The secret meeting in Hell's Kitchen.

This is one of the bases of the Hand in the Big Apple. The Hand originated in the feudal era of Japan several centuries ago.

Some oppressed people fled to Iga and Koga, where they practiced skills. Later, they may have been influenced by the Chinese Sun Tzu's Art of War and finally formed Ninjutsu.

In the next hundred years, they continued to learn and train. Most of the members are proficient in hand-to-hand combat, swordsmanship, disguise, hiding, escape and other skills, and also have willpower, endurance and combat effectiveness beyond ordinary people.

They are also spies and assassination experts, usually providing professional services to the rich or warlords.

The Hand also has powerful magic secrets that can resurrect the dead.

Then it slowly developed into a notorious international organization.

There are five fingers on a human hand, and the Hand also has five leaders, one for each finger. They are Alexandra, Mrs. Gao, Bo Tu, Sowanda and Murakami, all elders from Kunlun, who were expelled for trying to use dragon bone fossils to extend their lifespan.

Mrs. Gao was leisurely drinking tea on the rooftop of the building. Mrs. Gao is an old lady over 50 years old. If Mrs. Gao walked alone on the street, no one would have thought that such a kind and amiable old lady would be the leader of a world-famous killer organization.


Mrs. Gao's phone rang, and the person who came was Tom, the leader of the Irish gang.

Tom on the phone described the content of the conference call to Mrs. Gao, and said that many gangs are now dissatisfied with Chen Ye and Jin Bing, and proposed that they need the help of the Hand.

Mrs. Gao put down her teacup and answered the phone: "Okay, I see. Chen Ye is indeed a trouble. I lost a lot of clients because of him. I will call someone over, don't worry."

"Go to the meeting first and see what Chen Ye and the others want to do."

Then Mrs. Gao hung up the phone, and a hint of coldness appeared on her face. If Mrs. Gao was a kind and gentle old lady next door just now, then Mrs. Gao now is like a cold and venomous snake.

Sitting opposite Mrs. Gao, Murakami looked at Mrs. Gao's expression and asked curiously: "What's wrong? Your face changed after making a phone call."

"Don't kill those dogs that can't be tamed, Jin Bing is the same, and the leader of this Irish gang is the same. He is negotiating with me before Jin Bing is dealt with. Don't look at what kind of stuff you are." Mrs. Gao said angrily.

"You have lived for so many years, can't you see through people's hearts? People's desires are endless, no one will be satisfied, and everyone wants to get more. Don't we all want to live forever?" Murakami sighed while looking at the sky.

Mrs. Gao realized that she had lost her composure after hearing this, and instantly returned to the appearance of a kind old lady.

Mrs. Gao actually doesn't care who is the owner of Hell's Kitchen. After all, people like her who have lived for a long time don't care much about money and power. Now the only thing she cares about may be finding the legendary dragon bones and getting eternal life.

However, at this stage, Jin Bing and Chen Ye must be dealt with. Since Chen Ye returned to Hell's Kitchen, Jin Bing's desire to retire has become stronger and stronger, resulting in his weaker control over Hell's Kitchen. This has made it increasingly difficult for Mrs. Gao and her friends to sell their goods, which is not what Mrs. Gao wants to see.

"Why don't I take action this time? I am still very curious about Chen Ye's superpowers." Murakami couldn't help but volunteer.

"It's rare that Murakami has this kind of character, so I won't refuse. I will send someone to deal with Kingpin. I remember that he seems to care about his wife very much. Then send someone to capture his wife and children." When Mrs. Gao heard Murakami volunteered, her eyes suddenly lit up and she quickly agreed.

"When the time comes, I will personally take action with my apprentice Xin." Murakami added.

Mrs. Gao's mood instantly improved, as if Kingpin and Chen Ye were fish on the chopping board.

After all, they have two fingers of the Hand-in-Hand Society to personally go out, and Murakami's apprentice Xin is also there, plus hundreds of ninjas stationed in the Big Apple City. With such a luxurious lineup, it is difficult to lose.

. . . . . . . . .

On the other side, Gust, who was playing with fire, also called the mayor online and asked him to send out the ace troops to provide support.

Although the mayor is corrupt, he still has professional ethics.

He immediately agreed to Gust's request and arranged special personnel to provide door-to-door service.

He leaned back in the soft sofa, lit a cigar, took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled, accompanied by

Listening to the beautiful music, he began to imagine the beautiful future of his family.

At this time, the mayor over there also made a call,

"Long live Hydra!" It turned out that the mayor was a member of Hydra.

"Long live Hydra!" Director Pierce on the other end of the phone first looked around vigilantly, and then responded after making sure that no one was around.

Director Pierce is the top leader of Hydra hidden in SHIELD, and his status in SHIELD is equivalent to that black-boiled egg.

"You usually don't call me unless it's urgent. Go ahead." Director Pierce spoke first.

"The mutant in Hell's Kitchen has been very noisy recently. I received news that there may be a gang war in a few days. I need your support." Of course, the mayor would not accept Gust's bribe and need help, but said it was for the safety of the Big Apple.

How could Pierce, who was on the other end of the phone, not know what his colleague was thinking after hearing this? He refused, saying, "You can go to the police if you have any questions. We are not responsible for such small-scale fights."

The mayor understood that the bald Pierce was rejecting him in a tactful way, but after all, he had received so much money, and if he didn't do something, he was afraid that no one would honor him in the future. So he quickly said: "I am also thinking about the organization. If we can solve Kingpin and the mutant this time, my people can take control of Hell's Kitchen. At that time, we will have another base in Hell's Kitchen for Hydra. No one cares how people die there."

Pierce was a little moved when he heard this, but he still said, "We have bases all over the world. One more Hell's Kitchen is not a big deal. There is no need to care about the life and death of a group of gangsters. Unless..."

The mayor didn't understand what this meant, and he made up his mind: "Fifty million, transfer it to your personal account, and the Hell's Kitchen will belong to you."

"Okay, I will send Brock Rumlow to lead the team. Everything is for Hydra!" Director Pierce immediately agreed seriously.

"Everything is for Hydra!" The mayor quickly hung up the phone.

"Fuck, this time I lost a lot. And for Hydra, bah." The mayor cursed. In fact, the people in Hydra have little loyalty to the organization. They all joined Hydra for their own interests.

Gust was anxiously waiting for the mayor's call.

On the phone, the mayor first said that Gust needed to pay him an additional 100 million yuan as a fee, and then said that the matter had been taken over by the people of SHIELD.

This is a very mysterious department. With them, Gust can rest assured!

Hearing such a reply, Gust was naturally excited. Although the 100 million US dollar fee made Gust a little painful, as long as he could kill Chen Ye and Kingpin, everything was worth it.

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