
It almost looked like a python as big as a bucket had its head twisted off.

That huge body dispersed in the wind like ashes.

"It's disgusting."

Jino closed his eyes and watched expressionlessly as the snake's body was swept away by the breeze.

They were in the Albanian forest at the moment.

This place in southeastern Europe across the sea from Italy is rarely visited, but it is a good place for people to hide.

This forest here is littered with debris.

From those small skeletons, one can tell that they are all small objects such as bats and mice.

The sky at this moment is slightly white, the night is gone, and the sun is returning to the earth.

"Why did we come here?"

Following Gino, Snape looked confused.

"Because the master you once loyal to is hiding here."

Jino chuckled, waved his hand slightly, and a golden magic net emerged from the sky above the forest to wrap the forest.

"Rustling, rustling~"

Many small animals rushed out of the forests and bushes not far away.

After hearing Gino's words, Snape immediately tensed up and did not dare to move.

Voldemort? Hide here! ?

As if to confirm Jino's statement, when the golden net covering the forest gradually tightened, soon, a thick black mist emerged from a bush.

If you look closely, you can even see the pale noseless cheeks looming up and down in the black mist.

"Snape! How dare you!"

The black mist seemed to be extremely angry, and it rushed towards Snape, whose expression changed greatly, with the thick smoke.

"Betray your master!"

A piercing scream rang out from the black fog, making Gino frown.

"Shut up."

He gently raised his right hand, and the next moment a golden net covered Voldemort.


The holy and blazing energy was like a vicious whip lashing Zai's cheeks in the black mist, making him scream and wail.

"Damn ant! I don't care who you are!"

"When I get out of trouble and recover, I will use your bones and blood to commemorate my rebirth!"

Like a third-rate villain, Voldemort wailed and screamed.

"Are you thinking about those seven Horcruxes?" Looking at the tumbling black shadows in the net, Jino said with a murderous heart: "I'm sorry, they were all destroyed by me."

As soon as these words came out, Voldemort's originally noisy voice suddenly stopped.

The soul's cheeks were full of shock. What did he hear?


All ruined!

"No! This is impossible!"

Voldemort couldn't believe this truth.

But the giant golden net approaching from all sides and the dull-looking Jino made him feel extremely panicked.

If, if those Horcruxes were really destroyed, then he would die completely.

"Do not kill me!"

The golden thread was embedded in Voldemort's soul like a steel blade, making his face more ferocious and crazy.

He said: "I can give you everything you want!"

"Wealth, fame! Even powerful magic!"

"As long as you help me come back to life."

"No, no need." Gino sighed and shook his head, too lazy to talk nonsense with this noseless guy.

"Your only destination is death!"

The golden light became more powerful and blazing, and the young man said: "Don't worry, I will let the God of Death take good care of you in the underworld."


The golden network suddenly closed, cutting and smashing all the black resentful souls.

Accompanied by an ugly and unpleasant rancid smell, Voldemort's death was announced.

"He, he's dead?"

In the forest, Snape looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Yes, he is dead."

Gino glanced at Snape and smiled: "The next thing you need to do is cooperate with me, and by the way... win the favor of Harry Potter."


The rest of the story is simple.

After the news of Dumbledore's death spread throughout the wizarding world, just as Gino expected, people fell into great grief.

For wizards in the wizarding world, Dumbledore's name has long become a symbol of the times.

His contribution to the wizarding world deserves to be remembered by everyone.

The Ministry of Magic even held a grand funeral for Dumbledore.

But the dead have passed away, and the living still have to move forward.

The appointment of a new headmaster of Hogwarts is in full swing.

But after Gino only took the time to visit those school directors, Snape soon passed the nomination of the principal with a unanimous vote and became the new principal of Hogwarts.

And Snape was ordered to keep an eye on powerful young wizards for Gino.

Magic is prevalent in the world of Hogwarts, and if carefully cultivated, these little wizards will become powerful helpers in the future.

In exchange,

Gino kept his promise and resurrected Snape's White Moonlight, who was Harry's mother.

I can only say that the scene when we met was both warm and desolate.

After Lily was resurrected, she also begged Gino to resurrect James, but the boy refused.

Everything is going in the right direction.

However, I heard that Harry was very distressed recently because Snape's attitude towards him was so kind that the boy always thought Snape was crazy.

After spending another day in this world,

Jino also received a resurrection stone made by the God of Death.

Playing with the ruby ​​in his hand, the young man looked gloomy.

It's time to bring this journey to an end.


Monday was supposed to be the most annoying day for little wizards, but at this moment, the corridor was packed with people.

"Professor Luther, we are reluctant to let you go!"

Outside Jino's office, a large number of reluctant little wizards gathered.

They received the news that Keno was leaving,

It was rare to find a powerful Defense Against the Dark Arts professor who ended up leaving before even half a semester.

"Professor Luther! You are a good man!"

Among the crowd, Harry looked at Kino with longing eyes. If there was anyone among these people who was most reluctant to leave Kino, it was Harry.

"Everyone, separation is just for a better reunion."

Faced with the young wizards' attempts to stay, Jino smiled and waved his hands, magic energy surged, and then his figure flickered and disappeared like a meteor streaking across the sky.

The journey back was equally exciting.


Elliot Manor, second floor.

The familiar light blue space wormhole opened up the space, and the boy appeared in his mother's room holding a red gem in his hand.

The woman with blond hair was lying quietly on the bed with her eyes closed, sleeping soundly.

Jino slowly walked to the woman's bedside, sighed, and took out a blood-red gemstone from his pocket.

"Mom, I can cure you now."

He handed the woman the stone that contained violent spiritual power. The magician who could make people immortal obviously contained powerful spiritual power and healing abilities.

When the magic stone was placed in mother's hand.

The moment the stone touched the skin, a bright green light shimmered and enveloped the woman. The powerful spiritual power repaired the trauma on the woman's soul and made her breathing more stable.

Looking at the two cubs beside the bed, Gino smiled.

The boy's voice was soft: "I love you, Mom."

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