"You, you, him?"

In the Defense Against the Dark Arts office, Snape looked at the Grim Reaper floating in the room in despair.

As a former top student at Hogwarts, Snape naturally recognized that this thing was not the so-called illusion magic.

"I reiterate my conditions to you: serve me and take charge of Hogwarts for me."

"In return, I can resurrect Lily Potter."

Hearing this name, Snape's shoulders, which were already a little rickety, trembled.

Lily, the white moonlight in my heart.

"No! You must be lying to me, it's impossible for people to come back from the dead!"

It seemed that Snape was afraid that the greater his expectations, the greater his disappointment. Snape was unwilling to admit this.

However, it seemed that he had guessed his reaction.

Even without Gino's orders, the God of Death recalled Lily's soul from the realm of the dead.

This is a middle-aged woman with a calm face. She looks a little stupid because her mind has been imprisoned by the God of Death.


The moment he saw the woman, Snape could no longer bear the longing in his heart, and tears burst out of his eyes like a waterfall.

He pounced on the light blue soul, but as expected, he missed.

"What do you want from me!?"

Snape fell to the ground and looked up at Gino: "No matter what you want me to do, let Lily live!"

"I'm going to make it very simple, you just need to follow my orders."

Gino smiled, stood up and patted Snape on the shoulder: "Soon, the world will know the news of Dumbledore's death."

"And next, I'll make you the Headmaster of Hogwarts."

"Then control the magical world through some means."


Snape didn't know how he left Gino's office.

He had been a pawn for others all his life, and Snape was not averse to being loyal to another person.

At this moment, his mind was filled with what Gino told him in the room.

Resurrection of the dead,

And the Grim Reaper in the room.

All this proves that what Keno said is not false.

And after Gino's narration, Snape also knew that the other party was not from this universe.

The other party comes from a higher-dimensional universe.

And has this strength.

"So what do I do?"

Snape walked aimlessly, not even paying attention to the little wizards fighting with each other in the corridor.

This actually left many young wizards confused, wondering what happened to Professor Snape tonight.

Looking at the bright moon outside the window, Snape sighed.

How should he choose?

This answer doesn't seem to require thinking. After all, he betrayed Voldemort just to help Lily get revenge.


At the same time Snape made up his mind.

Gino also started his action.

in the office,

"Based on known information."

Keno used a pen to draw on the paper.

"Tom Riddle's diary."

"Marvolo Gaunt's ring."

"Slytherin's Locket."

"Hufflepuck's Cup."

"Ravencloud diadem."


"And Harry Potter."

"These things are all used by Voldemort as a means of resurrection."

Seven Horcruxes related to Voldemort are all recorded in Gino's head, and he needs to get rid of these hidden mines.

"Then, let's start with Riddle's diary."

Deciding to take the world of Hogwarts as his own, Gino would never allow Voldemort to cause trouble.

"Then follow the development of the plot."

Gino held his chin and thought.

"Next, it is very likely that Lucius hid Riddle's diary in Ginny's book."

Lying on the soft chair sofa, Jino held his chin and thought.

Immediately, the young man raised his right hand and tapped the desk gently: "Da da~"

"Professor Gino!"

Harry, who had been guarding the door as a little assistant, immediately opened the door and walked in.

"Harry, go get Ginny."

"Huh? Oh oh."

The Boy-Who-Lived leaves the office.

Soon, a timid little red-haired girl walked into the office, while Harry continued to act as the loyal doorman.

"Lu, Professor Luthor."

Ginny Weasley wrung her little hands, her green eyes seemed to be set on the floor.

"Best regards, Ginny."

Contrary to what he had imagined, this professor of Defense against Dark Arts, who was widely rumored in school, was unexpectedly gentle.

"Want something to drink?"

Gino snapped his fingers, and soon there was a chocolate milkshake on the table.

"Thank you, thank you."

"Okay, Ginny," Gino watched the girl drink her coffee and explained her intention: "I called you here because you recently discovered a mysterious diary, right?"

The boy's voice fell into Ginny's ears word by word, making the girl's already pale face even paler.

"You don't need to know how I know, but I can tell you that the boy who calls himself Tom Riddle in the diary is the diary left by the famous Lord Voldemort when he was a student at Hogwarts."

"He later even made this diary into his own evil Horcrux."

Gino crossed his arms and put pressure on Ginny.

"In other words, the guy in the diary is Voldemort."

Those plain words were like sharp daggers piercing Ginny's heart.

"Professor Luther..."

Even because of fear, the girl's thin body began to tremble uncontrollably.

"Am I going to be fired by them?"

"No, it won't." Jino spread his right hand and said, "Go get that diary and I'll help you deal with it."

Jino's words were like a ray of hope. The girl nodded hurriedly and quickly took out a cowhide diary from her wizard robe.

"Okay, you can go." Jino waved his hand and watched the girl leave.

He raised his hand to open the black diary, and a line of small black words appeared on the paper: "Ginny, what do you need to ask?"

The word was suddenly interrupted before it was formed, and another line of words was immediately re-outlined: "Who are you?"


Jino chuckled: "It's your end!"

The palm turned over to outline a golden light curtain, which then turned into a golden magic blade.


The sound of piercing the pages of the book was heard, and a burst of screams and wails were heard from the black diary.

As thick as the ink spitted out by a squid in distress, the thick black fog gushes out from the diary, forming an angry face under the ceiling.

This face looks very childish, like a little wizard, but the evil light shining in the eyes cannot be faked.

"What have you done?!"

"The garbage of history should go to its rightful place."

Too lazy to talk nonsense with this remnant soul, Jino snapped his fingers, and the hot flames from heaven instantly ignited the black remnant soul. Listening to the wails and screams, Jino stood up slowly: "Next, there are 6 more."

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