The green goblin looked exactly like his father.

Harry looked at the green goblin in front of him with fear, and he was speechless for a moment.

The green goblin walked slowly towards Harry, throwing a pumpkin bomb in his hand.

"I am your father, Harry. Why are you looking at me with such fear?" The green goblin said with an evil smile.

"You are not my father, how can you be my father? You are not my father!" Harry shouted in horror, he could not accept that the evil green goblin in front of him was his father.

The Green Goblin looked at Harry in disappointment: "Forget it, I'll send you to see your father. Next, I'll treat our little Spider-Man well."

The Green Goblin's words made Harry feel even more frightened. He was afraid that he would be killed by the Green Goblin, but now he had no other choice.

When the Green Goblin first came to this world, he was still a little confused.

When he wandered around trying to find the familiar Osborn Building in this world, the Green Goblin instantly changed direction.

The Green Goblin believed that since there was an Osborn Building, it must be that he had survived the disaster and returned directly to his home.

Unexpectedly, there was an Osborn who had not yet become the Green Goblin at home, which made the Green Goblin confirm that he was not back to the original world, but came to a brand new world.

There is also Osborn in this brand new world, and there is also himself, so there must be the Spider-Man he hates.

So the Green Goblin decided to kill Osborn in front of him first, and then continue to survive in place of Osborn in this world.

However, just as the Green Goblin was about to take action, the conscience of the Green Goblin, that is, Osborn, woke up.

The Green Goblin is Norman Osborn's second personality after using the "human enhancement potion" developed by the company.

The Green Goblin's fingers trembled slightly. He looked at the bomb in his hand, then looked at himself lying on the ground, and Harry who was looking at him in horror.

He saw his own figure and asked Harry in confusion: "Child, don't be afraid. I won't hurt you. What's going on here? Why is there another me?"

Harry was confused by his words and looked at him, not knowing how to answer.

His heart tightened, but he still tried to stay calm, "The one lying here is my father Osborn, a well-known entrepreneur. He was hurt by you. Please save him!"

Harry took advantage of the gap with Osborn and secretly called the police on his mobile phone.

Osborn sighed, obviously noticing Harry's little move,

But Osborn didn't care, because his second personality, the Green Goblin, began to stir again, and it seemed that there were two of him fighting for sovereignty in his mind.

He could only cover his head with a painful face, he knew he couldn't let this situation continue.

"I am Osborn, but sometimes I turn into the Green Goblin. That is my evil personality." Osborn answered with difficulty, his voice full of helplessness and pain.

"I don't know why I am here, and I don't know why it has become like this. Child, I can't answer your questions, you just need to know that I am also your father."

Just as Osborn wanted to continue explaining, the Green Goblin in his mind could no longer be suppressed. He felt his body begin to change, and the originally peaceful inner world was instantly broken.

He knew that he didn't have much time.

At this moment, the Green Goblin suddenly rushed out of his body and laughed wildly: "Hahaha! This is my power! I'm back!"

Harry knew that someone had changed now, because Harry saw that his eyes were full of evil and fanaticism. Is this really my father? Harry was full of questions.

Then Osborn fought back to control his body,

He shouted to Harry with his remaining reason: "Run! Go find Peter Parker!"

Osborn knew that he couldn't let the Green Goblin appear again, and he couldn't let Harry get hurt.

So he endured the pain, rode on the flying skateboard, and flew away.

He knew that once the Green Goblin appeared, he would come back here again.

He just wanted to buy time to give Harry, the poor child, enough time to escape.

At this time, the panicked Harry finally came to his senses and quickly picked up the phone to call a doctor.

But Harry himself was still a little confused as to why he was asked to find Peter Parker.

But before he could think about it, the police had already arrived quickly.

After all, Osborn was a local tax payer.

, the policemen surrounded Harry nervously, they knew they were dealing with a very serious matter.

They had to act quickly and accurately to ensure the safety of everyone.

They began to give first aid to Osborn who fell to the ground, while understanding the specific situation with Harry.

On the other side, Osborn began to fly quickly on a skateboard. Osborn didn't know where to go, but he knew that as long as he was as far away from Harry as possible.

At this moment, a large black shadow suddenly appeared in the sky and flew quickly to Osborn.

Osborn turned his head with difficulty and looked. It was obviously a bald man with wings flying in the air.

The bald man said to Osborn: "Hey, Green Goblin. I know you, introduce myself, I am Vulture. Do you want to join forces to rule the world together?"

It is obvious that Vulture has realized that this world is no longer the previous world, and the reason why he values ​​Green Goblin is also very simple.

After all, Vulture has no funds and equipment when he first arrived. If he wants to strengthen his strength, he needs the funding of Osborn Enterprises.

Vulture's real name is Adrian Toomes. He was originally an electronic engineer and had always had a dream of flying.

He did countless experiments to build a pair of wings like a bird, but he was deceived by a businessman and imprisoned because he lacked research funds.

After escaping from prison, his temperament changed drastically. He used the flying suit he invented to transform into a "vulture" and began to take revenge on society.

It is obvious that he has suffered a loss last time. This time he is going to find the largest company to fund him.

He is not worried that the Green Goblin will disagree. If he disagrees, he will use his own strength to make the other party agree.

Osborn did not pay attention to the Vulture at this moment, because he could no longer control himself at this moment.

The Green Goblin appeared again, and his cunning smile and flashing cold eyes revealed his coldness and evil.

"Hehehe, if you want me to invest, then let me see if you are qualified."

The Green Goblin said contemptuously, and his skateboard changed position instantly, and a machine gun suddenly appeared. With a light tap of his fingers, the machine gun began to madly shoot at the vulture.

The vulture saw the sudden change in the Green Goblin's temperament and became alert instantly.

The vulture quickly took off, and then pulled up the laser gun to counterattack the Green Goblin.

A fierce air battle began, and the vulture fought with the Green Goblin with his flight suit and laser gun.

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