Marvel Clips, Start Inventory of Ten Spider-Man!

Chapter 117 Iron Man: Unexpectedly, In My Lifetime, I Can Still Walk On The Road Of Magic Testing! (

"The little monster with the blue face and fangs killed the famous avenger, is it true or not!"

"Damn! To be honest, it's really scary. I'm most afraid of these little guys. I don't know how long Iron Man's armor can resist!"

"The machine is repaired, he should be able to escape!"

"Maybe...... After all, these densely packed and extremely terrifying little monsters make me feel chills!"

"I must be able to escape, otherwise this Iron Man would not be the biggest joke in history, and died at the hands of countless unknown people in hell..."

"Escape? How can there be such a simple thing, don't forget that there is Mo Faith beside him......

"Indeed, once Faith gets involved, everything will be in trouble!"

Everyone in the multi-universe saw their positions break down, and countless horrifying, grinning slime monsters attacked wildly like locusts.

A hint of worry could not help but appear in everyone's heart.

Iron Man, don't die so hastily!

And at this moment in the light curtain...

Tony, who had just completed the mechanical transformation, saw the green slug-like monster had broken through the stand, and he had no time to choose the frequency of debugging.

In less than a second, the only thing he can do is...


Flip the switch!

In an instant, a bright and dazzling teleporter appeared from above Tony's head, enveloping him instantly...

And those extremely excited green slime monsters who were about to have a full meal lost their target in an instant, and fell into a dog eating shit!

At this moment, Mo Faithto, who was watching all this from the high platform, narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a frightening whiteness, and the corners of his mouth, which were originally raised slightly, curved downward at this moment, showing a strange and terrifying face... .

Although I hate it, I am not in a hurry. As the saying goes, the future will be long...

He has plenty of time!

"Seven Seven Three" At the same time, Dr. Doom has found the witch Morgan Le Fay with the special iron obtained from Me Faith, and integrated it into the battle.

A layer of incomparably sharp edge suddenly appeared on the original silver shell, and at the same time, a sharp long sword appeared in his hand...

At this moment, Tony was very lucky and successfully returned to Earth, but an angry figure appeared in front of his eyes.

Doctor Doom!

"Hehe, the well-known uninvited guest has returned, but I expected you to come back."

At this moment, Dum, who has already achieved his goal, and his combat power has been strengthened like never before, Tian Fen leisurely teased Tony.

But when Tony thought about what happened in hell and the escape from death just now, his eyes became sharper at this moment, and he stared at Dum angrily, "Then you should know what's going to happen next!"

And Dum turned around slowly, showing the sword in the stone that looked extremely sharp in his hand. It was dark and bright, and the silver-plated armor showed a bright and fierce look.

"Yeah!, but I'll be plugging a lot of money—you don't know!"

Those solemn eyes, paired with the cold tone, made Tony a little puzzled, what confidence did this guy bring?

Could it be that the well-known conspirator Dumxiu?

"New look? And a...sword?"

"Forgive me for laughing unkindly, but!"

Now, it's time to use guns, who needs swords!"

Tony couldn't help laughing, raised the laser repulsion cannon in his hand and pointed it at Dr. Doom in front of him, seeing a dazzling light flickering from Tony's palm...


Dum pretended to be mysterious and ironic, and then waved the long sword in his hand at random...

Something unexpected happened!

Iron Man's invincible armor, which can withstand bullets and artillery fire, was easily cut by a long sword!


In midair, driven by the long sword, a streak of blood appeared instantly...  

Countless people in the multi-universe were shocked!

What the hell is this?

Cutting armor is like cutting tofu, what a fart!

It's not just everyone in the multi-universe, looking down at the crack that appeared in front of the chest, as well as the blood that kept flowing out and the painful Tony.

This moment is also bewildered!

What is the origin of this sword in front of me?

"This is the sword in the stone, made by Merlin, and forged by magic, so that the person who holds it is invincible in the world!"

"So, come on!"

"Iron Man, it's time to put an end to the long entanglement between you and me!"

But at this moment, Doom stood the long sword in front of him, with a pair of blood-colored and condensed eyes mixed with the sharp wind edge, looking at Tony......


Doom, Doctor of Destruction, showed a ferocious smile on the face burned by Fire, held up the sword in the stone, and rushed up.

Blocking, horizontal chopping, stabbing, vertical chopping...

Tony was caught off guard, and used the mobility of the mecha to quickly move around. Even facing Doom with the sword in the stone, he still wouldn't give up!

But, unfortunately!

