Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes

Chapter 1967 The daughter of Sister Xia's File Size!

"It's impossible to get married so quickly, but the kids can come down. Steve, we're different now, from winning the war to surviving the war." Winter Soldier Bucky laughed.

Times have changed for adults! Superhero has also started a family and a business, and he has also started to have his own ideas. From the moment he sees a crime, he screams and rushes up to uphold justice, and now he has learned to wait and see, which is a change.

Steve looked at the Wakanda escort who were wiping out undead zombies with special weapons in the distance and said, "Yes, times have changed, we need to change too, we will see other new superhero in the future, but for now we still need to continue to carry this burden. .

"Shouldn't this burden be Jiang Yifu's resistance? How did it become us to fight? Isn't this a bit wrong?" The Blade warrior Brooks also appeared suddenly and asked a question.

"We need unity, he will deal with the next level, we will be in charge of the main battlefield!" Steve explained, he didn't mind his mother's affairs, on the contrary he felt very good, because his mother Sarah has been with Jiang Yifu for decades , this feeling is more than any

Everyone needs to be deep, and she doesn't know how many daughters she has given birth to. It's just boring to care about this kind of thing.

"So it looks like the war is getting close again?" Falcon asked, and it's going to be another war, and it hasn't been played for long.

After half a day, Wakanda's undead zombies have been disposed of. The new weapon researched by King Shu Rui has great lethality to zombies, which makes the residents of Wakanda feel a lot more at ease. At the same time, reading Shu Rui is more supportive, and there is the ability to protect the residents. The king of the country is a good country

The superhero were also meeting at the residence, and Steve asked Doctor Strange in front of the screen, "Strange, a large-scale undead zombie appeared in Midgard, with a strong force of death, is this the breath of the nine hells leaking?

Doctor Strange is still meditating, "No, it's the Black Death, who spreads the power of the Black Lantern in the multi-universe. As long as you find the Green Lantern Corps, you can restrain those undead zombies. Oh, and some of yours. Old rivals will also be resurrected, they have

It has become the lackey of the Black Death Emperor, and has destroyed many planetary problems.

"Old rival? Who?" Steve wondered.

"I don't know either. You'll know when the time comes. You need to reunite the Minions now, otherwise it will be difficult to fight Dark Night!" Doctor Strange reminded.

"What about you? Aren't you coming back?" Steve asked again

"We shouldn't, the seal here is getting weaker and weaker, and when you solve the Black Death's rebellion, it's almost over here. Listen to me, Steve, you have to reconcile Bruce and Clark, or you will be punished. One by one," said Doctor Strange.

After that, he hung up the communication and began to concentrate on maintaining the magic circle.

This remark made Steve feel a lot of pressure, and being a peacemaker? There's no benefit to this profession, and it might turn into a punching bag.

"Where's Clark?" Steve asked suddenly

"It's probably in Metropolis, where is his hometown." Green Arrow asked Oliver, he didn't choose to go back to Star City, and it was useless to go back

Oliver just got on the phone with his sister, Thea, and knew that although the zombies of the Black Death also appeared in Star City, they could still control it. It's just that his assistant Felicity was on maternity leave, which surprised him a bit. After learning that it was Jiang Yifu's good deeds, Green Arrow was not surprised.

That bastard is not reassuring

"Rod, do you know where Tony is?" Steve started contacting the War Machine, trying to find Tony's whereabouts.

"He, Bruce, went back to Sakaar. It seems to be discussing the matter of dealing with the Black Death. It will take a while. How about your side? Now there are undead monsters all over the world, and some areas have already fallen." Rhodes side say, there is

There was an explosion.

Then there was a burst of blind tones, and it seemed that contact was lost.

A large map appeared. At present, many small cities have lost contact, a large number of refugees have been killed, and the roads are full of abandoned vehicles. The monster that suddenly appeared, can't even deal with firearms, how can this not cause panic?

The big boss Gamma warriors are also fighting bloody battles, but for those zombies, as long as it is not the power of the emotional spectrum, they cannot cause damage to them, and even if they can cause damage, they will be slowly repaired

The power of the black lamp is such a rogue, with very direct weaknesses and very direct advantages. If you can't find a way to restrain yourself, you can only be swallowed by the power of the black lamp, and there is no room for manoeuvre.

After the alien communal bull body stored the bull, it could not cause effective damage to the zombies of the power of the black lamp, but was swallowed less and became the Proxima Midnight communal bull body!

Compared with the original symbiotes, these Proxima Midnight symbiotes are more violent, and they will constantly forage and devour. After swallowing enough energy, they will begin to evolve and become a cocoon, which is very disgusting.

Seeing that the situation could not be controlled, the big boss went to the front line decisively, and personally grabbed an undead zombie and went back to study.

The warriors of Pioneer Technology were also fighting against these undead zombies, and Mordok's eyes flickered a few times, and finally they went to find the boss.

The alliance is a loss for all, and Mordok has no other choice. Those undead zombies will attack when they see the living, not killing them all at once. They will use various methods to torture them, and after they get enough negative emotions Only to kill the opponent, the method is abnormally disabled

Only by uniting with the big boss can Pioneer Technology continue, and Mordor doesn't want to be killed in two days after washing himself.

At the same time, Dr. Drake, who was possessed by Riot Possession 0.6, also came to fight the big boss's laboratory. The three of them conducted research on the captured undead zombies, trying to find a way to destroy the other party, but it was impossible, and it was also worthwhile to find some ways to restrain them. good

A woman with oriental beauty and fair skin stood above the city building, observing the riots in the area with binoculars. "The Black Death invaded? It's fun, why don't you find a few to play with?

This woman is Jiang Yifu's daughter, and her mother is Xia Ziyi, a file size sister who was sent to Jiang Yifu as a hostage from the beginning. Therefore, she has a typical oriental beauty, and as the daughter of a bastard, she is as cunning and powerful as ever.

PS book shortage can read the new book "Showdown Begins with Resident Evil", which is already on the shelves!


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