Marvel Bounty Hunter

Chapter 502 On The Right Track

Chapter 502 On the right track

But this does not prevent Su Zicheng from wanting to study it. Unfortunately, at the beginning of the night, Wang would guard the library every day, guarding against Su Zicheng like a thief, for fear that he would take away the books here.

In the end, Wang probably felt that Su Zicheng was really just reading a book and didn't do any small tricks, so Wang relaxed his vigilance. However, the book of Cagliostro was kept so carefully that Su Zicheng hadn't come across this book yet.

Until three days ago, Stephen Strange's magic practice was on the right track, (I have to mention, this guy, whatever he does, can drive a Lamborghini as a doctor, live in a mansion, and only learn magic for a few days now , a small achievement.)

That night, while Wang Leng was dozing off, Stephen Strange actually opened a magic door to steal books from the library.

At first, Su Zicheng didn't care, until he found out that Stephen Strange had stolen the Book of Cagliostro the next day. I don’t know where he found it. Anyway, Su Zicheng didn’t find it after searching for a few days. Could it be that Stephen Strange was not selected? Even the book of Cagliostro came to him automatically. ?

That is to say, from this day on, Su Zicheng began to pay special attention to Stephen Strange, waiting for him to relax, or seeing where he put the book, and then took the opportunity to walk away (agai).

It's a pity that Su Zicheng almost followed Stephen Strange. Every time this guy reads a book, the king hides it, and he can steal it from the king when he wants to read it. This matter made Su Zicheng depressed for a long time.

So today, Su Zicheng must catch Stephen Strange and grab him directly. As for why it is today. Because Su Zicheng had stepped on it a long time ago, the librarian is not here tonight, only Su Zicheng himself, presumably Stephen Strange will definitely come to steal books.

When the time comes, while Stephen Strange is reading a book, Su Zicheng will appear without anyone noticing, first give Stephen Strange a slap in the face, and then take the book away logically, which is reasonable and the most important thing Unknowingly, except for Stephen Strange, no one knew that Su Zicheng took it.

Midnight, about ten o'clock. Sure enough, Su Zicheng saw a sneaky person coming in in the dark, and then he sat carelessly in front of Wang's desk. He did not know where to take out a thick book. , the outer packaging is exquisite, the logo of Eye of Agamotto seems to be printed on the cover of the book, and the book is even tied by a small iron chain, which shows how precious this book is.

In the darkness, Su Zicheng took a closer look, isn't that book the Book of Cagliostro? That man was, of course, Stephen Strange.

I saw that Stephen Strange was still eating apples when he came, (how bold it is, this is when he is at home...) Then, Stephen Strange took the half-eaten apple Put it on the table and start to read it seriously.

Su Zicheng didn't bother him either, and waited for the movement outside to subside and the other students fell asleep, and then waited for Stephen Strange to relax his vigilance and start doing something himself.

Time passed by every minute and every second, ten o'clock, ten thirty, eleven o'clock, eleven thirty, Su Zicheng couldn't read the book in his hand anymore. .

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