The old man was sitting on the ground, and the old man was sitting on the ground.

Inside the conference room of the Fisk Building,

The interior decoration is extremely luxurious, but it does not lose the cold atmosphere.

A group of gangsters sat around the oval conference table.

Their faces were different, some were gloomy, some were cunning, and some were cruel.

Their eyes were like the north wind on a winter night, cold and biting.

They wore a variety of suits, from smooth silk to stiff wool,

which undoubtedly revealed their unique taste.

However, even the most gorgeous clothes could not hide the fact that they were low-class people from Hell's Kitchen.

When the door was pushed open and Chen Ye walked into the conference room, the air seemed to solidify.

He slowly walked to the other end of the table, sat in the main seat, and then quietly scanned the people in the venue.

The eyes of the gang leaders stayed on his face for a moment, and then quickly moved away.

Emotions surged in their hearts: awe, curiosity, disdain, and even a hint of surprise.

At this time, the atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became tense, as if everyone was silently counting the time in their hearts, waiting for the drama to be staged.

Jin Bing seemed to have no objection to Chen Ye sitting in the main seat.

Jin Bing sat to the lower right of Chen Ye.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Jin Bing immediately waved his hand and signaled everyone to be quiet.

Then he said: "Thank you all for giving me Jin Bing this face, so I won't steal the show."

"Today, we are gathered here. I believe everyone knows that it was my godson Chen Ye who invited everyone. Let him speak below."

Chen Ye immediately said: "Hello, all the garbage living in hell"

His voice was low and magnetic, as if there was a kind of magic that no one present could ignore.

As soon as this was said, the leaders were like a pot of boiling water, and they all started to curse.

"Chen Ye, what do you mean?"

"Is this meeting for you to insult us?"

"Who are you to say that to us?"

Chen Ye calmly glanced at the gang leaders present. The only ones who were relatively calm were the leaders of the Irish and British gangs.

"Isn't it? Look at the way each of you looks. Who would say that you are serious people?"

The leader of the Irish gang, Tom, couldn't help but say at this time,

"Let's get to the point quickly. We are not here for you to mock us."

Seeing this, Chen Ye also said straight to the point: "As for me, I am going to open a community college here, and basically everything has been done."

"You also know that it takes a lot of money to open a school. This time, the main thing is to ask you to sponsor and solve the enrollment problem by the way."

Chen Ye paused, glanced around at everyone, and saw that they all had a feeling of wanting to say something but not being able to.

"The most important thing is that I hope all minors under the age of 18 in Hell's Kitchen go to community college, including your family members and your gang members."

As soon as this was said, there was a burst of laughter in the conference room.

"Going to school, I am dying of laughter."

"You are asking gangsters to go to school, what's the difference between asking sows to climb trees."

"I have never been to school since I was born, but I am still messing around today."

At this time, the gang leaders felt that Chen Ye was a little whimsical, and everyone wanted to leave.

Tommy Shelby on the side asked curiously: "I can accept your conditions, but what do you have to pay?"

Everyone looked at Chen Ye.

Chen Ye was not flustered: "Before answering this question, I would like to ask everyone present, are you satisfied with your current life?"

"I live on the edge of a knife every day, and I live in fear every day. I may drive a luxury car and live in a villa today. Tomorrow I will be killed by my enemies and my head and body will be separated."

"I believe that everyone present here must have more than dozens of lives to achieve today's achievements."

"Because we live in hell, this is a place where the weak are preyed on by the strong. If we want to survive, we must kill the other party, even if that person is your relative."

As soon as Chen Ye's words came out, everyone was thinking silently.

Chen Ye then pointed to a gang leader and asked: "Joyce Budd, I remember that your father was also a gang leader before. Have you ever thought about what you would like to do if you were not a gangster?"

Joyce Budd thought for a while and then said: "I have never thought about this question, because since I can remember,

I just followed my dad to join the gang. I have never done anything else except the gang."

Chen Ye then said: "See, you have no choice at all. Your parents have never taught you what is the right thing to do, nor have they told you that you can actually be an athlete or a teacher in addition to the gang."

"Some people's parents may even die in gang fights when they are just born."

"Here in Hell's Kitchen, we can only think about how to live every day, and live by any means. We have no choice, and we have no time to think, we can only try our best to live."

"If there is a choice, would you still want to live like this?"

Chen Ye can clearly feel that some gang leaders have agreed with what he said.

"Everyone here, even if you are a gang leader now, we will still be despised when we walk out of Hell's Kitchen, because we are born with the label of Hell's Kitchen."

"In the eyes of outsiders, Hell's Kitchen is a group of unforgivable garbage, the dregs of society. ”

“People outside always look at us with tinted glasses. They don’t know our pain because no one speaks for us.”

“It’s not our fault to be born in hell. But if we don’t change, it’s our fault.”

“The reason why I set up a school is that the school can give children choices, and children can think about the life they want in school safely.”

“Don’t let the next generation follow our old path. It’s enough for hell to have a group of scum like us.”

Chen Ye said passionately.

Jin Bing next to him looked at Chen Ye in front of him with a very gratified look. If there were schools back then, perhaps there would not be today’s underground emperor Jin Bing.

“Are you sympathizing with us now?” A gang leader didn’t buy it.

Chen Ye stared at the gang leader coldly,

“You don’t deserve my sympathy, and you don’t need my sympathy. "

"This is your own choice. We are a bunch of bastards born in hell. Will you stop selling drugs and pimping if you get some sympathy? Bastards have to eat too."

"I just want you to sympathize with minors. Give them a chance, a chance to go to heaven."

"As for whether they want to go to heaven or stay in hell in the future, that is their own choice."

"I am not a saint, and I don't want to be a saint. I am just like you, a bastard living in hell."

"The only difference may be that I have a conscience than you bastards."

After Chen Ye finished speaking, he glanced at the expressions of the gang leaders present. Their faces were different. Some became ashamed, some were thoughtful, but most of them were indeed impatient.

After all, those who can become gang leaders are all hard-hearted and ruthless.

They will not be moved by Chen Ye's words.

Everyone cares more about interests.

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