The morning is full of excitement.

Hell's Kitchen,

Pietro stood at the door of the apartment, stretched his body, looked at the gray sky, and sighed, "It's another boring morning."

It has been a month since Chen Ye and Deadpool left Hell's Kitchen for another parallel universe.

Although Wanda is still there, she is busy taking over Uncle Jin Bing's business and is often too busy to go home.

Pietro is here, except for occasionally helping to look after the store, he only has to play games to kill time.

Although he also wants to find something new to do, in this familiar yet unfamiliar city, he finds that he seems to have gotten used to this kind of idle life.

At the same time, Master Ye takes his daughter to school every day, becoming a beautiful landscape of the Hell's Kitchen Community School.

The community college in Hell's Kitchen has completed the formalities, has completed the enrollment and successfully opened.

Although Master Ye was not successful as the dean of the school, he was still optimistic and had a silly smile every day.

His daughter was also very popular in the school. Her cleverness and liveliness won the love of her classmates.

Dr. Ethan worked as a chemistry teacher in the school. He was passionate about this job and enjoyed it every day.

Recently, he also invited a friend to come to Hell's Kitchen to be a teacher. The teacher's name was Adrian Toombs, a doctor of electronic engineering.

Dr. Toombs had been looking for sponsors to realize his dream of flying. Uncle Jin Bing agreed to his request on the condition that he needed to teach in the school.

If Chen Ye saw this doctor of engineering here, he would definitely be embarrassed. He didn't expect that he had just solved a vulture in a parallel universe, and he didn't expect that the vulture in his own universe would come to be his teacher.

After retiring, Uncle Jin Bing became the principal of Hell's Kitchen School. His reputation was known to everyone in the school. Both students and parents were in awe of him and dared not make trouble in the school.

Uncle Jin Bing enjoys it every day. In the morning, he goes to school to see students and his child Richard, and in the afternoon, he goes shopping with his wife Vanessa.

"Good morning, Pietro, good morning, Uncle John." Parker's voice is brisk and full of vitality. He walks down the stairs of the apartment and greets Pietro and John Wick, the security guard of the apartment.

His smile is bright, like the morning sun, illuminating the entire corridor.

Parker walked to the door of the restaurant, took out dog food from his backpack, and prepared to feed the dog Deadpool

. However, no matter how he called or how he tempted, the dog Deadpool lay on the ground, indifferent, as if he had no interest in the food in front of him.

"Peter, stop making trouble. Hurry up and go to class." The door of the restaurant opened, and Aunt May came out with a serious expression on her face, scolding Parker.

Aunt May is now a waiter and cashier at the Good Luck Restaurant. Her work is busy and fulfilling, but she still cares about Parker's study and life.

John Wick, who was sitting on the side, watched this scene. He said to Parker in a weak voice: "Deadpool doesn't eat dog food. He only eats human food like us."

His voice was steady and powerful, giving people a sense of security.

Parker looked at Deadpool, then looked at the dog food in his hand, and muttered unwillingly: "It's obviously a dog, but it has to eat the same food as humans."

His words were full of helplessness and confusion, then he shook his head and turned away.

Deadpool, who didn't want to argue with the little brat, stood up angrily after hearing Parker's words, and wanted to take out his gun to teach Parker a lesson.

Pietro, who was on the side, saw it and quickly stepped forward to comfort Deadpool: "It's just a child, don't be angry, don't be angry."

With Pietro's comfort, Deadpool's mood gradually stabilized. He glared at Parker, then sat back down and continued to lie on his stomach.

Pietro looked at Parker's back as he left, sighed slightly, and thought, "This kid is so naughty."

"John, have you become more lazy recently? Why do you seem to have no interest in anything? You sit here every morning and sit all day. Isn't it boring?" Pietro complained to John Wick dissatisfiedly.

The old John, although cold on the surface, at least had some passion for life.

He would participate in various activities, showing his unique charm and ability.

But now, he seems to be uninterested in anything. Every day, he sits quietly at the door of the apartment like a statue.


John's black suit is gone, replaced by the white mink he wears every day.

His image has changed so much that people can't help but wonder if this is still the John Wick he once was.

Pietro looked at John, feeling helpless. There were not many people at home, and he hoped to go out with John and enjoy the fun of life.

But John always refused him for various reasons, which made him very disappointed.

He wanted John to play games with him, but John still refused. There was a hint of firmness in his eyes, as if he was immersed in his own world.

Since John Wick merged with the template of Wolf Stark, the first blade of the god of death, his personality has become more and more similar.

However, John himself does not seem to care about these changes. He enjoys his retirement life, sitting at the door of the apartment as a security guard with a thermos cup every day, watching people coming and going, and enjoying the tranquility and comfort.

"This is the retirement life I want, how comfortable it is." John rested his right hand on his chin, with a satisfied light in his eyes.

He seemed to have found his own way of life, no longer disturbed by the outside world, enjoying his own peace and satisfaction.

However, there are always some people who want to break this peace.

I saw a burly man slowly walking towards the restaurant. He was wearing a black suit and looked serious, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

He walked to John and Pietro, stopped, and asked in a deep voice: "Excuse me, is Mr. Chen Ye at home?"

Pietro turned and looked at the man who asked the question. The man's name was Crossbones. Pietro had seen this man two or three times this month.

"Chen Ye hasn't come back yet, it's not that he doesn't want to see you. Didn't I tell you that you can find my sister if you have anything? My sister can make the decision." Pietro said impatiently.

When Crossbones heard this answer, his face changed slightly, and a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes.

He came to win over Chen Ye on the orders of Director Pierce, but he was told that Chen Ye was not at home two or three times, which made him a little annoyed.

He asked coldly: "Then can you tell me where he is? It's been almost a month."

Pietro shrugged and lied helplessly: "I really don't know where he is. Sometimes he goes out to travel and is gone for several weeks, and I can't contact him."

Pietro knew where Chen Ye was, but he couldn't tell others that Chen Ye was saving other parallel universes.

If he wasn't someone who had really seen parallel universes, Pietro wouldn't believe what he said.

Crossbones was silent for a while, as if thinking about the next move.

He knew the importance of Chen Ye and Director Pierce's expectations of him.

He couldn't just give up, he had to find a way to find Chen Ye.

At this moment, the door of the restaurant suddenly opened, and a figure walked out.

It was Chen Ye himself.

After seeing Crossbones, he smiled slightly and said, "Excuse me, are you looking for me?"

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