Neither will Doom!

He continued to attack constantly, and the scene turned into ruins in just a few seconds. In the end, Tony had to fully power up the mech, and a powerful force penetrated the ground and hit Dum directly!

In an instant, Dum screamed and fell to the ground covered in smoke.

But Tony knows, Doom is fine!

Because he still holds the sword in the stone tightly...

But now he has started to use the energy in the emergency reserve, and this time, he really has no choice...

Taking advantage of Doom's recovery, Tony immediately flew towards the sky with the emergency reserve energy, and selectively retreated, or escaped!

And a few seconds later, the battle armor that had already integrated the sword in the stone quickly repaired his damage at this moment, and slowly got up, staring at Tony's figure as if he was fleeing, he couldn't help but smile contemptuously.

Those bloodshot pupils showed a scornful contempt at this moment!

Iron Man, but that's all!

Everyone in the multi-universe widened their eyes when they saw this moment, a little unbelievable, when did Iron Man choose to run away?


This is really an eye-opener!

Once upon a time, they agreed that the existence of superhero is to go forward bravely, fearless and difficult...


However, many people expressed that they could understand that all of this was just a tactical retreat, and they couldn't still go head-to-head foolishly when they knew they were invincible!

This is not a superhero, this is a fool!

And Tony, not a fool now...

And inside the light curtain, everyone saw his flying home landed in a forest clearing to allow the magnetic energy armor to be charged with solar energy. The heaviness in his heart was still the scars and blood on his body, which made him feel very tired!

But a virtual phantom suddenly appeared in front of his eyes...

Dressed casually, wearing suspenders, a white shirt beside him, and an old green hat, he looks like a modern person, but Tony recognized the familiar face instantly.

The one who came was the builder of the sword in the stone, the most powerful magician in ancient legends, the old guy who had met a few times——Merlin!


From this guy's mouth, he learned that Doom had deceived himself, that the end summoned by Me Faith was nothing more than ordinary filth, and his main task now was to prevent Doom from getting the other half of King Arthur's power.

The scabbard of the sword in the stone!

The hilt of the sword in the stone can make people invincible, and the scabbard can make people invulnerable!

When the two come together....

Doom will become extremely powerful, so strong that he can truly achieve invincible combat power and invincible defense. Who knows what Doom will do by then...

From Merlin's mouth, Tony learned that the scabbard is hidden in Stonehenge in Scotland, but to get the scabbard must pass a mysterious challenge.

Merlin gave some hints———while using the eyes, use the wisdom of the brain!

Just when Tony wanted to ask more questions, Merlin left a confusing sentence, "Tony, you are the warrior chosen by King Arthur, if it weren't for you... how could you be?" who?"

Then the phantom disappeared in front of his eyes, and these words made Tony confused.



what a joke!

"Thor? Captain America?"

"Or the fucking U.S. Navy?!"

Tony couldn't help talking to himself, mocking himself, saying that this soldier really couldn't be himself, then put on the battle armor with saturated power, and flew towards Stonehenge...

As for Merlin's thinking of himself as a warrior, all this is really crazy!

At the same time, Doctor Doom used magic to give the Sword in the Stone powerful power, found the location of the scabbard, and flew towards...

And the two of them appeared at Stonehenge at the same time!

The eyes collided fiercely at this moment, and the moment Dum fell to the ground, the sword in the stone flashed a brilliant brilliance instantly, and the ground began to tremble crazily.

In an instant, the ground uplifted and cracked, and huge amounts of rock arches burst out of the fertile soil...

One, two, ten... a hundred!

Immediately, a perfect circle was formed, surrounding the two of them, as if creating a—arena?

The space between the huge stone arches shone like a mirror, revealing a gorgeous purple. When all the stone pillars gathered at this moment, the gleaming protective shields immediately began to extend one by one, forming a hood, enveloping Doom and Tony. …

Seeing this, Tony immediately fired two laser repulsion cannons with both hands!

But, in the face of the repulsive cannon with super destructive power, the barrier is like absorbing it, standing still

At this moment, Tony only felt that magic was really annoying, and it didn't obey the law of energy conservation at all!

Newton's coffin boards are about to be overwhelmed...

But Dum didn't care about this at all, seeing that there was a scabbard in the mirror of every stone pillar arch in front of him, he chose a stone door at random without any hesitation, and swung his long sword fiercely to chop it... …

In an instant, the mirror broke, and the space inside it began to become illusory, filled with an indescribable color, and then—more substantial things appeared!

