Just as the ceremony was about to unfold, an incomparably huge momentum appeared in the powerful perception of the apocalypse.

In the perception of the apocalypse, this breath and the change in the sky occur at the same time, and there is no doubt that there is definitely a connection between the two.

“In the era when I left, there would be an existence of this intensity?”

Tianqi, who was lying on the altar, looked surprised and muttered.

Charles, who was bound to the altar, also felt this breath, and his face showed excitement.

“He’s finally here! Moreover, even more powerful than ever! ”

Charles couldn’t help but whisper to himself, with a look of happiness.

Apocalypse was stunned: “Who are you talking about?” ”

From this breath, Apocalypse felt a strong threat, and after hearing Charles’s words, he asked.

“If you read my memories when you invaded my brain, you should know that there are more powerful beings in this world than you, and Eric warned you, but you didn’t listen.”

Charles had a smile on his face, although his body was still unable to move under the restraint, but compared to the panic just now, he was much calmer.

“You mean that human Ye Feng? Who is he? ”

Apocalypse was slightly stunned, and quickly reacted, his brows furrowed slightly.

At first, when Eric reminded himself, Apocalypse did not pay attention to it, thinking that Ye Feng was just exaggerated by Eric.

But now, after truly feeling the huge momentum in the sky, the heart of the apocalypse began to pay attention and even be vigilant.

“More than two years ago, a nuclear war provoked by the mutants almost started, and in the end, it was Director Ye Feng who came forward to resolve this crisis.”

Charles didn’t mean to hide it, and briefly said Ye Feng’s performance two years ago to Apocalypse, making Apocalypse’s brows furrow tighter.

By now, there was no need to ask what Ye Feng’s purpose was when the Apocalypse Ceremony was about to begin.

The Apocalypse did not dare to continue the ritual before Ye Feng’s threat was lifted.

Because judging from the strength shown by the other party, solving the four knights under him is definitely not a big problem.

At that time, the ongoing ritual is interrupted, and he will suffer unimaginable damage.

So, the situation at hand must be solved first!

Above the sky, the huge space carrier slowly descended from the sky.

“Director, a strong circulating magnetic field has been detected earlier, and the passage of our air carrier will definitely be affected.”

A staff member in charge of driving said respectfully to Ye Feng in the air mother.

“Just land here.”

Ye Feng opened his mouth lightly, and through the special transparent glass of the command center, he could see a magnificent pyramid below.

In front of the pyramid, a large amount of metal floats with a strange magnetic field, forming a powerful metal torrent, although the defense of the air mother is strong, but if you want to travel through the chaotic magnetic field, the difficulty is also not small, if you don’t get it right, it will cause the empty mother to crash.

In the center of the huge magnetic field, Ye Feng saw Magneto’s figure floating out of thin air.

At this time, Magneto was dressed in armor, his body stretched out, controlling the huge earth’s magnetic field, which not only constituted a huge force field composed of metal torrents, but also affected the earth’s magnetic field.

Magneto should have been immersed in it, his eyes closed, and he was constantly controlling and guiding the magnetic field, and the arrival of the huge air mother did not seem to alarm him.

“Magneto handed it over to me.”

Ye Feng said softly, and disappeared into the command center in a blink of an eye.

Ye Feng’s judgment was good, Magneto’s ability was trying to control the grand magnetic field in front of him, and he could not be distracted at all.

“Eric. Lansher, you can stop. ”

Just as Magneto was immersed in this magical perception of controlling changes in the earth’s magnetic field through his own ability, a flat voice sounded, but it woke him up from this state.

Magneto, who slowly opened his eyes, saw at first glance the same volley suspended in front of the central magnetic field he had built, looked at himself flatly, and suddenly shrank his pupils.

“Ye Feng!”

Magneto’s face showed an expression of instant surprise, and the entire magnetic field became a lot more chaotic.

However, this panic was quickly suppressed by him.

Choosing to follow the apocalypse, Magneto knew that S.H.I.E.L.D. director Ye Feng would definitely not sit idly by, and his choice would make him stand on the opposite side of Ye Feng.

Before, going against Ye Feng was something he didn’t dare to think about.

But now, his magnetic control has been greatly improved with the help of the apocalypse.

This made Magneto’s self-confidence skyrocket, and it can even be said that it swelled a little.

“Your Excellency Ye Feng, I am now one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and if you want to prevent the Apocalypse from saving this world, you are on the opposite side of me.”

The surprise in his heart was forcibly suppressed by Magneto, feeling the huge energy he could control, and Magneto’s confidence in speaking was much more sufficient.

Feeling the soaring power in Magneto, Ye Feng was slightly stunned, and then laughed.

It seems that after the ability is maximized by the apocalypse, Magneto is really inflated.

For the inflated Magneto, Ye Feng did not bother to say much, now Charles was captured by the apocalypse, and he could perform rituals at any time.

If the Apocalypse gets Charles’s ability, even if he makes a move, it will be difficult to completely get the Apocalypse.

So, solve the swollen Magneto as quickly as possible!

“Since you want to stand against me, then I hope you have prepared the corresponding enlightenment.”

Looking at Magneto faintly, Ye Feng slowly stretched out his palm, spread his five fingers, and said at the same time:

“Five times …. Gravity! ”


As Ye Feng’s calm voice without any waves fell, in the space where Magneto was, gravity instantly soared!

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