, the aura around him seemed to condense into substance, raging wildly with him as the radius. The knee-high grass in the vicinity collapsed to the ground.

Seeing this person, Su Zicheng's eyes straightened. To him, Su Zicheng had an indescribable feeling, both strange and familiar. Although, judging by his height and that black robe, he was indeed very similar to his current self, but the strange thing was that the trident was not the dragon trident that Su Zicheng was currently holding. And I asked the system, and there was no storage weapon in the system, and even the trident had never been seen in the system. This made Su Zicheng even more surprised.

The screen continues.

Following the gazes of these people, without exception, it seemed that they were all staring at the same place. It is the red burning cloud that occupies half of the sky, no, it is more like blood that condenses together and is about to drip.

The blood-red and blood-red ones are not like burning clouds at all. It is said that someone killed all directions in the sky, blood flowed into a river, and dyed half of the sky red, Su Zicheng believed it. 353

Just when the picture was frozen and everyone was looking at the sky, at a certain moment, the world suddenly changed, and there seemed to be a stick in the sky stirring up the blood cloud. But at this moment, all the clouds seemed to be put into a drum washing machine, stirring constantly. Vaguely wanting to form the Red Tornado.

See this surging wind and cloud. The animals on the prairie were also frightened and fled around indiscriminately. However, the magnetic field of the entire earth seemed to be in disorder, and they lost their direction like headless flies. Some animals even crashed to death on the tree trunks, and some fierce beasts directly crushed those smaller than themselves. .

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