Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes

Chapter 1966 The dark night is coming!

"What Deadman zombie? I thought it was your helper!" Dr. Drake was also very puzzled when he received the call, why did he want him to throw it away? These ghosts have nothing to do with him for half a dime

"What! Didn't you find it? Who found it?" The big boss said in astonishment, with a strange feeling in his heart.

"I don't know, there seem to be more and more Deadman anyway, let's not talk about it, I'm going to deal with them, and there are a few in my base. Let's talk later, this may be the third force." Drake After the doctor finished speaking, he hung up the phone and started symbiosis by himself.

Body integration, fight with the undead zombies in the base.

The big boss's eyes flashed with doubts. He didn't know who would do this? Even if the zombies were used to achieve a certain purpose, it would be despised and destined to fail.

The big boss made another call, this call was made using satellite, "Commander Camoree, do you see those new monsters? I'm very confused, where did those things come from, can you? tell me-?

Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da ! There still seemed to be gunshots on the other end of the phone .

There is a stitched alien head, and there are traces of stainless steel nails at the stitching. This strong and tall strange man is the commander of the aliens, Camorie,

"I don't know, these monsters also appeared in my camp. You wait, I need to go to the elders, maybe the elders know something." Commander Camoree hung up the phone after he finished speaking.

The big boss can only wait anxiously. He wants to do something, but he doesn't know if it should be carried out. It was supposed to revoke the action privileges of Batman and Iron Man, it seems that it should be later, those two full guys don't know if there is anything

What Feng Zhang.

The appearance of zombies also let Iron Man and Batman at home know, because this very strange thing appeared in their manor and villa,

It took a lot of effort and strong light grenades to suppress these undead zombies. After burning with sulfuric acid and high temperature, it was very difficult to destroy them. This is a waste of time and inefficient.

Batman turned on the call channel, "Tony, things have changed, now do you think you have to go undercover in the Black Death?

"I think I should change my mind. I understand that the Black Death is afraid of the power of the lamp ring. We may ask Jordan, he should know what to do." Tony thought of a good way.

"But Jordan is busy rebuilding the Green Lantern Corps now. I don't know if there are any extra rings." Batman frowned.

"No matter, let's go to him first. Only the green light ring can damage the monsters under the Black Death. Now go back to Sakaar and talk about it." Tony started the teleportation mode after speaking, spending a certain amount of points to teleport to the designated place , this is Bifrost's

The advantage is that there is a good body that can support the tearing of the teleportation, and the second is the points

When the big boss called Tony and Bruce, both of their intelligent systems replied that they had left Midgard, and the return time was temporarily uncertain, and they could leave a message for a while.

There are also undead zombies in Wakanda, and many more. Because Wakanda recommends burial rather than cremation, this has resulted in an astonishing number of corpses that can be resurrected by the power of the Black Lantern

Fortunately, the current king of Wakanda is Su Rong! The unique queen, and the most powerful among the kings of all dynasties.

In Wakanda, there are many superhero on vacation here. As soon as undead zombies appeared, they were beaten on the ground by these superhero. At the beginning, it was still two punches in turn. After all, there were too many enemies and too many heroes, and it was a bit difficult to fight, so I could only fight symbolically.

The two punches were fun.

"Your Majesty, there are a large number of zombies in the territory, and the warriors of the border tribe cannot cause effective damage to these zombies. Please ask for support." Okye said to Su Rui.

Su Rong frowned, she was very upset, because she didn't want to be a king, but wanted to study experiments. "Take all my 37th weapons apart and test their power. Tell the superhero to keep the undead in one

range, don't let them spread.

So the whole Wakanda was busy. Everyone worked together to create a dirt pit, huge amounts of dirt pits filled with potions to prevent escape

Spider-man Peter is very busy. He is using cobweb to wrap every slow-moving undead zombie and throw it into the big dirt pit.

Ghost Rider uses his Eye of Judgment to stare undead zombies to death. These zombies are all soul-conscious. Once they feel ashamed, they will be burned into a pile of ashes by the fire of hell.

The King's Guard began to have experimental guns in the arsenal. This gun is similar to a spear and is the favorite style of General Okoye.

The spear has a special button that, once pressed, can be used as a laser gun

The spear that condensed the energy of several light sources suddenly burst into a burst of strong light, and the undead zombies that were slow to move suddenly screamed strangely, reaching out to block these strong lights, but they disappeared under the strong light.

Queen Su Rong saw it clearly on the surveillance video, "It's still effective to gather different spectral energies through physical means, but I don't know if it's effective to deal with those stronger monsters. Well, let the soldiers take it. go with this spear

Destroy all monsters in the area.

"What about the monsters outside the area?" asked Nagiya, a very special guard member, who was more concerned about other areas and wanted to persuade the new king to open Wakanda by becoming a guard.

"They will solve their affairs naturally, so we don't need to worry about it. With that in mind, you might as well think about how to strengthen your defense." Su Rong said coldly, she was indifferent to other things, and what did other people's lives have to do with her? ?

Najia didn't know what to say. It seemed that whether it was T'Challa or Su Rong, the attitudes of the two siblings were surprisingly consistent.

Captain America Steve and Winter Soldier Bucky have been busy for a while, both tired and exhausted, "Looks like we're going to have a delayed wedding, I can see that war is coming! We have to be ready. !

PS book shortage can read the new book "Showdown Begins with Resident Evil", which is already on the shelves! Six


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