After all, the matter was settled.

Chen Ye breathed a sigh of relief, and the matter came to an end. The reason why Chen Ye joined the High Table instead of destroying it was partly because of himself and partly for Hell's Kitchen.

First of all, by joining the High Table, Chen Ye can get his own power.

Not belonging to Jin Bing's power does not mean that Chen Ye does not trust Jin Bing, just like the emperor and the prince, the emperor's people are always the emperor's people.

Guess who they will listen to between the emperor's orders and the prince's orders, even if the prince is favored, not to mention that Chen Ye's prince is not his own.

Secondly, he can get convenient services such as mainland hotels, intelligence centers, and employment centers, and Chen Ye also gets most of the real benefits such as money and real estate.

Finally, it is for the people of Hell's Kitchen. This is the fine tradition of Chen Ye's country in his previous life.

There is a saying that one returns home in glory. Haven't you seen that after a certain boss of Dong became rich, he let the whole village work in his company.

A certain Qi, after he became the police chief, even a dog can be a police dog.

Chen Ye does not have such a good awareness, but he also has this idea. Even if Hell's Kitchen is chaotic and bad, it is Chen Ye's hometown in this Marvel world.

In the final analysis, the reason for the chaos is because the government does not act and deliberately lets it go.

What Chen Ye can do is to bring the mainland hotel industry to drive consumption in other industries in Hell's Kitchen.

First of all, ordinary residents of Hell's Kitchen can find a job in the mainland hotel, whether it is a waiter or a cleaner. This way, they can also make some money. Secondly, gangsters with some gangster background can take the task.

Chen Ye provides regular tasks such as mainland hotels. After all, they don't know how much the money they earned before was taken by the middlemen.

If it doesn't work, they can join the scavengers or be responsible for the production of firearms. These are all related majors in Hell's Kitchen.

Some people in Hell's Kitchen are born bad, and Chen Ye will kill them if he sees one. But most people have no choice. Don't they know that stealing, robbing, and drug trafficking are illegal?

People in Hell's Kitchen are born inferior when they go out, and they can't find a job, either because they were rejected because they didn't have a social security number when they smuggled in, or because of the four words "Hell's Kitchen".

So they can only survive by stealing and robbing.

They just want to live, is there anything wrong with that?

Chen Ye thinks it's not wrong, but he doesn't encourage it.

But Chen Ye hopes that they can have a better future, so the Continental Hotel is giving ordinary people in Hell's Kitchen a choice to see if they are willing to catch this ray of light.

If the Continental Hotel is a hope for ordinary residents of Hell's Kitchen, then the community school that Chen Ye is about to build is a hope for the children of Hell's Kitchen.

They can study hard, and through their own efforts, they can get into a good university, find a good job, and escape from Hell's Kitchen. One represents the present, and the other represents the future. Chen Ye said that I want both the present and the future.

Chen Ye can only do so much. He can't say that he can completely change Hell's Kitchen, but he can change it a little bit.

As for the rest, Chen Ye didn't think so much. He just strengthened his own strength while saving his life, and then returned to his original world if possible. Before returning, he helped this place where he had lived for more than 20 years, so that it would not be in vain to come to Marvel.

Chen Ye then asked John Wick, Master Ye and others to sit down, and then said: "Is there anyone who doesn't want to be a judge? If not, I will report everyone's information to the High Table."

Deadpool spoke first: "I want it, but the status of a judge is a bit low, the elder is more like it. So can the judge stay in the hotel for free?"

"Not only can you stay for free, but you can also get a salary." Lao Ma explained on the side.

John Wick was stunned when he heard everyone, and then he said, "Can I become a judge too?"

Happiness came too suddenly. John Wick didn't expect that he had worked hard in the Gaozhuo Society for his whole life. At his best, he was just someone else's subordinate and a night demon. Not to mention being a judge, he was not even a member of the Gaozhuo Society.

He was disheartened and tried his best, but he only got retired. His wife died, his dog died, his house was bombed, and he was chased by people.

If he hadn't met Chen Ye, he might have died somewhere, let alone become a judge of the Gaozhuo Society.

Lao Ma was better. Master Ye didn't expect that when he first arrived, Chen Ye would...

This trusts me.

"Actually, the Judge is just my subordinate, with a higher title. If you don't mind, you can be one. We are all friends anyway," Chen Ye said nonchalantly.

After everyone heard this, Deadpool clamored to stay in the hotel for free, but Pietro on the side didn't care. He had long regarded Chen Ye as a relative, and he would do whatever Chen Ye asked him to do.

Master Ye swore: "Although I am blind, it does not affect my judgment at all, especially in terms of human hearts. I can see more clearly. You are a good person and you saved my daughter. I will become your sword and clear everything for you."

"We are all friends, and family members don't need to do this." Chen Ye scratched his head and said.

"If you don't despise my old bones, Chen Ye, I can also help you." Old Ma also said immediately.

Finally, everyone looked at John Wick, and John Wick did not disappoint Chen Ye. He knelt on one knee and placed his right hand on his heart: "I will also be loyal to you, Chen, as long as you need me, just tell me. Even if it costs my life."

The system voice came from Chen Ye's mind



"Congratulations to the host, Marcus's favorability has been raised to full stars."

"Congratulations to the host, Marcus has become your family."

"Congratulations to the host, John Wick's favorability has been raised to full stars."

"Congratulations to the host, John Wick has become your family."

"Congratulations to the host, Kane's favorability has been raised to full stars."

"Congratulations to the host, Kane has become your family."

"It is detected that the host already has five family members, meeting the system upgrade conditions"

"The system has been automatically upgraded."

"24 hours upgrade completed."

Chen Ye looked at everyone and the voice in his mind and laughed happily.

"Alright, alright, I'm so embarrassed. We're all friends, brothers, and family. I'm going to cook. Stay and eat together before returning to the apartment. Master Ye, call your daughter."

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