Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 456 The Bomb Is About To Explode

Chapter 456 The Bomb Is About to Explode

At the top of Big Ben, there are several specially reinforced shockproof and bulletproof military-grade tempered glass around it. It may be for good lighting inside, or it may be purely for aesthetics

However, now it has become a breakthrough point for little Spider-Man. However, an embarrassing scene appeared. Little Spider-Man hammered hard at the glass a few times, but the glass didn't move at all, leaving no trace. Sure enough, it is military-grade bulletproof glass.

"Hi, little Spider-Man"

"I guess you will need my help this time."

"Oh, oh, Mr. Hunter,"

"Quickly, help me,"

"The bomb is about to go off."

The sudden appearance of the voice did not surprise little Spider-Man this time, but seemed to be used to Su Zicheng's appearance.

"Okay, then I will pave the way for the next transaction first,"

"How cheap is this for you"","

"This is not an example."

It was impossible to listen to the little Spider-Man who continued to fool Su Zicheng with his anxious face. Su Zicheng also felt that he should make an exception first, let little Spider-Man in, and then continue to discuss the issue of employment payments.

I saw Su Zicheng raised his arm, as if it was just a slight touch, the tempered glass in front of little Spider-Man shattered like that.

For little Spider-Man, it is bulletproof tempered glass, but for Su Zicheng, it is just like window paper, which can be broken if poked.

The moment the glass window shattered, little Spider-Man didn't have any hesitation at all. With a flick of his hand, two cobwebs stuck to the stone wall of Big Ben, and then with a sudden leap, he even used himself as a slingshot and shot directly into it.

"Hey, that's not right,"

"Shouldn't we talk about the bounty first?"

Su Zicheng saw that the situation seemed to be wrong, little Spider-Man's anxious appearance did not give him the posture to negotiate at all.

"Uh, that, that,"

"System, just now, just now, does it mean that I did the task and he didn't pay?"

"Not counting

"It's just the host's wishful thinking."

The system is also mercilessly slapped in the face. Only Su Zicheng has a thick skin, so he can ask this kind of question that already knows the answer...

There is no way, Su Zicheng can only follow in, see what's going on, and then find the right time to sell his business. At this moment, Su Zicheng really felt like an office worker doing sales. Holding a briefcase all day long, find some bigwigs or celebrities to promote themselves and products.

``Hmph, sell as you sell,''

"Which big guy didn't start from the bottom,"

"I'm still stalking little Spider-Man today,"

"I can't believe he didn't hire me."

Making up his mind secretly, Su Zicheng turned around and got into Big Ben.

Inside, little Spider-Man is also concentrating on it just like before (good money, good), two cobwebs are stuck to the stone wall inside Big Ben, and then he is using one cobweb to grab the elevator vigorously.

To say that little Spider-Man arrived in time, all the cables had just broken, and the elevator was about to fall, but little Spider-Man turned the tide with a cobweb and directly saved the people in the first elevator.

"Hi hi, hi, Spider-man,"

"Look, Spider-man is here to save us,"

"Let me just say, Spider-man will never abandon us, eat."

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