Chen Ye stood up and looked at Jin Bing.

Jin Bing stood up and began to organize his things.

He glanced at Chen Ye and said lightly: "Don't look at me. People called you by name. I have been with you for a day. I have to go back to see Vanessa, otherwise she will be angry."

Chen Ye saw that Uncle Jin Bing was not interested, so he stopped forcing it.

He understood that everyone had their own things to do, so he quickly asked Master Ye to lead the way.

They walked through the corridor and came to another teacher's office.

As soon as he entered another teacher's office, Chen Ye saw a man named Frank Custer.

The man's eyes were not full of murderous intent, but numbness, as if he saw everyone as a corpse, and he felt like a numb killing machine.

Chen Ye could tell at a glance that this man must have been a mercenary.

No wonder this man dared to apply for the position of director of teaching. If any gangster parent dared to trouble him, he would probably be knocked down by this man in a few moves.

Just as Chen Ye was about to step forward to introduce himself, Frank Custer suddenly stood up and knelt down in front of him.

He kept saying thank you, as if he was grateful to Chen Ye.

Chen Ye looked at Master Ye awkwardly and tried to find out what happened. Master Ye also shook his head to indicate that he didn't know.

Then Chen Ye quickly helped Frank up, and then asked with concern: "What's wrong with you? Why are you thanking me? I don't remember helping you."

Chen Ye was very sure that he had never helped the man in front of him. What could have made a murderer like him give him such a great gift?

At this time, if Chen Ye opened the system interface, he would see a series of prompts.

"Congratulations to the host, Frank Custer has successfully added the host as a friend"

"Congratulations to the host, Frank Custer's favorability has been increased to two stars"

"Congratulations to the host..."

"Congratulations to the host, Frank Custer's favorability has been increased to full stars"

"Congratulations to the host, 17/20 are already family members"

Frank stood up, he knew he had lost his composure, and then smiled bitterly and said: "You may not know me, but you should know Monroe, a child who is missing a left arm. He is a student here."

After hearing this, Chen Ye looked at Master Ye in confusion. It was a shame that Chen Ye did not know the students in the school. After all, this was his first day at school.

Master Ye nodded, and then asked Frank: "Yes, we do have a child named Monroe here, and he did lose his left arm. Who are you to him?"

Then Master Ye said to Chen Ye: "This Monroe is also from the same orphanage as you, but he is much younger than you. Later, he joined the Vongola family and was sent here to study now that school has started."

Chen Ye nodded as if he had an impression, and then looked at Frank. Could it be that this Monroe is his relative?

Frank said to Chen Ye with gratitude: "This Monroe is my poor child. I have inquired about it during this period. If it weren't for you, Monroe might have died long ago. That damn orphanage."

In Frank's eyes, Chen Ye is his God. If it weren't for Chen Ye, he might not have seen his child long ago. If it weren't for Chen Ye, his child wouldn't have been able to grow up safely in Hell's Kitchen and even have a school to go to.

When Chen Ye heard Frank say that he was Monroe's father, he immediately said with a cold face: "Oh, you are his father, then what have you been doing all these years? Now you come to pretend to recognize your son. I will not let my students suffer any harm."

Chen Ye did not think that Frank was a good person for coming back to recognize his child now. What had he been doing all these years?

Frank did not feel any discomfort about Chen Ye's sudden change of attitude. Instead, he understood that Chen Ye was doing it for the good of the children.

Frank sat on the stool and said in a low voice: "I used to be an officer in the Marine Corps of this country. I dedicated everything to this country, even my family and life."

Frank covered his face and said, "I fought for the country on the front line, but my wife died in a gang fight, and my poor Monroe lost an arm."

"The damn federal government concealed everything from me and arranged for me to carry out a three-year mission. What hurts me most is that the person I once thought was the best, also tried to conceal this matter and tried to prevent me from taking revenge."

"When I found out about this, I wiped out the entire family of the Italian mafia murderers. The law can't punish them, so I will! Then after a long investigation, I finally found my child here." After hearing all this, Chen Ye was sure that the man in front of him was the anti-hero Punisher of Hell's Kitchen. The Punisher's original name was Frank Custer. He was originally a member of the US Marine Corps. After his family was killed by the underworld, he became the Punisher and retaliated against all evil forces, claiming that "as long as you are guilty, you must die." Master Ye also nodded to show his understanding. If his daughter was also accidentally injured, he would probably make the same choice. Chen Ye had heard about this mafia family annihilation tragedy when he was working part-time. A total of 100 people, including servants, were all killed and stuffed into a grinder. After the incident, it was said that the meat was packed and thrown into the sea to feed the fish. There was no chance for people to be buried. Chen Ye was shocked for a while when he heard this. He didn't expect that the person in front of him was the ruthless man.

Chen Ye was more and more satisfied. With Frank as a ruthless man, I wonder who dares not to study in the evening.

Then Frank bowed to Chen Ye again: "Thank you, if it weren't for you, Monroe wouldn't be able to live like this now. Although he lost a hand, he didn't feel inferior, and people around him didn't discriminate against him."

Chen Ye waved his hand: "I'm not as good as you say. Don't you hate gangs the most? Monroe was thrown into the gangs by me before. Don't you hate me?"

After all, all the members of the orphanage were assigned to the Vongola family before. If they didn't join the gangs at that time, there would be no place for these orphans.

Frank shook his head: "I know about the Vongola family. The Vongola family is different from ordinary gangs. They are just trying to survive and have never done anything harmful to the world."

Frank knew that if it weren't for the Vongola family, his child Monroe might have starved to death right after leaving the orphanage. Although Frank hated the gangs, he did not hate the Vongola family. Instead, he was very grateful.

And Flock agreed with Chen Ye's idea of ​​building a school for Hell's Kitchen, so he chose to apply.

On the one hand, he could see his children, and on the other hand, he could repay Chen Ye for saving his son's life.

Chen Ye looked at Frank with admiration in his eyes.

He nodded, indicating that he understood Frank's decision.

Then he stretched out his hand to shake hands with Frank and said sincerely: "Well, welcome to join, Frank. I hope you can supervise these students well, let them cherish this opportunity and study hard."

Frank also stood up and shook hands with Chen Ye.

There was a firm light in his eyes, as if he had seen those students gradually moving towards a bright future with the help of Chen Ye and him.

"By the way, can you tell me who your friend who betrayed you is? Are you going to take revenge?" Chen Ye seemed to have remembered something and asked.

Frank didn't expect Chen Ye to ask this question, but he still answered honestly: "Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D."

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