The 1989 incident was a tragedy.

New York, Hell's Kitchen, Good Luck Restaurant.

It has been a week since the Eiffel Tower brawl was resolved.

The High Table paid a series of chips to appease the French leader to calm his anger and avoid a catastrophe. As for the family of Marquis Vincent de Gramont, they were not only hit by the Kingpin's forces, but also disappeared in the long river of history under the joint efforts of the High Table and the government.

Because of the official intentional interception, the citizens of Paris did not know that they had avoided a big mushroom attack. Everything returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

Only people in the dark world know that Marquis Vincent de Gramont betrayed the High Table and joined forces with terrorists to destroy the center of Paris, but was resolved by Chen Ye, the new elder from the High Table.

That's right, two days have passed since Chen Ye was recognized by the High Table.

Chen Ye also returned to his restaurant in Hell's Kitchen and lived a normal life.

"Chen Ye, you did such a big thing, but you didn't take me with you. You don't love me anymore!"

After knowing this, Deadpool slapped the table and complained that Chen Ye didn't take him with him when there was such a fun thing.

"Okay, okay, last time it wasn't an emergency, and you didn't know where to go, so I didn't call you."

Chen Ye didn't look back and drank his tea.

"I really want to try the taste of being blown up by a big mushroom. I wonder if it can blow me to death. Remember to call me next time there is such a good thing!"

It turned out that Deadpool wanted to see if the big mushroom could blow him to death.

"Then I guess it's a close call. With your ability, you won't die even if the earth is destroyed." Chen Ye rolled his eyes.

Footsteps were heard outside the restaurant. The people who came were Winston, Master John Wick Ye and a judge of the High Table.

The judge walked to the tea table, took out a suitcase, opened it, placed it in front of Chen Ye, and said: "This is the elder identity gold coins sent by the High Table, the judge gold coins, as well as your identity verification card and a mobile phone for the elders of the High Table."

"There are three elder identity gold coins in total. As long as you go to any force controlled by the High Table and show the elder gold coins, they will do their best to serve you."

"This identity verification card has your exclusive verification code. This is when you need to issue any instructions or rewards to the High Table. With your authority as an elder, you can perform a series of operations on it."

"There are a total of nine judge gold coins here, which means that you can have nine judges under your command. The identity information of the judges needs to be uploaded to the archive center of the High Table for identity confirmation."

"As for the elders' special mobile phone, it is convenient for you to use it when you hold a meeting. Generally speaking, when the High Table holds an elder meeting, a big shot like you will definitely not have time to go to the headquarters, so you only need to use this mobile phone for the meeting."

After hearing the judge's explanation, Chen Ye understood.

Deadpool on the side quickly took out the elder's gold coin, put it in his mouth and bit it. Hmm, it was good, there was a tooth mark, and then he quietly put it in his pocket.

"Can this thing be remade if it is lost?" Chen Ye asked.

The judge was speechless after hearing this question: "Elder Chen Ye, this has never happened in the history of the High Table, so there should be no problem."

"Pietro, put this thing away, don't let a thief in a red hood take it away." Chen Ye almost named him.

Pietro stepped forward to take the briefcase from the judge, and by the way, he glared at Deadpool who was watching covetously on the side.

As for the elder's gold coin that Deadpool had embezzled, Chen Ye and Pietro tacitly did not ask for it.

The judge continued to take out a briefcase from his side and opened it, which was filled with densely packed document bags.

"Elder Chen Ye, this is the Marquis's legacy in the High Table. Considering that you are not in Paris, the High Table has taken the initiative to replace it with a place that is convenient for you." Obviously, this is the hush money and thank-you fee given to Chen Ye by the High Table.

"The first part is mainly real estate, arsenals, and training bases across the United States."

"The second part is the shares and some bonds of the Marquis Investment Company, etc."

"As for the third part..."

Chen Ye interrupted the judge directly, "Okay, okay, no need to say. Send it all to Fisk Building. No need to say the rest."

Chen Ye is not uninterested in money, but he is afraid that if he knows too much, he will start to be lazy and lose interest in making money.

And no matter how much money there is, it is useless in the Marvel Universe. When Thanos comes, will Chen Ye take out a check and say here is 100 billion, leave the earth for me? Besides, Chen Ye does not have 100 billion.

