Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 455 Little Spider-Man: I Really Have No Money

Chapter 455 little Spider-Man: I really have no money

As if counting. Only when I got closer did I realize that it was counting down.






"it has started."

As soon as Su Zicheng finished speaking, he heard a bang behind him, and then the electric current was also crackling, followed by people screaming in fear.

Just now, it was just the first wave of impact before the explosion of the alien device. The first is a strong Shockwave that destroys all electrical systems. Then after experiencing a countdown, it is a real explosion. Although 06 is just a small mechanical device, if it were to explode, it is estimated that the entire Big Ben will be removed from the history of the United States.

If Su Zicheng guessed correctly, Uncle Psy probably didn't mean that. After all, Uncle Psy is also a person of flesh and blood, not a murderer. Although murder and selling alien weapons are both crimes, there is still a difference.

Uncle Bird's original intention should just be to deceive little Spider-Man, and then teach him a little lesson, so that little Spider-Man will not trouble him anymore.

However, unexpectedly, this device was held in Ned's hand, and the X-ray was accidentally excited. Little Spider-Man may also be on the way, wanting to catch a person who has cooperated with Uncle Psy, to torture some things about this alien weapon sales group, but unexpectedly learned that this alien device not only provided information, It's a ticking time bomb

A ticking time bomb that goes off when you experience x-rays.

After the Shockwave was produced, Su Zicheng looked up, and as expected, the elevator that Ned, MJ and others were riding was stuck on the top floor, and, because the Shockwave was too strong, even the cables on the elevator were almost unable to hold back. It is estimated that in another hour and a half, all the people in the elevator will fall from the sky and be smashed into patties.

Not only the people inside the elevator hugged each other in fear, but even the outside was like a swarm of birds swarming to the outside as the gunshots rang out. There were only a few security personnel, who organized the orderly evacuation of the tourists, and hurriedly called the police, asking the police or firefighters to help.

Outside Big Ben, even Harpy in the school bus hurriedly reported the situation to the back.

In the tense countdown of the time bomb, Su Zicheng's mental power has been looking for something. As for the explosion inside, anyway, Su Zicheng is not a black marinated person, nor is he a superhero. Without the saying that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, Su Zicheng has nothing to do with the death of many people. Therefore, Su Zicheng was not affected at all.

Finally, while Su Zicheng was waiting, a superhero in a red tights ran over. Yes, that's right, little Spider-Man.

After learning that the alien device was a time bomb, he hurriedly called Ned, and because of Ned's negligence, little Spider-Man also abandoned all distracting thoughts and rushed over frantically.

No idea how little Spider-Man knew Ned and MJ were on top of Big Ben. It may be the reason why little Spider-Man used the new function of the Spider battlesuit developed by Ned last night. In short, little Spider-Man is also two hands and four feet, climbing up the Big Ben in a hurry.

Su Zicheng turned on his stealth, and also flew up.

When approaching the top floor, there was a joke. The police who came to support drove the helicopter and wanted to rescue the trapped people first. But this is Washington, not Queens

So these policemen didn't take what little Spider-Man did, and almost regarded him as a gangster and shot him dead. .

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