Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 420: The System Mall After Many Days

Chapter 420 The System Mall After Many Days

However, just as Su Zicheng opened the gate, he hadn't gone far when he saw someone calling his name behind him.

Looking back, it turned out to be the owner of the racecourse, that is, the big black fat man.

Under the gracious invitation of the boss, Su Zicheng had no choice but to reluctantly go to have a horse meat meal.

Didn't I say that this black fat man seems to be a famous basketball star in the United States? It seems to be because of the mvp he won some time ago. (Although Su Zicheng doesn't know basketball very well, if Su Zicheng is allowed to play, the championship, mvp, etc. should be within his grasp.) How many days had it been since we hadn't seen each other, but now, they were really enthusiastic, singing, DJ, and dancing again, Su Zicheng couldn't help but let go.

It was a banquet and a big meal, so Su Zicheng almost forgot today's business.

It was half noon after a meal, and Su Zicheng finally remembered what he was going to do today. I hurried to find all the necessary things in a hurry and went back to the villa.

Fortunately, when Su Zicheng bought this villa area, he only paid attention to leisure and entertainment facilities. He did not expect that even the living areas such as shopping malls and restaurants are quite complete. So Su Zicheng, you don't need to travel far to buy everything you want. Sure enough, it is a house that Su Zicheng paid a lot of money for.

Moreover, what is more convenient and quicker is a special skill of Su Zicheng, that is, the hunter space. On this trip, Su Zicheng bought as much as a van just to buy food, plus other things, miscellaneous, almost a truck, if there is no hunter space, Su Zicheng is really a bit worried, can't just It is even more unrealistic to buy two eggs and let them deliver them to your door. It is even more unrealistic for Su Zicheng to weigh them all.

As soon as he got home, Su Zicheng immediately put these things in the refrigerator, and put them where they should be.

Because Fatty Hei declined the banquet that continued in the evening, Su Zicheng's task is considered complete today, and the time for ten tasks and ten rests is coming.

Anyway, my stomach is full, and it's time to start Su Zicheng's business.

That's right, that's the annual shopping spree. Haha, definitely, a bit exaggerated. But thinking about it, I'm still a little excited, because Su Zicheng hasn't officially visited the system mall since the last time he wandered in space. Almost almost forget the pleasure of spending money.

"System, open the mall and arrange it for me."

On the sofa of the villa, Su Zicheng collapsed on the sofa with no image, looking carelessly at the touchable virtual projection of 910 in front of him, as well as various skills, equipment, and so on around him.

Watching and watching, the voice of the prehistoric Black Panther suddenly appeared in Su Zicheng's mind for some reason. Especially the sentence "He has been serving the system all his life, as if he is collecting something for the system, skills? Equipment?".

Yes, it was this sentence that deeply touched Su Zicheng. Listening to the meaning of the prehistoric Black Panther, the previous self did not have a hunter system. In other words, only myself in the 21st century, that is, Su Zicheng now, has used the hunter system. .

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