Marvel: Friendship System, Deadpool is my best friend

Marvel: Friendship System, Deadpool is my best friend


426 Chapters Ongoing Status


Story of: Marvel: Friendship System, Deadpool is my best friend

Introduction: Marvel: I am the Family Man! After crossing to the Marvel world, Chen Ye was panicked. In this world where you can die by snapping your fingers, you really can't survive without some talent, no, without some ability. Fortunately, the friendship system was awakened. As long as the other party verbally agrees to become his friend or family, he can obtain skills or attributes from the other party, as well as additional rewards! "Congratulations to the host for becoming friends with Deadpool and obtaining the attribute: self-healing factor!" From now on, even if you are chopped into pieces, you can be resurrected on the spot. "Congratulations to the host for becoming friends with Miss America and obtaining the attribute: ability to travel through the multiverse!" From now on, you can wander the multiverse and make friends. "Congratulations to the host for becoming friends with Captain America and obtaining the attribute: 50-50!" From now on, you will be 50-50 with everyone. "Congratulations to the host for becoming friends with Thanos and obtaining the attribute: Titan's body!" From now on, the physical body is invincible. So far, Chen Ye has started the friendship mode in the Marvel universe. When he goes out, he relies on friends! There are only two kinds of people in Marvel, one is my friend and family. The other is the dead!


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