Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 438 Avengers Rob Bank?

Chapter 438 Avengers Rob Bank?

Su Zicheng didn't do anything all morning, just listened to little Spider-Man's nagging.

Little Spider-Man starts from the specific process of helping Uncle Li to buy vegetables, such as the details of bargaining. It was time to help Aunt Wang find cats, and the cats were so cute. In the end, he was able to continue, and extended the topic to Tony and Happy. It really made Su Zicheng feel dizzy.

Originally, when Su Zicheng went back to school, he wanted to relax and cultivate his sentiments with the youthful atmosphere in the school. Who knew that he would end up being tortured like little Spider-Man

Even in the end, Su Zicheng finally agreed to join their student party under the double torture of Ned, the little black fat man and little Spider-Man...

In this way, Su Zicheng suffered a lot, and finally found relief when the bell rang after school, because the party time was tomorrow night, so [Su Zicheng felt like finding an excuse to sneak away as soon as school was over.

Because the school hours of the United States are generally relatively late. So when Su Zicheng left the school, it was almost dark. However, it just so happens that the dark night is Su Zicheng's favorite time of day.

Even without Jia Li, Su Zicheng still likes to walk on the street silently by himself. Looking at the night view of the city and feeling the people around me, Su Zicheng will not look so lonely.

So, after school, Su Zicheng didn't teleport and went home immediately. It is not a kind of relaxation to walk slowly on the street alone.

After walking for a while, Su Zicheng felt a surge of hunger when he heard his stomach growling. Su Zicheng didn't eat at all because he was pestered by the little Spider-Man at school at noon, and the food in the school cafeteria was like shit.

However, what was embarrassing was that because he got up too late in the morning and was in a hurry to go out, he was afraid of delaying the first class, so Su Zicheng arrived at the school immediately without having time to pack up. Su Zicheng now only has a mobile phone and no cash at all. You must know that although the technology of the United States is advanced, some aspects of life are indeed not as convenient as China. So, now Su Zicheng can only find a bank to withdraw some money.

0...seeking flowers...

Hawkeye was released, Su Zicheng directly centered on himself, and searched for the nearest automatic ticket machine in Queens.

Coincidentally, turn left at the intersection less than 500 meters away from Su Zicheng, and there is one after walking 300 meters. However, Su Zicheng seems to have noticed that a sneaky van is slowly approaching the bank intentionally or unintentionally.


Su Zicheng didn't think too much about it, he thought it was drunk driving. After all, there are so many alcoholics in the United States. Then Su Zicheng continued to walk, looking at the city "on all sides" and strolling towards the bank.

However, just when Su Zicheng walked around the corner and looked towards the bank, he suddenly found that the van also stopped at the entrance of the bank.

Because it is meal time, there are very few pedestrians on the street at this point. Especially in such a remote street, pedestrians are basically invisible. From this point of view, this van is indeed suspicious.

Suddenly, the door of the van opened, and a group of people jumped out of it. Su Zicheng looked at it kindly, and it turned out to be the Avengers factory. .

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