Soon, in the S.H.I.E.L.D. base, a huge space carrier soared into the sky.

On the space carrier, in addition to the staff in charge of piloting, Ye Feng only brought his subordinates Paige, Natasha, and the subordinate White Queen Emma and Red Devil.

The others are the original witches, beasts and others.

This huge space carrier is slightly smaller than the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. aircraft carrier in the sky, but the performance of this space carrier is much more powerful than the previous aircraft carrier!

In terms of performance alone, the space carrier is much stronger than the aircraft carrier, although it also uses the wireless energy of the space cube as energy, but in terms of power plant, the space carrier is several times stronger than the huge and bulky aircraft carrier in terms of speed and flexibility.

Moreover, the space carrier is equipped with the powerful Cosmic Cube orbital energy cannon and energy defense barrier developed by Howard and others.

According to Howard’s words, the combat effectiveness of an aerospace carrier is no less than that of a nuclear bomb, and under the volley of dozens of railguns, even a mountain range can be razed to the ground in an instant.

And the defense capability of the space carrier, even if the nuclear bomb explodes, can be completely resisted before the reserve energy is exhausted.

“Director Ye Feng, when communicating with everyone through Charles, I captured the spiritual clues he left me, and he was caught by the apocalypse…”

The space carrier slowly lifted into the air, Jean. Gray was about to tell the clues that Charles’s mental power left her.

“Cairo, I know.”

Violin. Before Gray finished speaking, she was interrupted by Ye Feng.

She was able to learn the clues Charles left behind because Charles deliberately told him.

And Ye Feng’s spiritual power was equally strong, forcibly stripping out the hidden fragments in the spiritual fluctuations.

The speed of the space carrier was much faster than that of the aircraft carrier, and Ye Feng was too lazy to waste his ability to teleport such a big guy over, and after telling the coordinates, the space carrier flew into the sky and then disappeared into the distant sky.

At this time, Cairo, Egypt, which was already in ruins, stood several tall pyramids.

In one of the most magnificent pyramids, the apocalypse stands with four horsemen, and Charles is placed on the ceremonial altar, his hands and feet are bound, and it is difficult to struggle.

“The time is almost up, next I will start the ceremony, as long as the ceremony is completed, I will become extremely powerful and become anyone, but the process of the ceremony cannot be interrupted, do you understand?”

The four knights nodded one after another, and Magneto Eric. Lan Xiel hesitated for a while, but still decided to tell Ye Feng’s affairs.

“On Earth, there is another strong man, his name is Ye Feng, he is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., two years ago…”

After some telling, Magneto had already told the apocalypse everything he knew about Ye Feng.

After listening to Magneto’s description, Apocalypse didn’t care much, but the other three of the four horsemen were a little surprised.

“Don’t worry, my child, the fear that used to be amplified by you, and now, your ability has been fully developed, and the existence that was once unattainable in front of you can now only crawl at your feet, go, finish your thing.”

Apocalypse said to Magneto, and then let a few people leave to help him guard outside the pyramid.

Magneto is indeed afraid of Ye Feng, but under the words of the apocalypse, he has slowly eliminated his fear, with his current strength, even the earth’s magnetic field can be controlled, as long as he is willing, with the ability to change the entire earth’s magnetic field, all creatures are completely extinct.

Thinking of this, Magneto suddenly filled with confidence and swelled.

After that, the four knights of the apocalypse returned to their posts, and Magneto began to continue to manipulate the earth’s magnetic field, forming a huge metal magnetic field circle that guarded the entrance to the pyramid.

The magnetic field circle formed by these countless fine pieces of metal is connected with the earth’s huge magnetic field, forming a barrier with strong defensive power, even in the face of missile bombardment.

“Apocalypse, you are nothing but a false god, whoever follows you will betray in the end!”

Charles, whose body was completely bound to the ceremonial platform, saw the apocalypse slowly lying beside him, and was about to prepare to start the ceremony, and suddenly struggled, and at the same time prayed in his heart, hoping for the piano. Gray was able to contact Ye Feng to stop this catastrophe.

The apocalypse slowly lay on the ceremonial platform next to Charles, casually waved, in the pyramid, a huge diamond-shaped golden body, suddenly flew towards the sky, landed steadily on the top of the pyramid, and began to sparkle, attracting the brilliance of the scorching sun.

“I have gone through countless reincarnations, but I have never got what I wanted, and this time, I will be completely perfect, make myself everywhere, become everyone…”

The ceremony was about to begin, and the voice of the apocalypse carried an unconcealed excitement.

Charles watched as the ceremony was about to begin, and at the top of the pyramid, a huge scorching sun radiance gathered, which was like water waves, absorbed by the huge diamond-shaped gold, and spread down along the various strange patterns on the pyramid.

Although he struggled this altar, all his abilities were limited, and his body was also bound, and he could not get rid of it.

Just as the golden liquid like water flowed, about to spread to the altar, and when the ceremony was opened, the light inside the entire golden pyramid suddenly darkened.

In the sky, the brilliance of the scorching sun has been completely blocked by a behemoth, and no trace of sunlight can fall on the tip of the pyramid.

The weather lying flat on the altar changed his face, feeling a certain breath outside the pyramid, and his pupils suddenly constricted!


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