Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 439 Money Rain

Chapter 439 Money Rain

Oh no, it's a group of guys wearing masks of Avengers members. Seeing that they were holding black cloth bags, one of them even carried a Gatling-like weapon with a length of one or two meters and emitting blue light. Don't think about it, it must be a bank robbery.

And it turns out that it is exactly what Su Zicheng thought. I saw this group of people rushed into the bank with lightning speed, and closed the door with "503".

However, as we all know, the machines for depositing and withdrawing money in general banks are on the side of the bank or outside, and the closed doors are generally glass doors. So Su Zicheng can still see clearly.

I only saw the man with the gun just now. Pull the trigger of the cash machine with the blue light in his hand, and then, somehow, with a light swipe, another laser light came out and easily scratched the machine of the cash machine. I didn't expect it to be an alien weapon.

As the cash machine was cut open, the rice knives inside also spilled out like a fountain. Immediately, money rained down in the glass room, and countless rice knives were flying indiscriminately, like bubbles in a crystal ball, flying all over the sky.

For a moment, those few people frantically stuffed money into the black cloth pockets. Su Zicheng ignored it after reading it, and was about to turn around and go to another bank to withdraw money.

After all, Su Zicheng is just an ordinary citizen, a bounty hunter who only accepts missions. He's not a superhero, he doesn't have the lofty ambitions of Black Braised Eggs, and he doesn't have the responsibilities of Avengers. It would be nice if Su Zicheng didn't create chaos for them, but don't expect him to meddle in this matter, it's purely eating carrots and worrying.

However, just because Su Zicheng doesn't like to meddle in other people's business doesn't mean others don't like to meddle. After all, this is Queens, and Queens is home to a hidden superhero.

That's right, little Spider-Man. Just as Su Zicheng was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing over him.

When he looked back at the bank again, a figure in a spider uniform was already hanging upside down on the glass door.

little Spider-Man is also humorous, Su Zicheng heard little Spider-Man greet them from a long distance away. But the gangsters didn't seem to appreciate it very much. Immediately holding up the alien weapon with both hands and facing the little spider, it gave a frantic bark.

After all, it is an ordinary building, how can it withstand the blow of alien weapons... No, little Spider-Man takes off and jumps. The weapon actually pierced through the glass door easily again, destroying the bank as well.

Because the fighting was too fierce, many onlookers were attracted here very quickly, and at the same time, several enthusiastic citizens called the police.

Seeing this, Su Zicheng also silently took a step back, and then walked away without anyone noticing.

They are just a group of ordinary little robbers, there is nothing worthy of Su Zicheng's attention, and, if Su Zicheng's guess is correct, compared to the current little Spider-Man, even if they have alien weapons, they should not last long a round. However, no matter what the result is, Su Zicheng is not uninterested. 2.3

Hawkeye opened again, Su Zicheng confirmed the location of another bank, and then walked straight in that direction. It's just that this bank seems to be quite far away. Fortunately, Su Zicheng doesn't care. Anyway, he's going for a walk, so let's treat it as entertainment.

Fortunately, there were no robbers in this bank, and Su Zicheng went to the bank to withdraw the money smoothly. .

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