In the hall of the Justice League.


The whistling sword cut through the air and slashed heavily on the long metal table, making a sharp sound.

Wonder Woman Diana kept pacing back and forth, shouting to the empty hall: "Singer, tell me where those monsters are hiding!"

Diana was very angry.

Just ten minutes ago, she just rested for a while in London and learned about the tragic situation on Amazon Island.

The monster that fell from the sky took away the treasure that the Amazons had guarded for generations.

This unexpected situation made Diana completely confused.

But what made her even more angry and sad was that her once-famous female general died in the hands of the monster.

Amazons have the blood of worshipping martial arts in their bones, and Diana is no exception.

"Sorry, Miss Diana."

The singer's virtual image appeared in front of the table. She shook her head expressionlessly and said, "My satellite did not capture the traces of those monsters. There are many places on the earth that cannot be detected by technological satellites."

"Then mark them out and I will find them one by one!"

Diana took a deep breath and calmed down.

But the tightly grasped long sword and the bulging blue veins were enough to prove her anger.

"Calm down, don't let anger cloud your mind."

Before Diana walked out of the meeting room, Kino, who was wearing casual clothes, walked in and gently pressed Diana's shoulder.

"We all heard about it. I'm sorry."

Clark pursed his lips and looked helpless.

Hundreds of female warriors died on the Amazon Island. Just hearing this news, you can smell a bloody smell.

"Just the two of you? Where are the others?" Diana glanced behind her, but did not find any trace of other members.

"After receiving your message, Aquaman returned to Atlantis to defend, and some things happened in Batman's Gotham City."

Kino motioned Diana to sit down, and then gently waved his hand for Clark to sit down as well.

"So what is the enemy this time?" Clark spoke first. After following his good brother for so long, he also learned to think with his brain.

After all, only by understanding the enemy can we make better plans.

"According to the information my mother conveyed with the bow and arrow of the goddess of hunting, the enemy this time comes from the universe."

Diana knocked on the table and said, "The dark monarch who invaded the earth thousands of years ago~Darkseid!"

"Thousands of years ago, the evil monarch used the mother box to travel through the universe with his army to conquer the earth."

"But at that time, he was intercepted by the guardians formed by the earth."

"The human coalition, the marine coalition and the Greek gods took the mother box from Darkseid and seriously injured him to escape from the earth."

Diana sighed and said, "But from the current situation, that guy is probably resurrected again."

"According to my mother's description, the one sent this time is Darkseid's first condemner: Steppenwolf."

"A tyrannical and cunning guy."

Diana rubbed her brows and said, "I need to know where it hides now."

"Then, I will chop off its head with the Vulcan Sword to avenge the general!"

"Singer, drop out of the map."

Kino pressed the button on the table, and soon, the big screen played the picture.

This is a world map, where every inch of mountain and building is clearly visible.

"Now exclude those places we can observe, and keep the places blocked by signals."

As Kino spoke, many places on the map disappeared immediately.

"Antarctic, Arctic."

Kino looked at the marks on the map.

"And Japan and Chernobyl."

The singer reported the remaining places.

And the three people also focused their attention on the four places on the map.

Two of them were extremely cold and covered with snow,

The remaining two were due to the influence of nuclear pollution and the changes in the surrounding magnetic field.

"Clark, if you were Steppenwolf, where would you hide?" Kino turned his head and looked at Clark.

"Ah? Me?"

Clark glanced at the map, pinching his chin to give his own opinion.

"The North and South Poles, right? After all, there are snowstorms and the climate is bad. The most important thing is that the landform is vast and convenient for hiding people."

"This is indeed a good choice."

Kino pinched his chin and tapped the table lightly, shaking his head and said, "But you forgot that the Atlanteans also have their own outposts in the North and South Poles. If Steppenwolf really chooses to put the base here, it will be discovered sooner or later."

"Is that Japan?" Diana's eyes fell on the island that looked like an earthworm on the map, and a cold light flashed in her eyes.

As someone who participated in World War II, she clearly saw the madness of those Japanese evil spirits.

"No, if it was Japan, they would have come to their American father crying and shouting." Kino still shook his head: "And Japan can't hide so many monsters."

"After eliminating all the impossible options, there is only one possibility left."

Kino raised his head and pointed his right hand to Chernobyl, which is located at the junction of Xiaowu and Belarus, and said: "It is very likely that Steppenwolf is hiding here."


The metal door opened again, and Batman, who exuded an unpleasant smell, walked into the hall with a gloomy face.

"We have to act quickly."

"Just a while ago, some terrible monsters appeared in various places in Gotham City."

As the man spoke, he threw out a stack of photos from his bat belt.

Various terrible ugly monsters were photographed on it, and their faces looked like a mixture of flies and insects, and they looked ugly.

"This kind of monster has been recorded in Amazon history, and it is called the demon." Diana picked up the photo with a serious expression: "They are the minions of Darkseid, responsible for serving Darkseid."

"But why did they appear in Gotham City?" Batman pursed his lips and showed a classic suspicious expression.

"I've talked to them before."

Diana pointed at Gino and Clark: "Darkseid's men are searching for the mother boxes scattered around the earth."

"These mother boxes are like magic sorcery. When they are all gathered together, they can open up a sonic boom channel, allowing Darkseid to reign on Earth again."

Batman said: "So, where are those mother boxes now?"

"There are three in total. After defeating Darkseid, they were kept by the human Amazon and the Atlanteans respectively."

Diana clenched her fists and was angry: "The mother box of Amazon has been taken away by Steppenwolf."

"Now only Atlantis is left, and the mother box of the human world is missing!"

"Sir, there is a call from the Atlantis hotline."

It seems that bad news comes one after another. Soon, Arthur's figure appears on the big screen.

The young Lord of the Sea is sitting on his throne at this moment, and he said to his companions on the other end of the video with a look of annoyance: "I'm late, the mother box of Atlantis has been taken away!"

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