Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 501 Magic Whip

Chapter 501 Magic Whip

It's just that when I looked over, I heard someone talking, and when I listened carefully, I thought of something. Write down this sentence quickly and keep it in your heart.

Looking up, it turned out that the black magician was introducing other magic like Stephen Strange.

Now, the black magician was holding a small stick that looked like wood and gold in his hand, but after he finished speaking, Stephen Strange and Su Zicheng's eyes were opened in the next second.

The black magician held the stick in his hand, and then slammed it violently, and a long golden-red whip rushed out from the small wooden stick, and it was a magical whip.

As the black magician kept waving the magic whip, not to mention that besides the vigorous wind, there were actually some crackling magic arcs flashing by.

In this way, Su Zicheng stayed at Kamar-Taj Academy of Magic for several days at once. In the evening, I continue to study magic in the library. During the day, I visit other people’s magic from time to time, or make a few gestures with my hands to verify my inner thoughts. Occasionally, I drink a cup of tea and take a break. This small life is quite nourishing, let alone , It's really a bit like an ascetic monk practicing in seclusion.

This evening, Su Zicheng was still the same as before, sitting on top of a certain bookshelf in the deep part of the library. After today, Su Zicheng should be able to read almost all the books here, although Su Zicheng doesn't have a photographic memory, but with his super-high memory, he can memorize the collection of books roughly. In addition, he doesn't need to understand some complicated and trivial matters, so there are not many left.

However, there is still an important book that Su Zicheng has not found yet, and he searched for it on the first day until two days ago.

Because Su Zicheng knows the Marvel plot, he knows that there is a magic book in the library that Ancient One got from nowhere. This book records all the white magic in the world.

Why is it called white magic? Su Zicheng doesn't know the definition either. Is the magic opposite to Dormammu, if it does not use dark matter, is it white magic?

In fact, Su Zicheng had doubts about Ancient One before. Because Su Zicheng has been to the dark space opened by the metal key fragments, he knows that his old enemy may be the dark world, and this dark world is likely to have some unknown levels with dark matter and Dormammu.

As the Ancient One, which started off relying on dark matter, it even absorbs the energy of the Dark Era to prolong its life, which originally deserves Su Zicheng's doubts.

As for now, when Su Zicheng knew that Ancient One not only learned dark magic, but also knew all white magic, he seemed to have new doubts. At first, he was worried about whether Ancient One was a foreshadowing planted by his enemies, a dark thorn, but this doubt should be eliminated soon, because Ancient One's lifespan is approaching.

And this book (Li Hao) records all the white magic in the world, also known as the Book of Cagliostro. This book can not only continue to expand the types of magic that Su Zicheng has come into contact with, but also master The magic of controlling time, definitely depends on Time Gem to complete.

Also, there is also a method to open the dark matter space in this book, that is, to summon Dormammu. Naturally, those two pages have long been taken away by the students of the Kamar-Taj School of Magic, that is, the traitors of Ancient One. .

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