Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 396 The Runaway Prehistoric Bounty Hunter

Chapter 396 The Runaway Prehistoric Bounty Hunter

However, such a brave team was harvested like wheat at this moment, and their lives were harvested.

When the people present were basically able to stand alone normally, Su Zicheng frowned and found that the number of gods seemed to have decreased.

Don't think about it, it was definitely not killed by prehistoric Avengers, or prehistoric bounty hunters. Instead, it seems that they left on their own.

When Su Zicheng witnessed with his own eyes a celestial god came down with a weapon and smashed an iceberg, then raised his foot as if trampling a person under the iceberg to death. After doing all this, the body of the god group seemed to be getting weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared out of thin air.

Su Zicheng estimated that it may be that these Celestial God groups feel that slaughtering these superheroes on the earth has no fun at all. At this moment, they all left on their own, that's right, this matter is placed on Su Zicheng, who can easily dominate other people's lives, and for these people, Su Zicheng will also lose interest in fighting.

Sure enough, after that person disappeared in public, it seemed to be a signal to the other god groups, and it seemed to be a step up for other people, let's say in the invisible, let's go, don't fight anymore...

Immediately afterwards, in less than a minute, all the Tianshen groups disappeared, and peace was restored on the earth again.

Just when Su Zicheng took a deep breath and wanted to relax, the prehistoric man controlled his body, held the trident upside down behind his back, and then teleported directly to the iceberg that had been stepped down by the Tianshen group that had disappeared in public just now.

With a wave of his hand, the bounty hunter directly collected the broken pieces of the entire iceberg into the hunter's space. Then the corpse below that was brutally trampled to death by the Tenjin Group was revealed.

Only at this time did I realize that the one who died was none other than Black Panther, that is, the Black Panther of the unknown predecessor.

At this moment, Black Panther's body has almost been trampled into a patty by the Celestial Group, not only has his life force gone, but even all his bones have been broken.

Although Su Zicheng recognized the present prehistoric self trying to use the rejuvenation potion to save Black Panther's life. However, this is still unhelpful and unhelpful. After all, the rejuvenation potion is originally set to be dying, and only one breath of dying can replace it. But now Black Panther's body is cold...

"Senior, wake up, wake up~","

*`"Senior, Senior!!!"

However, the prehistoric bounty hunter was still unwilling to accept this fact, and poured the rejuvenation potion on the corpse frantically, almost soaking it into the potion bucket for him.

Looking down at the dead body, the bounty hunter finally stopped, and the potion left in his hand slipped and shattered to the ground inadvertently. And his whole body froze

However, Su Zicheng knows himself better than anyone else, the more he is in this state, the crazier he is and the more he can't control himself. This was on the verge of going berserk. Although Su Zicheng's memory was a bit amnesiac, and he no longer remembered any relationship with the Black Panther on the ground next to him, but for some reason, his mood seemed to be depressed.

Suddenly, the murderous intent in Su Zicheng's eyes became more and more intense, no, it should be said that the murderous intent of himself and his previous self became more and more intense. In an instant, the temperature around him, which was already extremely cold, dropped a lot again. .

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