The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Peter, who was full of desire for money and Mary, ignored Uncle Ben's advice and only wanted to go to the wrestling match.

His thoughts were like leaves in the wind, drifting and difficult to stay.

When he stepped into the noisy arena, he was shocked by the tens of thousands of spectators and the performances of the passionate professional wrestlers on the stage.

Their cheers, applause, and the fierce confrontation between the wrestlers were like electric currents, impacting Peter's nerves.

He seemed to see himself standing on the stage, hearing the cheers of the audience, and feeling the joy of victory.

Uncle Ben's advice had long been thrown behind his head.

However, just when he was about to make up his mind to sign up for the competition, a familiar voice sounded in his ears: "Is this really a good idea? Have you forgotten all the advice Uncle Ben gave you?"

Peter's heartbeat accelerated instantly, and he looked around, trying to find the source of the voice.

Finally, he found the source of the voice, a figure that he was very familiar with, his old classmate Chen Ye.

He stood in the shadow of the corridor, with a smile on his face, but his eyes revealed an indescribable depth.

Peter's vigilance and doubts intertwined on his face, and he looked at Chen Ye, his heart full of confusion.

He couldn't understand why Chen Ye was here, and why he knew about his conversation with Uncle Ben.

"You... why are you here?" Peter's voice was a little nervous.

Could it be that this Chen Ye is a stalker? Peter's heart was full of vigilance, and he began to wonder if his whereabouts had been mastered by Chen Ye.

Chen Ye looked at the vigilant Peter and said with a smile: "I just happened to come over and saw your uncle chatting with you in the car. It seems that you two are not chatting happily, so I guessed that he was lecturing you."

After listening to Chen Ye's explanation, Peter's tense nerves relaxed a little.

It turned out that he misunderstood Chen Ye. The other party just happened to pass by and did not follow him.

Peter felt a little embarrassed. He originally thought that Chen Ye was a perverted stalker and almost made a joke.

"Why, you seem to be very interested in this game, are you going to participate by yourself?" Chen Ye looked at Peter with a hint of teasing in his eyes.

Peter waved his hand quickly: "No, no, I just came to take a look. I am still very interested in wrestling."

Peter did not intend to reveal his intentions, for fear that Chen Ye would complain to Uncle Ben.

After all, if Uncle Ben knew that he was secretly participating in the competition, he would probably be opposed and stopped.

"Then how about watching it together?" Chen Ye made an invitation. Chen Ye knew that Peter was going to participate in the competition, but he just wanted to tease Peter.

"No, no, take your time, I'm going to the bathroom first." Peter rejected Chen Ye's invitation. If he followed this guy to watch the game, Peter would not have the opportunity to participate in the game.

This way, he could not earn 3,000 yuan to buy a car and pick up girls, so after Peter refused, he wanted to leave directly.

Looking at Peter's back as he hurried away, Chen Ye smiled mysteriously.

He knew what choice Peter would make, but he did not say it out loud.

He just left a piece of advice: "No matter what choice you make today, you must think clearly, otherwise you will regret it."

Peter frowned at Chen Ye, as if he didn't understand the purpose of Chen Ye's words at all. Did he know that I was going to participate in the game?

Peter shook his head, and regardless of this inexplicable Chen Ye, he quickly went to the bathroom to change his clothes and sign up for the game.

When he came to the registration office, the lady in charge of registration looked at his thin figure and the strange costume and frowned.

She repeatedly confirmed whether Peter really wanted to participate in the competition, because in her eyes, Peter looked more like a clown who came to join in the fun than a real wrestler.

However, Peter's determination was not shaken by her doubts.

He nodded firmly and handed in his registration form.

After a lot of trouble, it was finally Peter's turn.

The host took the list and looked at the name of the next person to appear - "Human Spider", and he frowned slightly.

This name seemed too ordinary and unattractive in his eyes.

So he changed the name on his own initiative.

"Next, please welcome our new challenger, the dreaded 'Spider-Man'!" The host said passionately on the scene


However, the audience had no hope when they saw Peter's thin body, thinking that this kid could not last more than a minute, which was simply a waste of time.

So there was a lot of booing at the scene, as if they were laughing at Peter for overestimating his ability.

The game started, and Peter showed all the skills that Chen Ye had trained him with yesterday.

His movements were swift and accurate, and every attack caught his opponent off guard.

He cleverly dodged his opponent's attacks, and then took the opportunity to launch a counterattack.

He easily solved the professional wrestler.

The audience was stunned by Peter's performance. They couldn't believe that this thin body could burst out with such powerful power.

They began to cheer for Peter, and their applause and cheers filled the entire arena.

Peter stood on the field, feeling the joy of victory.

He knew that all this was because he was trained by Kamen Rider yesterday.

Although the training at that time made him miserable, all the efforts were worth it.

Peter's face was full of smiles. He would soon get 3,000 dollars to buy a car and go to Mary.

"Why only 100 dollars? This is different from the agreed 3,000 dollars." Peter looked at the boss who was giving out bonuses with a puzzled look on his face.

The boss obviously didn't take Peter seriously: "Stupid, look carefully for yourself. Three minutes and 3,000 dollars. You only worked for two minutes. It's good to have money."

His words were full of indifference and ruthlessness, and he seemed to not care about Peter's feelings at all.

Peter felt angry and helpless. He knew that he was deceived by his boss.

He urgently needed the money, but now he could only watch the boss take away the fruits of his labor.

He tried his best to suppress his anger and begged the boss to give him more money.

But the boss ignored him and just stared into his eyes and said, "This is none of my business."

His words were like a knife, piercing Peter's heart fiercely.

Peter knew that he was deceived, and he could only turn around and leave.

When he left, a robber happened to pass by him.

While Peter was waiting for the elevator, he subconsciously looked inside the room.

The room was in chaos, and it was obvious that a fierce robbery had taken place. He saw the boss being knocked to the ground by the robbers and his wallet was taken away.

Although Peter was a little shocked, he felt more of a complicated emotion.

He had just been deceived by his boss, and seeing his boss being robbed, he actually felt a sense of inexplicable pleasure in his heart.

So when the boss asked him to stop the robber, Peter ignored it and just watched the robber get off the elevator.

When the boss covered his head and questioned Peter: "Why didn't you stop him and let him escape now!"

Peter used the words the boss had said to him: "This is none of my business."

Then the boss could only stare at Peter with an indignant look.

Peter looked at the boss's appearance and secretly cursed in his heart that he deserved it.

What he didn't know was that it was because of his decision that he almost lost his uncle.

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