The meeting was held one day later.

Hell's Kitchen, opposite Good Luck Restaurant

Natasha and Hawkeye were under the order of Black Sauce Egg to monitor Chen Ye's every move. The chain reaction caused by this recent meeting was so great that Chen Ye himself did not expect it.

"I heard that Hell's Kitchen is very lively recently, and many people have come." Natasha said with emotion

"Isn't it, the Hand, our S.T.R.I.K.E.

Team Crossbones, even the Brotherhood of Mutants have come to Hell's Kitchen." Hawkeye echoed. Isn't it true, a lot of people marked as uncontrollable by S.H.I.E.L.D. have come to Hell's Kitchen.

"This Chen Ye is really powerful. He can stir up so many forces with just one meeting. Thanks to him, we haven't even slept these days. We have been working 24 hours a day for several days. Our skin has become worse."

Natasha looked at the direction of the Good Luck Restaurant opposite with resentment. Natasha hasn't had a good rest for a few days because of Chen Ye's noise, but Chen Ye opposite has slept soundly these days. She feels very unbalanced.

"It feels like Chen Ye is in danger this time. Even if he is a mutant, he is no match for a well-known person like Magneto. Magneto is an existence that can destroy a country."

"I don't know who can invite someone like Magneto, but if Chen Ye and Kingpin die, Hell's Kitchen will be in chaos again." Hawkeye said worriedly.

"Yes, the federal government has never managed this place. If it weren't for Kingpin, it would be much more chaotic than it is now. Since Chen Ye came back, the residents of Hell's Kitchen have finally had a better life." Natasha looked at the residents around her with happy smiles on their faces.

"Chen Ye can be regarded as the savior of Hell's Kitchen. I hope he can survive this struggle." Natasha looked at the opposite side with a complicated expression. Maybe she also had a childhood like Hell's Kitchen, and she also wanted someone to save herself.

Unfortunately, she didn't wait. Now this place finally has a savior, but it is targeted by many people. Knowing that this matter will put himself in danger, he still did it without hesitation. What kind of person are you, Chen Ye?

. . . . . . . . . .

On the other side, Chen Ye didn't know that Natasha's psychological activities were so wonderful. At this time, he was cooking in the kitchen to entertain his good friend Vongola I.

"You are handsome, young man, second only to me." Deadpool looked at Vongola I, took out a mirror to look at his face, and said narcissistically.

Even Vongola I, who has experienced many ups and downs, couldn't help but twitch his mouth when he saw such a narcissistic Deadpool.

"Uh, thank you for the compliment."

"I didn't expect that the leader of the Vongola family is actually Chen Ye's good friend. Did you meet in the orphanage?" Deadpool asked curiously, because in his impression, he had never seen Vongola I, and only heard that he was one of the gangsters in Midtown.

"Hahaha, yes, we were good friends in the orphanage period, and we kept in touch by phone, and he would occasionally come to see me. It's just that our gang was busy expanding this year, so we haven't met. Tomorrow is a meeting, come and have a meal, and live here by the way." Vongola I explained.

Just when Vongola I was about to be unable to withstand Deadpool's questioning offensive, Chen Ye came out with a plate of braised pork.

Vongola I's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had seen the savior, and hurried over and said, "The dishes are ready, right? I'll go get the rice."

"Hey, it's okay. You just sit and chat, I'll go get it." Chen Ye refused.

"No, I'll do it." Vongola I ran to the kitchen before he finished speaking.

A few minutes later, everyone sat down quickly and started eating.

"Why are you free to come here today? You're not worried about me, are you?" Chen Ye joked. After all, Chen Ye and Vongola I haven't seen each other for a year. Today, he came to see him for the first time.

"Isn't it okay for me to come here for a meal? The family has just stabilized, so I came to see my best friend." Vongola I said after picking up a piece of chicken wing.

"Okay, don't I know your personality? You don't think those gangs can really do anything to me, do you?" Chen Ye said as he filled a bowl of soup with a nonchalant look on his face.

Seeing Chen Ye's nonchalant attitude, Vongola I knew that Chen Ye didn't know about the internal meeting of the gangs, so he

Putting down the bowl and chopsticks, he said with a serious face: "You may not know that a few days ago, the gang held a meeting to discuss your opening of a school and how to deal with you."

"I know, this is normal. If they compromise so easily, they are not a gang. But a group of ants are still ants when they gather together. Their essence will not change. It is easier to solve when they gather together."

Chen Ye was not surprised after hearing this. This was all expected.

"They also found the Hand and the federal government." Vongola I added.

At this time, Chen Ye took it a little seriously: "The Hand? The federal government is okay."

After listening, Chen Ye started to eat while thinking about countermeasures.

Vongola I saw that Chen Ye was concerned, so he stopped talking and worked hard. Don't say, Chen Ye's food is really delicious. Next time, I will bring G and the others to come and eat together. What we usually eat is garbage.

Chen Ye was not surprised to hear the name of the Hand. After all, the Hand is basically one of the new bosses of every Marvel. They are just a few people driven out by Kunlun. After all, Chen Ye messed up their drug business, so it is understandable that they want to kill him.

However, I have to remind Jin Bing that there seems to be a version in which Jin Bing's wife Vanessa was poisoned by Madam Gao. If Madam Gao really succeeds, Chen Ye estimates that Jin Bing will go crazy, and Chen Ye himself will not forgive himself. After all, it was because of me that Jin Bing got into unnecessary trouble. Chen Ye didn't know that even without me, Madam Gao had long been dissatisfied with Jin Bing and wanted to get rid of him.

Then Chen Ye took out his phone and called Jin Bing, telling him that Hell's Kitchen was not peaceful recently, and asked Jin Bing to protect his wife and children. And stated that if it really didn't work, bring them to the apartment, and someone would protect her.

After Chen Ye reminded Jin Bing, he immediately made a second call.

The next second, a voice came from the phone: "This is the High Table Information Center."

Chen Ye slowly said: "I will issue a combined bounty notice across the United States!"

Yes, this is the first time Chen Ye has used the power of the High Table after becoming an elder of the High Table.

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