Marvel Clips, Start Inventory of Ten Spider-Man!

Chapter 116: Iron Man Kills His Father? ! ! Hahaha, Filial Piety Kills Me! (Please Subscribe!)

In the parallel universe of Mainuniverse 001, the world where Galactus Iron God resides...

Soaring in the endless universe at this moment, his figure couldn't help but pause, and those curious eyes became suspicious at this moment.

In hell......

What is there that can make Tony·Stark dumbfounded!

You know, he is based on Marvel's top ten Iron Man, ranking sixth. Galactus Iron God doesn't think this guy is immature.

But, what did the researcher see?

Or who did you see!

In an instant, countless figures flashed rapidly in his mind...

At the same time, he couldn't help but began to analyze the evil taste of Faith, the lord of hell. Suddenly, a blurry but familiar face, a tearful face was instantly frozen in his mind.

He figured it out, it was him!

And only he can let Tony in the light curtain become one of them!

Galactus Iron Man, who had a clear understanding in his heart, completely stopped the figure walking in the universe, and put all his attention on the light curtain of the picture of the world...

Howard Stark!

own father!

In the parallel universe No. 616...

Bai Can Iron Man yawned a little bored, and said calmly, "What special thing did you see in hell?"


"Then I have to say, this Iron Man is really too cowardly, it will damage Iron Man's image!"

"Not only fell into Doom's tricks, but was also manipulated by Moto Faith..."

Now he has already begun to wonder how the title of the sixth-ranked man in the light curtain in front of him came from "It basically lowered the quality of Marvel's top ten Iron Man rankings.

Definitely, the previous Iron Man couldn't get into his eyes at all.

From Bai Ke’s point of view, Marvel’s top ten Iron Man, he alone is enough to replace everyone!

And he will be the number one existence!

"Forget it, forget it, let these ridiculous trash show off my strength, otherwise, how could everyone in the multi-universe know how powerful I am!"

Immediately, Bai Can waved his hand, convincing himself to calm down.

But when he saw the strange but extremely familiar face, he couldn't help being stunned at this moment...

"That's... Howard Stark!"

Rao is extremely arrogant and arrogant. When facing his father, his arrogance instantly weakened by three feet. This is what he had expected.

But immediately......

A stern look flashed across Bai Can's eyes, he clenched his hands tightly, anger climbed up his cheeks at this moment, his veins burst, and he looked extremely hideous, 【Mo Faith!"

"If you dare to use this trick, I will definitely make you pay the price!"

In just a moment, Bai Ke understood in his heart that the culprit of all this was Moto, who was the lord of hell, and he was the only one who would act like this.


At this moment, Bai Ke was really angry!

Immediately, countless silver-white symbionts emerged to envelop the body, and rushed into the sky in the next second...

Today, he is bound to "reason" with Mo Faith!

In the parallel universe No. 199999......

Seeing the huge body that was so familiar but felt so strange, Tony involuntarily raised his hand to touch the reactor on his chest.


The whispered words gradually sounded, and the good times with his father slowly emerged in Tony's mind.

Once, his father gave him his first life and brought him into this wonderful world, and when he was infected with the palladium virus, he gave him a second chance to embrace a new life...

Father, for him, is always great!

But as Iron Man, he couldn't even avenge his father. Thinking of this, Tony's complexion couldn't help but become gloomy.

And Captain America, who stood beside him, didn't say anything, but lowered his head that symbolized freedom and justice in shame.

Howard Stark!

The father of his former partner, now a comrade-in-arms who depends on each other for life and death, was killed by his best friend who grew up with him...

And in the face of all this, he chose to save the life of Winter Soldier!

In this matter, Captain America knew that he was wrong, completely wrong, but he had to do this, he couldn't abandon Bucky...

And at this moment, the audience in front of the light curtain, with the gradual clarity of Tony's perspective, at this moment...

An incomparably huge, scarlet-red body, with incomparably red steel shards that burn like lava floating up and down the body, and layers of incomparably hard armor appeared on the torso of the limbs.

