Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 395: Heaven, Kingdom Of Titan

Chapter 395 Heaven: Kingdom of Titan

However, this eye seems to be blinded by Odin himself, as to why. That starts with another story.

In the Marvel universe, there are still many hidden secrets and rare treasures. For example, there is such a mysterious world tree.

Since it is the tree of the world, its hugeness is naturally unimaginable. The roots of this tree have even extended to the "06 titan kingdom", (As for this titan kingdom, Su Zicheng doesn't know where it is. In short, the universe is huge, and the places that Yincheng needs to explore are far from stopping.)

What I want to talk about now is not mainly the World Tree, but under the root of this tree, there is a mysterious spring containing the "wisdom" of the space battleship, also known as the "Fountain of Wisdom".

And those who are in charge of guarding the fountain of wisdom are the people from the kingdom of titan.

Faced with such a mysterious fountain of wisdom, Odin, as the king of the Nine Realms, naturally wants to bring "wisdom" back to the Nine Realms he controls, and then use it to benefit the creatures of the universe.

But, no matter what, the Fountain of Wisdom is also a rare treasure, not to mention there are people guarding it, so it goes without saying that Odin's idea will not come true so easily.

Originally, Odin wanted to drink the fountain of wisdom alone, but was discovered by the guards of the kingdom of titan and stopped him.

The guard also said that if you want to drink the water from the fountain of wisdom, you have to pay the price in blood.

I don't know where the guard of the titan country heard the feudal superstition, but he actually told Odin: The price of the fountain of wisdom is your sharp right eye!

Odin, who is not very smart, came up to his right eye without saying anything for the sake of the fountain of wisdom. The result is that Odin loses one eye forever, and at the same time gains the wisdom of the Fountain of Wisdom.

(Actually, the mysterious wisdom under the World Tree should be a spell called Runas, and as long as this spell is engraved on wood, stone, metal or any material, you can get it Infinite power. Although Odin lost his right eye, he also got this mysterious power. Maybe this is why he can still fight against the gods even though he is gray-haired.)

Originally, Su Zicheng didn't believe in this fairy tale. After all, it was just a legend, and no one knew whether it was true or not. Even Su Zicheng, who came from time travel, didn't want to believe it was true.

However, now it seems that this legend is not only true, but also seems to have been confirmed and realized. After Su Zicheng returns, it should be very necessary to look for this world tree.

From Odin's perspective, after blinding one eye, his strength increased by 080, and Thor also Awakened Thor's power after blinding one eye. However, is this power obtained through self-harm really good...  

When Su Zicheng set his sights on the battlefield again. The battle is basically coming to an end.

The human alliance died of casualties and injuries. Especially these armies that don't have super abilities and only rely on equipment, have suffered heavy casualties, and are even basically on the verge of extinction.

Who would have thought that this group of troops and tribes that were massacred like dogs would be an incomparable elite force in any country. It may not be a problem for one team to destroy one country. .

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