Chapter 335 Barry Allen

"Things are not going fast."

Kino frowned slightly and looked at everyone: "There is no need to wait any longer, follow my plan now."

"Chernobyl needs people to go, but there is still a mother box left in our society."

"Someone must stay on the mainland to guard."

The boy looked at Batman, Clark, and Wonder Woman, then Kino nodded to Batman and said: "When I am not here, the command will be handed over to Batman."

"Singer, open the first level of authority to Batman."

"I understand." Batman nodded, pinching his chin and thinking about how to arrange the candidates in his hands.

The singer responded: "The first level of authority has been opened to Batman, and all members of the Justice League can be mobilized."

"What about you?"

Clark looked at Kino curiously: "Can one person do it?"

"One person?"

Kino smiled and shook his head: "I don't think I am alone."

"It's just right to take this opportunity to add some new faces to the league."

Ten minutes ago


A place that should be exiled.

A place cursed by the gods.

A huge abandoned snow cone-shaped nuclear power plant is located at the highest point in the abandoned city, with weeds growing everywhere.

The dilapidated houses, the unmaintained streets, the gray sky and even the eight-legged genetically mutated rabbits that occasionally run through the grass prove that the environment here is bad, and it is extremely bad.


A huge silver light column fell, and a figure led the flying demons with flapping wings out of the light column.

"We are here."

The huge iron boots stepped on the dilapidated red cloth, and the steppe wolf raised his head and sniffed, with a satisfied look on his face: "The toxicity here is very high."

High toxicity and bad environment mean that it is not suitable for the survival of creatures on this planet, and it is suitable as a base camp, oh no, it is the pioneer place for Darkseid to invade the world.


The huge body rose from the ground and jumped into the abandoned nuclear power plant.

Darkseid looked down at the Mother Box in his hand, and then stuffed it hard into the steel pillar.

Orange light flickered, decomposing each other and constructing a twisted tower that extended to the sky.


Steppenwolf grabbed a demon-like by the neck and threw it into the sky: "Go and pursue the breath of the Mother Box!"

"Find them all! Form a unified force, then."

Steppenwolf lowered his head, his eyes flashing with fanaticism: "Darkseid will see my value again, and I will return to him!"

Countless demons flapped their wings and disappeared into the sky. Steppenwolf raised his hand and pressed the tower transformed by the Mother Box. He whispered: "Desaad! I'm looking for you!"

Accompanied by his shouting, the iron blocks on the tower deformed and reorganized into a tall alien creature cast in steel.


The guy called Desaad lowered his head and stared at Steppenwolf, who was a head shorter than him.

The eyes under the hood flashed scarlet light: "Have you collected three mother boxes?"

"This world is falling apart." Steppenwolf swung the battle axe in his hand and looked up: "Human beings are uncivilized. They only like to kill each other. There is no unity, no hope, and no technology."

"Under the glory of Apocalypse, they will soon kneel under our conquest, and I will also collect three mother boxes to conquer the earth and welcome the arrival of the great dark king!"

Listening to Steppenwolf's words, Desaad had a blank expression on his face: "I'm asking you how many of the three mother boxes you found?"

"One. "Steppenwolf said truthfully: "The other two mother boxes are still sleeping."

"But the demons can sense their existence."

"It won't be long before I can find three mother boxes."

"Very good." Desaad smiled with satisfaction, but looked at Steppenwolf deeply and said: "Remember that you have committed the crime of betrayal. As punishment, you must conquer 50,000 worlds for Darkseid. Now this is 49,999. I hope you can succeed, Steppenwolf."

"Then I will convey your loyalty to the great dark master."

"I understand."

Steppenwolf slowly lowered his head.

The conversation between the two has a long history. It was when Darkseid just became the master of Apokolips. After experiencing failure on Earth, Darkseid, who returned to Apokolips, was betrayed by his opponents. Steppenwolf was one of them. He once coveted the throne and wanted to steal it.

But the Dark King is worthy of being the Dark King. He easily put down the rebellion and exiled all the people of Apocalypse who betrayed him.

The unfortunate Steppenwolf has no home to return to since then, and has been exiled in the universe for thousands of years until a mother box on Earth awakened him and brought him to Earth.

"So are you confident in yourself?"

Desaad asked again.

"This planet is different from the barren planets you usually conquer. It is magnificent and beautiful. At the same time, there are supernatural beings with strange abilities living on this planet."

"I learned through their network that there is an organization called the Justice League."

Desaad stared at Steppenwolf and said, "You'd better be careful. I heard that the leader of the Justice League is terrible. He has killed many creatures who dared to invade the earth."

"No." Steppenwolf shook his head with a firm look: "I investigated that human. He is not a Kryptonian or a member of the Green Lantern Corps."

"In my opinion, he is just an ordinary human with some extraordinary abilities!"

Steppenwolf raised his battle axe: "If he dares to stand in front of me, I will chop him to death with my weapon."

"This world will eventually fall, just like other worlds!"

Central City.

"Hey, good morning!"

Pushing open the glass door, a young boy with black hair walked into a convenience store with a smile on his face.

A black girl passed by him, and the two smiled at each other while leaning against the glass. The boy rubbed his nose and took out a wrinkled resume from his pocket and handed it to the convenience store owner: "Hello, ma'am, I'm here for an interview."

"Barry Allen?"

The middle-aged white woman looked down at the resume in her hand and raised her eyebrows slightly: "Do you have experience walking a dog?"

Just as the two were talking, the black girl outside the window also got into her car and drove towards the intersection.

And on the road not far from the intersection, a heavy truck was driving.

"Oh, my donut!"

The donut in the truck driver's hand fell off the seat, and the man lowered his head to cut it but did not notice that the traffic light not far away had turned red and prohibited passage.


The car whizzed to the other end of the road, and at the same time, the truck rushed towards the car at a fast speed!


The front of the truck suddenly hit the side of the car, and the girl screaming in fear and the confused truck driver formed a desperate life and death line together!

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