That hideous face, at this moment, with huge red horns on top of the head, and countless pieces of broken steel armor protruding between the eyebrows...

And Tony was completely stunned in place, with an incomparably horrified look and a pair of unbelievable faces under the mask.

His appearance has undergone some magical changes, but this seems to reflect the essential image of his soul more appropriately. The hell demon in front of him is his stubborn...

long dead - father!

Howard Stark!


Howard looked grim, looked at Tony, who was like a toy in front of him with contempt, grinned his teeth and said disdainfully, "Lost again? Well, kid? You are always so incompetent!"

"You never had the will to do what was right!"

And when everyone in the multi-universe heard these two sentences, they somewhat realized in their hearts that in this parallel world, the relationship between the two fathers and sons did not seem to be harmonious.

Or, it's all Faith's arrangement.

After all, this guy is so bad!

Facing his father's questioning, Tony couldn't help dreaming back to his childhood, and retorted in a slightly slow tone, "I...I have always tried to do...the right thing!"

But these words instantly made Howard, who was already full of anger, even more angry, and endless hellish evil sprang up all over his body!


"Exactly what I want..."

"Say it!"

Gritting his teeth, Rage said the words, and immediately the muscles of his body exploded, and then roared: "See? I can also make armor, talent is not everything, you care too much about the consequences and never fully realize your potential!"

"You are too weak, but a rich young master!"

"I don't have a son like you!"

At this moment, the blazing hellfire appeared extremely ferocious, but Tony ignored it as if there was nothing, and at this moment he stared blankly in place with his eyes wide open.

He had heard this before, but he still felt incomparably painful——even he didn’t pay attention to the strangeness of Howard in front of him!


In an instant, the turbulent hell fire gushed out from Howard's palm, and the intense beam of file size like a stone pillar instantly made Jing Zhong back suddenly.

If it weren't for Tony's steel armor, it would be extremely resistant!

Already buried in the flames at this moment...

Tony slowly raised his eyes, once again condensed on Howard's body, the body's instinct kept urging him to fight back, to respond to damage with damage.

But Tony felt that it was impossible, because even if the person in front of him became a demon, he was still his father!


Laser fireworks popping up under Tony's feet, and he chose to run away from this incident!


Howard cursed angrily, stretched his left hand forward, and a blue laser shot out of his hand in an instant, and the reverse magnetic position hit the steel armor, which made Tony slam into the ground as if he had lost power.

A deep pit appeared instantly, and the violent shaking and pain all over his body made Tony understand one thing...

He has escaped!

"You are my greatest shame, but I will make you mature!"

"By way of beating you, you pompous little boy!"

"Every day...forever!"

When Tony staggered and slowly got up from the ground, an extremely huge body suddenly appeared in front of him, roaring with his incomparably huge amounts of noisy voice.

On the left and right palms, there are fiery "Hellfire Repulsion Cannons" and blue water-cooled "Reverse Magnetic Cannons"!

This appearance, if you want to strangle him to death.


On the high platform in the distance, Mo Faith was looking at the scene in front of him with great interest, and started talking to himself with a grin.

"It's just like this now. Father and son are in love with each other. Is there any more interesting program than this?"

At this moment, Tony, who is trapped in the battle between father and son, just feels very powerless. "Howard's "reversed magnetic cannon" makes it difficult for him to go all out...

However, this is not his most powerful weapon.

His most powerful weapon, the one that hurt Tony the most, was his words...

"Weak! Pretentious! Indecisive when it's time to act!"

"You've failed us all the time, whether it's me—or your mother!"

At this moment, Tony only felt a suffocating pain in his heart, which made it difficult to breathe like angina pectoris [the whole body was blown out by Howard's fierce punch

The double pain caused by the body and mind.

Tormenting Tony!

And this is exactly what Moto Faith wants to see and taste...

But even he, the instigator, can't imagine it, and sometimes things will turn against each other!

When the incomparably gentle background of his mother appeared in Tony's mind, he immediately felt a sense of comfort all over his body, and his bewildered self-consciousness suddenly froze.

"Do not!"

"She loves me!"

