The two of them were in a mess.

Director Fury stood in front of Chen Ye, his face full of determination and helplessness.

Fury took a deep breath, as if to absorb the humiliation and pain in his heart.

His voice was low and firm: "Chen Ye, I can give you Bucky's body and the Cosmic Cube. But you only have three days. After three days, if the Cosmic Cube has not returned to the hands of SHIELD, then I can only order the razing of the entire Hell's Kitchen."

He knew that threatening Chen Ye was useless, so he could only threaten Hell's Kitchen.

Chen Ye didn't care when he heard the three-day deadline given by Hei Lu Dan.

Chen Ye knew that this was just Hei Lu Dan's last stubbornness, and three days was enough.

Tony, who was standing by, was relieved to hear that Bucky's body was finally obtained.

He had spent so much effort, even going against the government, just to give an explanation to his parents.

After calming down, Tony was a little scared and felt that he was a little impulsive.

He should use his money power to put pressure on the government or use public opinion to make SHIELD hand over the body.

He was very glad that he had recently developed the artificial intelligence Jarvis, and it was he who informed Chen Ye.

He decided to go back and repay Jarvis for enhancing his abilities.

Black Braised Egg also made a phone call and ordered his men to bring up the Cosmic Cube and Bucky's body.

Five minutes later, an agent came in with a silver safe and several agents carried a coffin.

Chen Ye frowned at the coffin, it was too unlucky!

On the contrary, Tony couldn't wait to open the coffin lid to confirm before the agents put down the coffin.

Seeing the murderer who killed his parents, Tony became silent for a while.

Tony's eyes were filled with anger and sadness.

At the same time, Chen Ye also opened the silver safe.

Inside the box was a transparent square Rubik's Cube. At first glance, it looked like an ordinary toy.

However, Chen Ye knew the true value of this cosmic Rubik's Cube.

Chen Ye began to think in his heart: "This is the space gem, it looks like an ordinary Rubik's Cube."

"No wonder it is called the cosmic Rubik's Cube, it really looks like a Rubik's Cube."

"This can't be a fake! It looks real. It can't be from a cosmic wholesale center in Longguo."

Chen Ye found that he couldn't see the difference with his naked eyes.

So he closed his eyes and used his observation Haki to feel the cosmic Rubik's Cube.

Chen Ye, who used his observation Haki, soon found the difference. The cosmic Rubik's Cube exuded a strong mysterious aura.

The black-salted egg on the side stared at Chen Ye, trying to peek into the importance of the cosmic Rubik's Cube from the expression on his face.

However, Chen Ye just glanced at it and closed the box.

Chen Ye confirmed that it was a space gem, and smiled to Hei Lu Dan: "Happy cooperation, if we had cooperated earlier, there wouldn't be so many casualties. I really don't like fighting and killing."

Ignoring Hei Lu Dan's angry expression, he walked to Tony, patted him on the shoulder, and asked: "Should we take the coffin with us, or just the body?"

Tony was silent for a moment, then whispered: "Just take the body."

Chen Ye looked at Bucky's body with disdain, then drew a golden circle with his right hand and opened a portal.

Then he used chaos magic to lift Bucky's body and walked through the portal, and Tony followed closely.

When they disappeared into the portal, Hei Lu Dan was completely shocked by the scene in front of him.

Because he found that the other end of the portal was the entrance of Good Luck Restaurant.

The conspicuous sign made him sure.

He couldn't help but start thinking about the limitations and functions of Chen Ye's ability.

However, what shocked him even more was yet to come.

Just as Hei Lu Dan was still shocked, Chen Ye's voice suddenly rang in his ears: "By the way, I know you are waiting for the return of Captain Marvel, who has been a space policeman. But I regret to tell you that she is not my opponent."

After saying this, Chen Ye closed the portal.

Hei Lu Dan was left standing there alone, with shock and fear in his heart.

As the portal closed, Steve, who had been unable to move by Chen Ye's chaos magic, also fell from midair to the floor.

Steve did not stand up immediately, but pounded the floor with tears in his eyes: "Damn it!"

He opened his eyes and

He watched with his eyes wide open as Bucky's body was taken away by Chen Ye. He didn't expect that Bucky's body would save his life in the end.

He hated Fury for handing over Bucky's body!

He hated Chen Ye and Tony for taking the body away!

But he hated his own incompetence even more!

He hated that he didn't protect his best friend's body, and his best friend couldn't even be buried.

Steve stood up with all his strength and walked outside. He swore that he would find Bucky's body back.

Black-Boiled Egg was still immersed in why Chen Ye knew about Carol. Only a few people knew about Carol.

But now, Chen Ye mentioned this name lightly, which made Black-Boiled Egg doubt whether there was really a spy inside SHIELD.

Black-Boiled Egg ruled it out first.

Impossible. Few people in SHIELD knew about it, and those who knew about it were probably almost dead.

Or Chen Ye had the ability to predict the future. This idea made Black-Boiled Egg feel a chill.

He knew that every time Chen Ye appeared and every time he showed his ability, they were constantly refreshing their understanding of the world.

Fury did not completely believe Chen Ye's contemptuous words "She is not my opponent".

He knew Carol's strength very well, that was a nearly invincible existence.

But Chen Ye's ability was also unfathomable, which forced Fury to be cautious.

He decided that Carol could not be allowed to face Chen Ye alone no matter what, and he must be fully prepared.

On the other side, Chen Ye, who had just returned to the door of the Good Luck Restaurant, asked Tony to take Bucky's body away quickly with great disdain.

Tony did not speak, but called Pepper to send someone to pick him up quickly. He also wanted to return to his parents' graves as soon as possible to tell them the good news.

Chen Ye watched Tony leave before going upstairs to open the space gem box.

When his fingers touched the gem, a look of joy appeared on his face. Sure enough, as he expected, the energy of the space gem had a huge effect on the system. ,

The system sounded in Chen Ye's mind


"A large amount of energy has been detected to be absorbed"

"The system has automatically turned on absorption"

"The system will be upgraded within 48 hours."

48 hours!

This is twice as fast as the previous system upgrade.

The last system upgrade took only 24 hours to update the lottery mode. Could there be something more powerful in 48 hours this time?

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