Countless petrified British knights!

In an instant, Tony and Doom struggled to resist the attacks of these irrational stone knights who only knew how to kill, and completely blasted them into rubble!

But unfortunately, during this period, countless stone fragments exploded and spread to the inside of other mirrors, accompanied by the shattering of magic mirrors...

The scene can be described as an exorcism dance!

So much so that in order to eliminate the turbulent liquid tentacles, Tony adjusted the laser cannon to instantly purify everything around with the heat, but there was no energy at all!

And at this desperate moment, Tony couldn't help but hear Merlin's words...

【You'd better use your brain while seeing with your eyes!】

Instantly, Tony's quick observation

From everything around, arches, mirror images, everything is exactly the same...

But immediately, Tony's eyes widened!

He saw it!


The image in one of the mirrors is the opposite, the reality is not the mirror image, but the real picture!

And Doom found out too!

The two rushed towards the mirror in an instant, but the battle armor had no energy, and Tony's booster boots were useless, only for running!

Unfortunately, Doom doesn't have this difficulty.

He soared in mid-air, flying towards the front like a cannonball...

Tony couldn't help feeling extremely heavy in his heart, but he still had determination, and in this situation...

Determined, he is enough!

Seeing that Dr. Doom was about to overtake him, Tony slammed his body, knocking Doom several meters away with his huge and hard arms, and he managed to come directly in front of him, stretched out his hand and

The hilt of the sword is tightly grasped in the palm of the hand.

In an instant, the mirrors shattered one after another, and the sharp fragments scattered in the arena.

And the stone arch also turned into dust and disappeared, leaving only him holding the scabbard...

And Doom with a cold face!

Before the two had time to speak, the hilt of the sword in Tony's book had already begun to glow, dazzling like a slender sun, and then

With a flash of white light, the hilt of the sword disappeared instantly and merged into the body of the steel armor, as if the whole body was covered with a new layer of armor, radiant and extremely handsome!

And on Tony's faceplate, the iconic white mane appeared, as if King Arthur was there in person!

At the same time, Tony felt completely refreshed...

Full of energy, incomparably wonderful, a feeling that has never been experienced before makes people enjoy, the soul of the scabbard flows in his armor, flows in his body...

At this moment, Tony became powerful, full of vitality, and invulnerable!

But Dum expressed disappointment that Tony's actions would kill everyone, and then something unexpected happened, the sky was violently torn apart like a canvas, and then continued


A huge eye, blood-red ferocious, frightening eyes appeared in the sky...

Immediately afterwards, the huge amounts of curtain in the sky were torn apart crazily, and a ghostly monster like a stickman descended into the world, with countless large and small pupils all over his body.


Whether it is hands, feet, skin, or body, all 4.4 are composed of eyeballs!

And on the top of this monster's head, there are three plump eyes with a diameter of several meters...

Tony was stunned!

At the same time, I realized at this moment that this is the crisis of annihilation that Doom told about, and only the sword in the stone with the hilt and scabbard combined into one can defeat this monster!

But now, it's too late.....

The unbelieving Tony immediately fired the laser repulsion cannon, but suddenly discovered that under the transformation of the scabbard, what he fired was a magic repulsion cannon, and his aversion to magic and hesitation

don't trust...

Bombing like a chicken rib [it is difficult to cause any damage at all!

But now, that terrifying and ferocious figure has controlled huge amounts of eyeballs to stare at the humans on the ground. At the moment when their eyes were fixed, many people began to burn...

In an instant, they became like skinny bones, their eye sockets sunken, and their eyes and souls were taken away by the huge amounts of terrifying invaders at this moment!

Immediately afterwards, he began to march towards the crowd, taking people's breath away, killing people!

Seeing countless human beings being brutally murdered, Tony couldn't help but understand everything in his heart. It's time to make a sacrifice. Without any hesitation, he immediately asked Doom to insert the sword in the stone into his chest.

in the chamber.

In an instant, a brilliant colorful light flickered past.

While everyone was waiting for the result, a magnetic voice slowly resounded in Wanjie Photo, and entered everyone's minds...

[Marvel Top Ten Iron Man No. 6!]

【Doomsday001 Parallel World, Sword in the Stone Armor Iron Man!】

[Reason for being on the list: Under the halo of superhero, he is just an empty playboy brother, but with his invincible armor, he is really willing to give up his own

I save the whole world with my life...]

[The Sword in the Stone Armor Iron Man is recognized by Wanjie's photo, and a mysterious reward is hereby issued!].

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