"Da da da."

The hands of the old clock beat and made a crisp sound.

"Oh, thank you."

Maya, the woman who first appeared at the door, had a tired look on her face and barely managed a smile to take the coffee handed by Zatanna.

She held the coffee in her hands, sank into the chair, and clutched the coffee cup with both hands, hoping to use the warmth of the cup wall to dispel the fear in her heart.

"Tell me about it."

Zatanna sat back at her desk. As a magician, she naturally has to deal with the mysterious things in this world. God, angels, Satan, devils, Barabara, these high-latitude creatures seem to use the earth as a duel ground. A place where they wrestle with each other and have been fighting for thousands of years.

The battle between demons and angels has naturally given rise to the profession of exorcists.

Zatanna is not considered a rich woman. Although she runs a circus, the rapid development of the Internet has long made children less interested in the circus.

The exorcist industry is very profitable. It's okay if you don't open it. Once you open it, you can make money for a month, but there is also the risk of being killed by the devil at any time and going to heaven. It can be said to be high risk and high reward.

Not far away, Jino was also sitting on the sofa behind the girl, closing his eyes and relaxing.

He was feeling sleepy after flying all the way from Kansas to Metropolis, so he decided to take a nap for a while.

"Is such that."

The woman hesitated for a moment and said, "I, my daughter, something was wrong a week ago."

A look of panic flashed in her eyes, and her pupils shrank slightly with fear.

"It started a week ago."

The woman began to tell her what happened last week.

She and her husband run a department store with considerable profits, and they have a very cute daughter.

In order to give the girl the best education, the couple spent a lot of money to send her to a top high school private school in a metropolitan area.

Everything was normal in the first few years, until the girl's senior year (four years of high school in the United States), a group of thrill-seeking boys and girls formed a party and planned to explore a nearby abandoned monastery, and the couple's daughter Sarah, Nature is among them.

This group of bold young men and women set out in the early morning. The dark night and the gloomy atmosphere of the monastery are enough to make people think wildly and secrete a sense of fear.

"When Sarah came back it was midnight and my husband William and I scolded her hard and she appeared very tired."

"At first, I just thought it was a boring high school game."

"Until three days ago."

The woman's eyes flashed with an emotion called fear, and her hand holding the coffee cup trembled slightly.

The woman's thoughts were drawn back to the night three days ago.

Most people in the United States believe in Jesus.

The woman’s family is also a typical Christian.

"Sarah, you look bad?"

At the dinner table, the family after praying tasted the spaghetti mixed with diced beef on the dinner table.

William took out a few tissues and wiped the foam from the corners of his mouth, looking at the girl across the table with a worried expression.

At the age of youth and beauty, Sarah had long golden hair inherited from her mother, but her gray complexion destroyed this beauty.

Sarah sat listlessly on the chair, unconsciously stirring the noodles on the plate with the fork in her hand, and then put down the fork.

"I have no appetite."

Sarah walked up to the room on the second floor with a stooped body. Her curved back looked like something was pressing on her, and every step was extremely difficult.

William and his wife didn't think much about it, they just felt that their daughter might have reached puberty and was going through some unnecessary moaning between men and women.

Until they go to bed, until the time reaches the early hours of the morning.

Maya was awakened by a strange sound.

Eat, eat, eat~

It was like something was scratching the door with its claws.

The sharp voice made Maya panic.

"William, wake up!?"

She gently patted her husband's cheek, and the sleepy William slowly opened his eyes.

Maya looked solemn: "Did you hear anything?"

"Sound, sound?"

William pricked up his ears.

Eat, eat, eat~

"I heard it." William rubbed his eyes and yawned: "Maybe it's termites or something?"

"Tomorrow I'll get a pest control company to come and check the house. Now go to sleep."

William fell into a deep sleep, but his wife Maya could not.

The sound echoed in my ears like a maggot attached to the bone.

And, getting closer!

Eat, eat, eat~

"William, William!" Maya couldn't bear it anymore, and she chose to wake her husband to explain the situation.

"We have to go see it!"

"Okay, okay, calm down, honey." William sighed. He was wearing pajamas, got out of bed, and pulled a revolver from the nightstand.

The couple walked toward the door one after another.

Timid Maya hides behind her husband.

They pushed open the door.


"Father, mother?"

Sarah's voice sounded above their heads, they subconsciously looked up, and then...

The blonde girl was holding a wooden sculpture of Jesus in her hand. Her white teeth kept chewing on the head of the statue. The wooden thorns in the broken wooden sculpture pierced the girl's mouth, but even if the blood flowed, it could not stop the girl.

Her voice gradually became distorted and low, and then a man's voice sounded from Sarah's throat: "This statue smells so good!"

"She's possessed."

The hot coffee steam hits the woman's face, awakening her thoughts.

When she came to her senses, Zatanna on the other side of the table said with a serious face.

Since God created the world, Adam and Eve spread their branches, and humans have multiplied, demons, creatures from hell, have been coveting the human world. Under the leadership of Satan, they have been trying to occupy the human world and turn the human world into their territory. .

It is said that this is because God once had a bet with Lucifer, the Demon King of Hell.

Comparing the number of human souls ascending to heaven or falling into hell, whichever side has more power will control the world.

Therefore, under the leadership of Lucifer, the demons have been wandering around the world tirelessly, spreading the seven deadly sins and leading people to fall.

Of course, Zatanna was not interested in these blabbering things. She looked at the woman.

"What happened next?"

"After that, she became more and more weird. She hated the day and sunshine, liked the night, and even started eating raw beef and insulting God."

Maya covered her cheeks as if collapsed: "And yesterday, she, she climbed up the ceiling of her home like a gecko!"

If the weird behavior in the past few days can be explained by mental illness or epilepsy, then the fact of climbing a wall with bare hands and transforming into a small "Spider-Man" is completely anti-human.

It's not like Maya didn't think about going to see a doctor, but science couldn't explain this weird thing. She could only classify it as a mental illness. She prescribed some sedatives and sent the couple away.

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