Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 498 The Great Fire Of London In 1666

Chapter 498 The Great Fire of London in 1666

Besides magic, Su Zicheng also learned something about Ancient One that night. Just like what Ancient One said, here, in this library, not only the magic of Ancient One has been collected for hundreds of years, but also its origin. Naturally, it also includes the biography of Ancient One. It can also be regarded as recording the various experiences of Ancient One's life.

Among them, Su Zicheng learned many ancient one's unknown secrets.

For example, the Eye of Agamotto was not actually inherited by the Ancient One from Agamotto. Instead, it was obtained from Eternity, the creator god of the universe.

There is also the Ancient One when he was young, who also liked to travel the universe and multiple spaces, fight crime, and admire magic.

And because of the frequent experience of dangers and obstacles, Ancient One became very powerful. She not only sheltered the Himalayas, but also practiced with monks. There was even a meeting of magicians and so on (the specifics are not recorded in the book, maybe Ancient One doesn’t want people to know.), this meeting made many magicians in the world fight with each other, even Ancient One One also participated, and, as expected, won the final victory. It seems that after this battle, Ancient One won the title of supreme + magician.

The book also records that during the Great Fire of London in 1666, Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One encountered the monster Dormammu for the first time, and at that time Ancient One used all its strength to repel Dormammu, a really powerful guy. The later records are the same as what Su Zicheng knows, the power of Ancient One is not enough to destroy Dormammu, so Ancient One also had many battles with Dormammu in a long time.

There are more books in this library than Su Zicheng imagined. There are not only all kinds of magic, but also the life experience of Ancient One, and even a detailed description of Ancient One's Ability.

Another example is Ancient One's powerful magic ability (usually by reading spells or changing various gestures to trigger her magic, Ancient One's magic weapon seems to be not well documented.), allowing her to convert magic energy into physical invisibility , Projection of Energy, Piercing Objects, Extending Life, Creating Illusions, Flight, Hypnotic Ability, Protective Shield, Alchemy, Psychokinesis

Various super abilities such as teleportation, teleportation across space, and teleportation.

0·Ask for flowers...

Not only that, Ancient One also has a powerful soul projection ability, soul projection, as the name suggests, is to separate the spiritual body from the physical body, which is what Su Zicheng thinks is soul astral.


Moreover, in this state of soul astral, the soul is invisible. Except for the soul body, no one can see it, and it cannot be touched. This is not difficult to understand, that is, invisible

Can't touch it. f

However, the amazing thing is that in the state of soul astral, there is no need to breathe, eat and rest at the same time (to put it bluntly, it means not eating, drinking, sleeping, or breathing.)

What's even more powerful is that this state is not affected by physical law (that is, it does not belong to Newton's tube, even if Newton kicks the coffin board into pieces, it can't be controlled...), how to say

It is soul astral while Ancient One can retain all her conscious thinking. Su Zicheng has also seen this before. . f

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