If Thanos takes the 100 billion and leaves, Chen Ye will find ways to kidnap Iron Man and do something else.

Anyway, Chen Ye knows that he will never spend all the money in this life.

Seeing Chen Ye's lack of interest in money, the High Table's judge was very impressed and continued to explain: "Here are the High Table's death squads stationed in New York. This is their personnel list and detailed information."

"Originally there were about 100 people, but after the last time they made a scene in Hell's Kitchen, you, the elder, killed some of them. Now there are less than 30 people left."

"These men are given to you by the elders of the High Table. You can use them however you want."

After hearing the gifts from the elders, Chen Ye felt a little embarrassed and said, "Forget it, let them go back. After all, I have killed many of them. They are embarrassed to see me, and I am embarrassed to see them." After all, they almost killed someone, and now they want their loyalty. Even if they don't say it, they must have complaints in their hearts. Just forget it.

The judge seemed to know what Chen Ye was thinking: "Elder Chen Ye, don't worry. If you don't want them, you will be asked to commit mass suicide, so you saved them by wanting them."

After listening, Chen Ye had no choice but to nod his head, which was considered as tacit consent to this matter, and it was also considered as saving a life. As for their arrangements, when the school community opens in the future, a lot of security guards will be needed to ensure the safety of the students, so let them stay there, and there is a lack of sanitation workers to clean the streets.

"Finally, I wonder if you have any opinions on the reconstruction of the New York Continental Hotel." The judge asked.

"The location is in the next block, and Winston, come over." Chen Ye called to Winston.

Winston on the side quickly stood up.

Chen Ye led Winston to the judge and said, "I don't need to introduce this person. This is Winston, the former head of the New York Continental Hotel. Now he is one of my judges. He will be fully responsible for the new construction of the hotel."

Winston looked at Chen Ye with gratitude: "Thank you for helping me get revenge and letting me take charge of the Continental Hotel again. I will definitely manage it for you."

Winston was full of gratitude. On the one hand, he had worked for the High Table for so long, but he was driven out by the Marquis just because he violated the rules. He blew up the New York Continental Hotel that he had worked hard for many years and killed his good butler.

Chen Ye not only avenged him, but also handed over the New York Continental Hotel to him after just knowing each other for a short time. Chen Ye's trust touched Winston, who had experienced the warmth and coldness of human relationships.

A man dies for his own sake. Winston decided to give his life to Chen Ye.

Then Winston asked Chen Ye: "I wonder what your requirements are for this Continental Hotel, such as decoration, layout, etc."

Chen Ye said with confidence: "I'm relieved to leave it to you. You can talk to the people of the High Table for the rest. I only have one request, that is, ordinary positions in the Continental Hotel should be given priority to people in Hell's Kitchen."

Winston was stunned after hearing this. He was not sure if he heard it wrong, and then hurriedly asked again: "Can you say it again?"

Seeing this, Chen Ye said clearly: "You heard it right, I only have one request, that is, ordinary positions in the Continental Hotel, such as waiters, cleaners, chefs and other positions, should give priority to ordinary residents of Hell's Kitchen."

Winston heard Chen Ye's affirmative answer and thought for a moment. Then he looked at Chen Ye with admiration. Unexpectedly, Chen Ye did not seek benefits for himself, but for ordinary people in Hell's Kitchen. I thought that I really did not make a mistake. Such an adult is worth following.

Winston bowed 90 degrees and placed his right hand on his chest to pay the highest tribute: "I will complete your request at all costs. I am willing to guarantee it with my life."


"Congratulations to the host, successfully added Winston as a friend."

"Obtained attribute: Noble Etiquette lv8"

"Congratulations to the host..."

"Congratulations to the host, Winston's favorability has been raised to full stars (six stars upper limit)"

"Congratulations to the host, Winston has become your family."

"You have obtained all of Winston's skills, and existing skills will automatically upgrade by one level."

"Subsequently, the skills of family members will be upgraded, and the host will also automatically upgrade."

"Congratulations to the host, the current number of family members (2), there are three more family members, and the system will be upgraded."

"Please keep up the good work, host."

Hearing the system's prompt, Chen Ye looked at Winston in surprise. He didn't expect it to be so easy to make Winston his family.

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