The meeting was still three days away.

At this time, the Hell's Kitchen bosses who received Chen Ye's invitation letter gathered together for a video conference.

"I think this is a Hongmen Banquet! What do you mean by discussing the school of Hell's Kitchen! In fact, it is forcing us to hand over our rights!"

"Damn Chen Ye! This is to dig our roots!"

"What do you mean by for the good of Hell's Kitchen! Then he should get out of Hell's Kitchen! This is really for the good of Hell's Kitchen!"

"A person from Hell's Kitchen wants to be a fucking saint and build a school! Why doesn't he just give us money!"

In the meeting, everyone cursed at Chen Ye and Jin Bing. They didn't have the courage to insult them in person, so they had to hide online and vent their grievances.

A bunch of clowns! A bunch of wimps!

Gust, the leader of the Mexican gang, was very disdainful of the behavior of other gang bosses who only dared to curse Chen Ye and Jin Bing behind their backs.

"So this meeting is an online insult meeting, right? If that's all, then I'll withdraw first. I don't have time to play house with you cowards here." Gust said loudly.

Everyone heard Gust mocking them for being cowardly and stopped talking immediately.

Tom, the leader of the Irish gang, who heard Gust's words, was secretly happy that someone finally came to attract hatred.

After a while, someone pointed a gun at Gust and yelled, "Who do you think you are? When I was in the gang, you were still playing in the mud."

"You are a man who made his fortune by selling drugs. Why are you showing off here? You are hiding in a poor place like the slums. If you have the guts, come out and fight Chen Ye and the others with real swords and guns."

"The Marquis of the High Table was killed. How can a stinky drug dealer like you beat him?"

"We are discussing countermeasures, so it's no wonder that you can only stay in a small slum and can't get out."

Since Chen Ye killed the Marquis of the High Table, he has gradually become famous. Many bosses present have self-knowledge and know that they can't compare with the Marquis of the High Table. Even the Marquis was killed by Chen Ye and took over the power of the New York High Table. It is not so easy to deal with.

Seeing that all these gang leaders were mocking him, Gust suddenly had an urge to kill.

"You are a bunch of cowards. Why don't you all give me your territory? Anyway, you dare not resist Chen Ye. Just pack up your belongings and get out of Hell's Kitchen to retire. Anyway, I don't plan to attend this crappy meeting. As for the young people in Hell's Kitchen, everyone should rely on their own abilities."

After hearing what Gust said, the big guys were unhappy.

Someone immediately questioned him: "Let me ask you, if you refuse Chen Ye at that time, Chen Ye insists on forcing all the teenagers in Hell's Kitchen to go to school, and he brings people to kill your territory, what can you do to stop him!"

After hearing this, Gust smiled confidently: "Then I will call the police!"

After hearing Gust's answer, the online meeting was silent for a while, and no one spoke. Gust thought it was a network jam.

Seeing that everyone was so surprised, Gust asked strangely: "What, is there a problem with this method?"

Soon, the first laugh appeared in the video conference, and the laughter gradually became louder and louder.

"You are a drug dealer and you are going to find the police to solve the problem. Are you going to turn yourself in? Do you think the police will arrest you first or Chen Ye first?"

"The rule of Hell's Kitchen has always been that the affairs of Hell's Kitchen should be resolved within Hell's Kitchen. This is an eternal rule. I didn't expect that the Gust family, one of the three major gangs in Hell's Kitchen, would lose the dignity of the gang and let the police intervene. This is simply a shame for our Hell's Kitchen!"

After listening, Gust snorted. Gustav did not agree with the pedantic ideas of these old antiques. No wonder he can only stay in Hell's Kitchen for his whole life.

He explained: "Chen Ye is not only a superpower, he also has many superpowers under his command. Moreover, he does not belong to any gang. Besides, everything he does now is changing Hell's Kitchen. If he can change it, why can't we? Then what's wrong with me calling the police? Don't forget, he is also the elder of the assassin organization of the High Table, and he has many assassins under his command. The police are eager to arrest these assassins."

Someone else questioned: "Even if you call the police, what's the use of the police in Hell's Kitchen? They can't even beat us normally, do you expect them to arrest Chen Ye? Don't you know

Is Chen Ye the biggest sponsor of the Hell's Kitchen Police Department? Didn't a group of people claiming to be from the FBI come and leave Chen Ye's territory in disgrace? "

Obviously, these gang leaders knew what Chen Ye had done some time ago and nodded involuntarily.

Seeing this, Gust continued, "Your ideas are all wrong. The people sent by the government last time were not enough. Chen Ye's threat is greater than ours. Don't forget that they are mutants. A group of mutants slaughtered ordinary people. Do you think the government will see this happen?"

Without waiting for others to refute, Gust continued, "Because no matter who it is, they want to eliminate unstable factors like Chen Ye. Ordinary people are always the mainstream. Mutants are aliens in front of the government or the people. As long as they kill the aliens, no matter which law enforcement agency, they will become famous and become national heroes. Chen Ye is a piece of fat meat in front of these politicians."

"In the face of huge interests, the government and law enforcement agencies are bound to be willing to take this risk. Besides, do you really think that the failure in the past can represent the real strength of the government? "

"They may have just been testing that time. The strength they sent out is definitely not their real strength. The government agencies must have comprehensively analyzed the abilities of Chen Ye and his group of mutants during this period, found out their weaknesses, or developed weapons that can fight against them. "

"In front of such a huge state machine, the strength of an individual is always vulnerable. This is why Chen Ye did not kill an agent at that time. Because he did not think he had the ability to fight against the entire country. "

"Besides, do you think that even if we went to the meeting, we could stop Chen Ye's idea this time? The school should still recruit students, and then we will have no fresh blood. If we compromise this time, there will be the next time. In the end, do we have to give up our own gangs to him, Chen Ye?"

Gust's words were well-reasoned, and all the leaders fell into deep thought.

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