"She loves us both!"

"Love us unconditionally!"

The firm tone blurted out at this moment, because Tony knew that his mother would never disappoint him...

...asking for flowers......

And what Howard said just now is all bullshit!

Even himself!

a moment......

Tony's whole body turned into a cannonball and attacked Howard fiercely, the sudden counterattack immediately knocked him down, and then Tony directly brushed Howard's arm and led him into mid-air, rushing towards the steel monument in the distance. …

"All the good things about me, all the things you call 'weaknesses' - compassion, compassion, all the integrity, she taught me!"

"It all gave me the will, the need and the strength - to finally do, whatever I had to do!"

At this moment, Tony said loudly, and at the same time let his false father, who had already escaped into hell, let him have a close contact with the steel stele without any scruples!

When Howard mentioned the person who shouldn't be mentioned, the confusion in Tony's heart was instantly emptied...

Moto Faith wanted a poor man who was restless and tormented by emotions, but he didn't know that certain words had defeated his means... …

Today's Tony feels more focused than ever before!

looking at falling to the ground

Howard, who was about to launch a crazy counterattack, Tony took out the frost-proof Freon capsule directly from the glove, and looked at the hideous monster in front of him.

He didn't have the slightest hesitation, just threw it away!

The instant the capsule exploded, the demonized Howard was enveloped by absolute zero for an instant, turned into an ice sculpture and kept sprinting, staying in place...

And for this Faith's falsely fabricated father!

He doesn't hold back anymore!


A burst of laser light appeared, and Howard instantly split into countless tiny fragments, scattered on the ground...

Fake, go to hell!

On the high platform, looking at the scene in front of him, Moto Faith was not angry, and said calmly, "Well, there are some things that I didn't expect to have this hand."

Anyway, as long as Tony is in hell, he has plenty of time!

Lots and lots of time to play with this talented boy with a handsome face and a rich face!

As for now.....

Let the little ones have some fun!

As Moto's thoughts sounded, countless slime monsters made a comeback in an instant...

And Tony, after seeing this group of monsters with strange and corrosive characteristics rushing forward like a tide, he immediately flew towards the armored arm left by Howard's death.

He clearly knew that with his primitive strength, he couldn't defeat these unkillable magical monsters, but he also had his own magic: that was technology!

Howard's demon, created by Metor Faith, replicated his invention in an attempt to mock Jean's existence.

But this alternative and unique shame, now comes in handy for real use!

Seeing the countless slime monsters behind him, about to come to him, devouring his armor and his body, Tony has already moved his hands quickly, readjusting the Howard machine

The arm program was expanded with the stand generation model.

The moment the slime monster rose into the air, ready to pounce on Tony and drown him!

A faint blue energy stance appeared in an instant, intercepting the group of monsters, and Tony got—a chance!

A chance to live!

Tony panted fiercely, and then took out the remote signal trigger given by Doom, although his armor did not have the catalytic device installed by Doom.

So I can't start this thing!

However, Tony knew he could replicate the function of the catalytic device...

He believes that he can do it!

Especially the darkness emerging from Youlan's position, he has no choice, he doesn't have much time!

At this moment, countless slime monsters stretched their arms and stuck to the blue stand, and their tiny eyes stared ferociously at Tony inside the light curtain through power.

And their existence, like the plague, is mostly spread out of the entire position, making people feel chills and fear multiplying!

In particular, the acidic properties of these monsters are destroying the existence of the position.....



The extremely clear cracking sound resounding in his ears made Tony's heart extremely restless, and the sweat couldn't stop dripping from his forehead, but he could only lower his head crazily with concentration.

Crazy transformation armor......



But the voice resounding in his ears made him tremble with fear, his hair stood on end.

At this moment, he remembered that he seemed to have underestimated the constant attacks of these little monsters and the fear they caused...


At the moment when Tony had just transformed, an extremely ear-piercing sound appeared, and the position was broken!

Countless slime monsters descend from the sky!

Opening the sticky bloodthirsty green fangs, the stabbing of the blue-faced fangs came... ten....

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