With the help of the special rewards of falsehood and reality obtained before, he manipulated everything and made everything at will. At this moment, the entire Hell’s Kitchen was like a canvas in Rock’s hands, which he could control and set at will.

After doing everything, Rock frowned slightly as he looked at the Hell’s Kitchen that had undergone earth-shaking changes. He always felt that something was missing.

When he looked up, he suddenly realized it.

The next moment, Rock raised his two hands. In his left hand, a full moon took shape. When he walked on it, a sun slowly appeared.

When the sun and the moon were completely formed, they slowly floated up and dotted in the air. At this moment, the shocking scene of the sun and the moon in the same sky became the unique scenery of this area.

After doing all this, Rock’s body exploded instantly and turned into countless light particles. A moment later, he appeared in the central hall.

At this time, the black cats Felicia, Psylocke, and Caliban were still in a daze and could not come back to their senses.

Countless light particles gathered and finally gathered into a figure, appearing on a seat.

Seeing Rock’s appearance, the black cat could no longer hold back its shock and pounced on him, wrapping one of Rock’s arms tightly around his own drowning ravine, with a blush of extreme excitement on his face.

“How did they do it? How did they do it?”

“Have you become a god?!”

Rock smiled faintly:”It’s just a transformation of a hell’s kitchen. If a god is only at this level, it’s too insulting to the title of god.”

“I don’t care, in my heart you are God, my God! So cool!”

Rock shook his head and stopped paying attention to the obviously overexcited black cat Felicia. His eyes turned and fell on Caliban.

Being stared at by Rock, Caliban shrank his head first, then felt it was impolite, and immediately raised his head again and looked at Rock.

If before, Caliban only had awe and submission to the powerful for Rock, then at this time, there was obviously a bit more fanaticism in his eyes.

God! This is definitely the God among mutants!

Serving such a God is not an insult to him, but his honor!

Rock’s finger fell, and a ray of light burst out instantly. Caliban didn’t even dodge, and let the ray of light sink into his mind.

After a moment, Caliban opened his eyes, and there was obvious shock in his eyes.

Hell’s Kitchen, the black market plan in the other world!

What an exciting plan!!

Looking at Caliban with an eager and excited face, Rock nodded

“Caliban, you will be the eyes of Hell’s Kitchen from now on. You must always keep an eye on every superhuman in Hell’s Kitchen. A successful black market must first gain those who have a sense of identity and trust. Your importance is beyond doubt.”

“It’s my honor!” Caliban said hurriedly.

He was just a level one mutant, but he was given such an important responsibility. What does it mean to be valued and recognized? This is valued! This is recognition! At this moment, Caliban thought of an old Eastern saying-a man will die for his friend!

At this moment, Caliban’s loyalty soared like a rocket, and he was quickly becoming a die-hard fan.

Rock opened his hand again, and above the sky, the sun suddenly cast a ray of light, and in Rock’s palm, a card gathered.

The card was golden in color, with a pair of golden eyes on the surface, and a number two underneath.

With a casual throw, the card fell into Caliban’s hands.

Caliban took the card with a puzzled expression on his face.

“Boss, what is this?”

“As an insider of Hell’s Kitchen, you naturally have special treatment. That is your exclusive card, which is equivalent to your identity card. It also means that you enjoy the second-level privileges of Hell’s Kitchen.”

“With the help of the second-level authority, you can have a certain influence on the sun and the moon in the sky, and you can even use the sun and the moon to trigger a blow that carries my power, which can easily kill a third-level mutant.”

Caliban’s eyes lit up instantly, and he carefully put the card away. This thing will be as important as his life in the future.

Then, Rock condensed two golden cards again. One was a second-level card like Caliban, with a sword pattern. This one was given to Psylocke, and the last one was a lazy cat pattern, and the number below was one.

Taking the only first-level card, the black cat Felicia snorted proudly at Psylocke with a satisfied look on her face. Psylocke directly ignored the black cat Felicia. Psylocke was not stupid. This black cat was obviously an old man, and it was completely understandable that he was higher in level than her and Caliban.

At this time, Caliban spoke again.

“Boss, according to your great plan, the entire Hell’s Kitchen will definitely become the most special place in the world, a sacred place in the hearts of all superhumans. In order to strengthen this sense of identity, do we need some special items that can represent us, such as special currencies issued by us? Or identity certificates similar to the cards you made?”

These means are all to strengthen the sense of identity and belonging.

“It’s too early for that.”

Rock had thought about these problems a long time ago. He already had a plan for special currency and identity cards. He even wanted to re-plan the levels of the supernatural beings in the entire world. After all, the levels in the Marvel world were too chaotic. The levels above the sub-father were fine, but below the sub-father, it was a mess.

However, these things couldn’t be rushed. If you try to eat a big fat man in one bite, you will choke to death.

“The next thing to do is to develop this place first. This area is too empty.”

Caliban immediately understood that empty does not simply mean that there are few people, but that we need to make it famous so that more people know about it and recognize it.

“Boss, I can find all the mutants, but, I am not very efficient alone.”

“” Who said I’ll leave you alone?”

Caliban looked up in astonishment, glanced at Psylocke, and then at the black cat. Did he still want these two to accompany him around the world?

At this time, the black cat Felicia immediately understood and said,”I’ve found someone for you.”

He took out a mobile phone from his chest, dialed a few numbers, waited for the call to be connected, and quickly said a few words.

Not long after, a large group of people appeared in the palace.

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