Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 497 Absorbing The Knowledge Of Magic

Chapter 497 Absorbing the Knowledge of Magic

"Then let me swim in the ocean of knowledge."

Su Zicheng, who came back to his senses, was not in the hesitation, and was really just sitting aside, picking up the magic books on the bookshelf and reading them.

Coincidentally, Su Zicheng can also take this opportunity to self-heal the internal injury that was waited out by the metal monster in the dark space before, and he can also stop by the way to replenish his mental strength and other states to the best.

There was nothing to say all night, the night in Kamar-Taj was unusually quiet. It may be that it is close to the Himalayas and belongs to the mountainous area. People have no other recreational activities at night, so they all rest early. Unlike the villa area where Su Zicheng is located, the entire 920 city that never sleeps is brightly lit at night and more lively than during the day.

At night, apart from the occasional chirping of insects and frogs, Su Zicheng could only hear his own breathing. Oh no, there is also the grunt of the librarian, the magician called Wang.

In the first half of the night, Wang Huan, like Su Zicheng, turned on the lamp to read at night, but before long, the guy couldn't hold on anymore, he yawned again and again, and finally fell headlong on the table, and there were bursts of noise. A thunderous grunt.

There are also oil lamps. I don’t know if Ancient One did it on purpose. What age is this? If you still use oil lamps, you won’t be afraid of burning down this library and burning her hard work for hundreds of years?

I don't know when, maybe the oil ran out and the lamp dried up. In the end, even the oil lamp didn't survive Su Zicheng, and it went out.

Fortunately, Su Zicheng didn't care about these things either. As long as you are serious, any noise will not disturb Su Zicheng. As for the lack of lights in the dark, this is even less important. With Hawkeye’s night vision function, are you afraid that you can’t see things at night?

This night, Su Zicheng felt that he was more serious than ever, and he never read books so seriously all night when he was in school.

However, even though it was a hard night, Su Zicheng still has something to gain.

At least, Su Zicheng not only figured out what Ancient One said about magical energy. In fact, in the final analysis, this thing is not much different (agfi) from Su Zicheng's mental strength. However, the former can be absorbed and improved through cultivation, while the latter can only be expanded, and then automatically recovered after use.

As Su Zicheng thought, since the two have similar approaches but equally satisfactory results, why not collect their strengths and make up for their respective weaknesses. Therefore, this is what Su Zicheng will do next day.

Not only this, Su Zicheng also knew the meaning of the first few words that Ancient One said yesterday.

"Everything has its own law,"

"There are no big or small things, mutual generation and mutual restraint, and the cycle goes back and forth."

In fact, each magic circle has its own rules. In the complex magic circle, it is also based on countless Elementary level magic, constantly expanding and innovating.

So, don't underestimate every Elementary level, low-level magic, maybe they just happen to be the nemesis of a certain high level, or even treasure-level magic.

There is no Elementary level magic, only magicians who don't know how to use it. Every magic, as long as it follows its laws, can become a stronger batch.

Now Su Zicheng finally understood why the prehistoric bounty hunters were so obsessively pursuing magic cultivation. And Ancient One, why Ancient One can be honored as Sorcerer Supreme. It's not because she inherited the title of her predecessor, so why is she worthy? Not only does she have a powerful magic ability, but also her understanding of magic has reached an extremely deep level. .

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