Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 419 This Is What Su Zicheng Must Do

Chapter 419 This is what Su Zicheng must do

After thinking about it, Su Zicheng still thinks that the shield should be strengthened firstly, to resist stronger enemies, and secondly, to prevent the entry of such evil-minded people as little bitch. Definitely, these are not only beneficial to Wakanda, but also to Su Zicheng. Protecting the altar and coming back later is what Su Zicheng must do.

"Zero One Three"

The United States, New York State, in the Queen's Villa area, Su Zicheng, who was still in Wakanda, Africa just now, has appeared in the backyard at this moment.

After removing all his equipment, Su Zicheng took a comfortable hot bath. Although Wakanda did not experience any battles this trip, Su Zicheng still felt tired and exhausted. It may be that there are too many things to experience at once, or it may be that Su Zicheng is still a little bit overwhelmed by the fact that he has obtained so much useful information.

After taking a bubble bath and filling his stomach casually, Su Zicheng lay down on the bed and had a good sleep.

This time, Su Zicheng slept until the middle of the next day. Today, Su Zicheng is just about to go out to replenish food supplies, buy some necessities by the way, and fill up the refrigerator

While washing up, I turned on the TV, and there was nothing in the news that Su Zicheng should pay attention to. It seems that since the last civil war between Iron Man and Captain America, all superheroes have restrained a lot, and they usually make scandals, and some powerful monsters can't be seen at all.

However, I heard that Hawkeye Barton secretly went to the island country. It seems that many leaders of the Yamaguchi group have been assassinated.

Now, people like Barton who are retired and not under the control of S.H.I.E.L.D can move freely. People like Natasha Romanoff, Black Braised Egg, and Captain America "haven't known where to go on vacation.

There are also Vision and Scarlet Witch. It is said that these two people have achieved positive results, and now they are lingering in a small room in which city.

Finally, there is Iron Man Tony and little Spider-Man. Because of the calm before the storm, all the Avengers thought the world was at peace.

Even Tony is no exception. Now, besides continuing to upgrade the mark armor every day, Tony tinkers and develops some more awesome and powerful weapons and equipment. It seems that he is preparing for the wedding with his girlfriend, Pepper Pepper... These two people are sweet every day, envious of others.

And little Spider-Man, Peter Parker also swims in the ocean of knowledge all day long because he is about to graduate. However, it is said that little Spider-Man was rewarded with a set of spider armor by Tony because of his good performance in the civil war.

Definitely, with this armor set, little Spider-Man is naturally even more stinking. However, such awesome equipment, with little Spider-Man's pissing nature, he would be reluctant to wear it unless he encounters any major incidents, so there is no need to think that it must be ashes in the attic of Peter Parker's room.

Because Tony refused to tell him what his next task was, little Spider-Man wore the uniform that Tony ridiculed as pajamas temptation before, and was engaged in 2.1 work of maintaining community law and order every day. Aunt Wang finds a cat or something, and is dedicated to setting a benchmark for urban management, and enthusiastically maintaining law and order in Queens. Moreover, I have to report to Tony's little follower, Happy every day, and this day-to-day life can be regarded as fulfilling.

After washing up, Su Zicheng simply went down to eat fast food because there was a shortage of food at home. .

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