The brush in the painter's hand? A special way to preserve the scenery?

Although Huang Rong didn't quite understand, she was somewhat interested in what Luo Wei said.

""Sir, can I use this?"

She asked Luo Wei tentatively, wanting to try out this thing called a camera to see if it was as useful as she imagined.

Luo Wei naturally would not refuse this and patiently taught Huang Rong how to use the camera. Although Huang Rong was from an ancient time, the use of a camera was not complicated and anyone could learn it.

After a while, Huang Rong mastered the use of the camera and wandered around Peach Blossom Island with it, wanting to take pictures of everything she saw.

This is normal and many beginners have this idea.

After a while, Huang Rong suddenly thought of something and asked,"Sir, can this camera also be used to take pictures of people?"


""Then, sir, can you take a picture for me?"

Luo Wei nodded, took the phone from Huang Rong, asked Huang Rong to stand under a peach tree, and took a picture of Huang Rong and the peach tree.

In the photo, Huang Rong, who was so beautiful that she couldn't look directly at her, stood under the peach tree. She looked back suddenly and showed a charming smile.

Luo Wei had to admit that some people were really photogenic and the photos they took were really good-looking.

But at the same time, Luo Wei had to admit that his photography skills were really average.

He didn't show Huang Rong's beauty thoroughly.

Fortunately, Huang Rong didn't care about this. She looked very happy in the photos.

Soon, the two of them left various group photos on Peach Blossom Island.

At noon, the two returned to the center of Peach Blossom Island and found that Huang Yaoshi and Zhou Botong had drunk too much and were sleeping soundly in the pavilion.

Feng Heng and Sha Gu were cleaning up the mess. Qu Lingfeng saw the two of them coming back and hurried forward to greet them.

"Young Master, Junior Sister, you are back."

Feng Heng breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her beloved daughter coming back. She was really afraid that Luo Wei would eat her daughter up.

If Luo Wei knew what Feng Heng was thinking at this moment, he would definitely roll his eyes.

Huang Rong was not yet eighteen years old at this moment. Even if he was lustful, he would not do anything to a minor.

Who was he looking down on?

Fortunately, Luo Wei did not know what Feng Heng was thinking at this moment. He asked Huang Rong to go to the kitchen to make him lunch, and then said to Qu Lingfeng and Feng Heng who were cleaning up the mess:

"I have already been around Peach Blossom Island, the scenery is really nice, but I plan to leave Peach Blossom Island'."

Qu Lingfeng was a little surprised,"Ah, are you leaving so soon? Sir, don't you plan to stay for a few more days?"

Feng Heng also nodded,"Yes, yes, the scenery of Peach Blossom Island is beautiful and charming, don't you plan to enjoy it for a few more days?"

She had just been resurrected and was about to share the joy of family with her husband and daughter.

Luo Wei suddenly wanted to leave, so wouldn't her daughter have to leave with him?

This made Feng Heng quite reluctant, and she tried her best to keep Luo Wei.

But Luo Wei didn't plan to stay. Peach Blossom Island was such a small place, and he had seen everything he should see, and it was time to leave and go to the next place.

So after lunch, Luo Wei planned to leave.

He had discussed this matter with Huang Rong, and Huang Rong also agreed to leave with Luo Wei.

As for Sha Gu and Qu Lingfeng, Luo Wei planned to leave them on Peach Blossom Island.

Now that he had Huang Rong, the two of them were naturally dispensable, and it would save them from being around him. She became a light bulb while sitting on the flying magic carpet.

Although Feng Heng was reluctant, she couldn't say anything seeing Luo Wei was so persistent.

After lunch, she took her daughter to talk for a long time, telling her all the thoughts over the years, which made Huang Rong burst into tears.

In the end, the two said goodbye reluctantly. Luo Wei took out the flying magic carpet and took Huang Rong away from Peach Blossom Island.

On the way out, Huang Rong sat on the flying magic carpet and cried, which was pitiful. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!) When

Luo Wei saw this scene, he always felt like a gangster who separated the other party from her family.

He sighed and said,"If you really can't bear to leave, I will send you back to Peach Blossom Island."

The reason why he wanted to take Huang Rong away with him was that he couldn't bear to part with Huang Rong's cooking skills. After all, Huang Rong's cooking is really delicious.

If Huang Rong really didn't want to leave, he wouldn't force her.[]

At worst, he could just teleport Huang Rong over when he wanted to eat, and then send her back to Peach Blossom Island after Huang Rong finished cooking for him.

Magic is so willful.

However, after hearing this, Huang Rong quickly wiped away the tears on her face, shook her head, and said,"Since Rong'er has already promised the young master, Rong'er will naturally not regret it."

"Besides, Daddy has not come to Rong'er to apologize yet, Rong'er is eager to leave Peach Blossom Island as soon as possible."

Luo Wei saw her pretending to be strong and shook his head,"Forget it, as long as you are happy."

Huang Rong sorted out her mood, sat beside Luo Wei, looked at Luo Wei with a smile, hugged Luo Wei's shoulders, and pressed her soft body against Luo Wei's

".Sir, where are we going next?."

This was the right question. In fact, Luo Wei had not decided where to go after leaving Peach Blossom Island.

Since Huang Rong asked this question, Luo Wei was embarrassed to say that he had not thought about anything.

So after a little thought, he said,"How about we go to Jiangnan?"

Jiangnan has been a prosperous place since ancient times. There should be a lot of delicious food and fun things there.

After hearing this, Huang Rong clapped her hands and said,"Okay, okay, then let's go to Jiangnan."

So the two of them spent a day riding a flying magic carpet to Jiangnan.

The scenery in Jiangnan is beautiful. Luo Wei didn't know how beautiful it was before, but now he knows that the scenery in Jiangnan is really beautiful.

The original ecology of Jiangnan without any pollution is even better. The prosperity here is far beyond Luo Wei's (Zhao Zhao Zhao) imagination.

Luo Wei originally thought that life in ancient times was actually very boring, rising at sunrise and resting at sunset every day.

But when you really come to the ancient world, you will find that people who work at sunrise and rest at sunset are ordinary people.

The nightlife of the ancients is much more interesting than imagined, and the ancients played many tricks. There were no fewer entertainment options than modern people, and the entertainment items were dazzling.

It was just that their productivity was backward, not their imagination.

Therefore, some ancient people actually played very well, which opened the eyes of Luo Wei and Huang Rong.

After Huang Rong and Luo Wei came to Jiangnan, they walked around the city during the day, listened to a play, and drank a few cups of tea.

After dinner in the evening, they went to watch a wrestling show, where two women in cool clothes wrestled on the ring.

Well, it was a very serious wrestling.

A group of men surrounded them below, cheering and throwing some copper coins and silver as rewards from time to time..

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