"I think."

Lana pursed her lips and said with a serious face: "He is a hero. Although his actions are also breaking the law, with the collapse of Gotham City's laws, only the logic of using violence to fight violence can curb crime. "

Chloe stopped spinning the coffee, and the girl also gave her own thoughts: "The masked hero's approach will undoubtedly bring more people who want to change the city like him to join, and it can be inspiring."

In the eyes of the two women, what Batman did was cool and great. After all, not everyone has the courage to be prepared to fight against the evil of an entire city.

"Clark, what do you think?" Lana asked dissatisfiedly when she saw Clark's dazed expression.

"Me? I think it's very, very cool." Clark hesitated. In fact, he also had the idea of ​​using these powers to change the world and punish evil and promote good, just like the masked swordsman in Western stories. .

However, the boy's dream was suppressed by his adoptive parents before he even started, and now Clark can only envy the masked man.

"By the way, Gino."

Seeing the topic open, Lana glanced at Chloe, planning to help her friend with a wave of assists: "Are you free tomorrow?"

"I'm going to have a horse race at my house."

Lana's aunt is also a well-known wealthy person in the town. The family runs a horse racing breeding base with considerable profits.


Jino shrugged, glanced at Lana and said, "I'm going back to the metropolis in a while."

"My father was injured and fell into a coma. Someone has to guard the company headquarters, so he won't be able to stay long this time."

Listening to Gino's words, a flash of helplessness flashed in Lana's eyes. Looking at the distraught Chloe, she could only feel regret in her heart. She had tried her best, but Gino really didn't have time.

"Let's get together next time when we have time."

Gino threw a stack of Franklins to the waiter, and he invited the dinner party.

Looking at the young man's leaving figure, Chloe's eyes turned red for some reason.

"Huh? Shall I go outside for a walk?"

Clark noticed that the atmosphere was subtle, and he was somewhat aware of Chloe's feelings for Gino.

After Clark left, Chloe couldn't bear the depression in her heart anymore and couldn't help crying on the table.

Having a crush on someone is so painful.


It is one of the top three cities in the United States in terms of total GDP, attracting elite talents from all over the world.

Compared with Gotham's filth and chaos, Metropolis can be separated from Gotham City by an Amazon trench in terms of sanitation and security.

And located in the residential area on the east side of the metropolis, a shelf is filled with all kinds of strange and weird items.

There are shriveled monkey paws, unknown twisted tentacles, and gray crucibles, all placed on the shelves.

Scattered books and papers littered the table.

"Uh huh huh~"

A brisk singing sound came from the bathroom not far away.


As the door opened, a pair of straight, round, long legs stepped towards the bath towel.

Water droplets slid down the smooth skin and wet the mahogany floor.

Wipe your cheeks with a clean white bath towel and rub your long hair.

The owner of the long legs came to the mirror.

Under the high nose bridge is a delicate and attractive moist red lip, and the white dice earrings are gently swaying under the smart little ears.

A pair of beautiful big eyes seemed to contain magnificent stars, and those purple eyes seemed to come from an extraordinary place, reflecting the flawless and straight figure in the mirror.

The girl put her hands on her hips and pouted: "Magician Zatanna, prepare to attack!"

She put up a small amount of capital, and then exhaled like a deflated rubber ball.

Put on a light blue woolen sweater. The weather has entered autumn and you will catch a cold if you don't pay attention. Then put on black stockings and leggings. Finally, put on the most common magic circle used by circus performers. Hat, a cute girl who is three points mysterious and six points playful is standing in front of the mirror.

The black high-heeled shoes made a clicking sound on the floor. The girl sat back at the table and picked up an obscure magic book to study carefully.

Zatanna Zatara, the only daughter of a magical family, has been working hard to find her father's whereabouts since she witnessed her father disappearing when she was a child.

"so hard."

Zatanna was chanting the convoluted magic spell, feeling a little distracted for a moment, her big purple eyes scanning the photo frame on the table.

Inside is a photo of a blond boy and a black-haired girl.

In the photo, the girl is smiling happily and stroking the boy's neck with her hands.

"I don't know what Mr. Geno is doing?"

Zatanna leaned back in her chair and sighed.

But at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"It's so late, who is it?"

Zatanna glanced at the alarm clock on the table. It was already twelve o'clock in the morning. Who would come to visit so late?

"Menxi Cave!"

The girl whispered softly, and as her words fell, the originally solid wooden door suddenly became illusory, as if it had disappeared from the sky.

Zatanna saw the figure standing outside the door.

He wears a tall body with a black windbreaker, carrying a box of pure beer in his hand, and his beautiful long blond hair is caressed by the wind.


Zatanna pushed the door open almost at extremely fast speed, her purple eyes full of surprise, her little hands rubbed, and a silly smile appeared on her face: "Why are you here?"

"I remember, aren't you in Gotham City?"

Jino threw the beer in his hand to the girl familiarly, walked into the room and took off his windbreaker.

"Something happened at home."

"Huh? Is that okay?"


Gino sat on the chair and motioned to Zatanna to come drink with him.

The two first met back in the year when they were copying Clark.

When her family discovered something was wrong with her, Leticia took Jino to search for many mysterious masters.

Among them is Zatanna's father, Giovanni Zatara.

Giovanni is a powerful magician and often takes on business in exorcising demons and evil spirits.

It was at that time that Gino became familiar with Zatanna, and the two became friends and had a very good relationship.


The wine glasses collided in his mouth.

Zatanna let out a satisfied sigh as the cold wine entered her stomach.

"Uncle Giovanni is still missing?"

Gino poured the girl another glass.

"Not found."

A trace of sadness flashed in Zatanna's eyes.

His father disappeared six years ago when he was thirteen.

In the past few years, apart from running the exorcism business and magic troupe left by her father, Zatanna has spent the rest of her time searching for the truth about Giovanni's disappearance.

A powerful magician could disappear without a trace. This incident has always made the girl sleepless and sleepless.

The atmosphere between the two was somewhat silent for a while.

"Ding dong~"

Another ringing sound interrupted the silence.

"I'll open the door."

Zatanna put down her wine glass and walked towards the door with a swaying waist.


The door opened, and a middle-aged blond woman was standing outside the house with a frightened expression. Her pale lips and frightened eyes were slightly frightening in the dark night. She said in a hoarse voice: "Excuse me, this is Zatanna's Mysterious Affairs." Where?"

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