Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 496 I Admit That You Are Really Good

Chapter 496 I admit that you are really good

However, it is impossible for others to do it. For Su Zicheng, having a copy eye is a super shortcut for copying magic. Afraid of Ancient One's reluctant demonstration, as long as she demonstrates, Su Zicheng dares to copy it.

"Everything in the world has its own laws,"

"All things depend on each other, but they restrain each other, and each other restrains each other, and the life is endless, so the cycle goes on and on,"

"Not only people have energy, magic also has its magical energy,"

"young people,"

"I admit you are very nice,"

To master so many high level and even Level Universe other magics at such a young age,

"That may be a height that others will never reach in their lifetime,"

"However, remember to aim too high, with high eyes and low hands,

"Although your magic is very powerful,"

"But you only know two things, you don't know one thing,"

"Plainly speaking,

"Your starting point is too high, but the foundation is not solid,"

"Maybe you just know how to use it, but don't really understand it,"

"Here are all kinds of magic that I have collected over hundreds of years, and their origins,"

"Master them first, and then think about the questions you want to know.

Behind the hands of Ancient One, at this moment, he looks like a knowledgeable old man, while Su Zicheng is a proud student, with one bottle full and half dangling. Facing such a student, the old man just talked freely and expressed his own opinions. As for the student, whether he listened to it or not, it was not his business. After Ancient One finished speaking, he walked out without looking back.

Yes, sometimes communicating with professionals can really benefit a lot. These enlightening words struck Su Zicheng to the ground like a thunderbolt. Su Zicheng froze on the spot thinking about what Ancient One said seriously, and didn't even notice that Ancient One walked out.

The words of Ancient One are now deeply imprinted in Su Zicheng's mind. Really think about it.

I only know the second, I don't know the first. It seems to be Su Zicheng. Indeed, although Su Zicheng has indeed mastered a lot of Level Universe other magics now. Whether copied or purchased. But one thing, they all seem to be flawed.

Su Zicheng originally wanted to make up for these shortcomings when he came. That is to say, as mentioned before, the mental power is not enough to support too many times of use, there are daily restrictions, and the damage is insufficient, the range is too small, etc. But now Su Zicheng doesn't seem to worry about this issue much. Instead, he thought carefully about what Ancient One said just now.

Although it is true that Su Zicheng can understand the essence, structure and composition of these magics, why are there still flaws? Can’t he use them like Jiali? This is a problem, and it is worthy of Su Zicheng’s ) thought deeply.

Thinking about it now, as Ancient One said, the starting point is too high and the foundation is not solid. For Su Zicheng, is it really only the other magics of the Level Universe that are worth using? Even if he can use them, and even change them flexibly, Su Zicheng still feels that something is missing, and there is always a kind of high ground cold feeling.

In this way, Su Zicheng really had to calm down and take a look at the collection of books in this house. .

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