After a long time, the two of them were very happy.

Peter returned home, feeling relaxed and expectant.

His cell phone suddenly rang, it was a text message alert. Peter curiously checked and found that it was a date message from goddess Mary and a message from Harry inviting him to visit his home.

Peter saw Harry's invitation and didn't have too many doubts.

After all, Harry has always been his good friend, and their friendship is deep. Harry often invites him to visit, and they chat, play games, and share life trivia together.

The door of Harry's house is always open to Peter, and Peter never feels anything wrong.

However, when Peter saw the date message from goddess Mary, his heart was filled with joy.

Peter never thought that his life would become so lucky since he became Spider-Man.

He never dared to hope that Mary would take the initiative to ask him out, but now, this surprising news is right in front of him.

Peter's heartbeat accelerated, his cheeks flushed slightly, and he had never thought that this might be a scam.

Peter looked at the two text messages and hesitated for a while.

He wanted to go to Harry's house and meet the goddess Mary as soon as possible.

He knew that he should go to Harry's house first, and then go on a date with Mary.

So he left home in a hurry and went to Harry's residence.

However, when Peter arrived at Harry's house, he found that something was wrong.

Harry's house was dark, and the lights were not turned on at all.

Peter walked up in confusion and prepared to knock on the door, but found that Harry's door was not locked.

Peter felt uneasy.

He gently pushed the door open and walked in.

The house was silent, with only the moonlight outside the window sprinkled on the floor, which seemed a little deserted.

Peter called Harry's name several times, but there was no response.

He looked around and found that the house was in a mess, and it seemed that something had been turned over.

Peter's heart began to beat rapidly, and he realized that this might not be a simple invitation.

Peter gently pushed open Harry's door, and the scene in front of him stunned him instantly.

Harry was tied tightly to the ceiling, his face was pale, and he had obviously fallen into a coma.

Peter's heart was instantly filled with fear and anger, and he immediately began to look for tools to rescue Harry.

However, just as he was concentrating on finding rescue tools, a strong cold wind suddenly blew from behind.

Peter turned his head sharply and saw a figure in a green battle suit looming in the moonlight.

He had a cunning smile on his face, and the weapon in his hand flashed with cold light.

Peter's heart sank suddenly, and he knew that he had been attacked by surprise.

However, he did not retreat, but responded quickly.

He dodged the man's attack swiftly, and then angrily said to the attacker: "Who are you and why did you hurt Harry!"

His voice was full of anger and confusion. He couldn't understand why someone would hurt his friend

The Green Goblin looked at Peter coldly, with a sneer on his lips: "Little Spider, I teach my son a lesson. What's wrong with that?"

Peter was shocked to hear this: "You are Uncle Osborn! No, how do you know my identity? You are from another parallel universe."

Peter didn't expect to be recognized. After all, he was not wearing a battle suit now. There was only one explanation that Osborn in front of him was from another parallel universe.

However, the Green Goblin didn't give him too much time to think. He said violently: "I'm not that waste Osborn, I'm the Green Goblin. Little Spider, let me have a good time with you."

Then he attacked Peter, his movements were swift and powerful, like a cheetah hunting prey.

Peter did not retreat. He reacted quickly and started a fierce fight with the Green Goblin.

Their figures intertwined in the moonlight, and their fists and kicks made thumping sounds in the air.

Peter tried his best to avoid the Green Goblin's attacks, while looking for opportunities to fight back.

He knew that he could not let the Green Goblin wreak havoc, and he had to rescue Harry, who was tied to the ceiling, as soon as possible.

Peter took advantage of the Green Goblin's inattention, leaped up, clenched his hands, and hit the Green Goblin violently.

The Green Goblin was caught off guard and retreated repeatedly.

Peter took the opportunity to rush to Harry and quickly untied the ropes that bound him.

Harry regained his freedom, his face pale but his eyes flashed with gratitude.

Harry was successfully rescued, but the Green Goblin did not have any emotions because of this


He stood there with a cold smile on his face, as if the rescued Harry had nothing to do with him.

His voice was full of provocation and ridicule: "Now with this burden, do you think you can still beat me?"

After that, he stepped on the flying skateboard and rushed towards Peter, so fast that people almost had no time to react.

Peter looked at the Green Goblin rushing over, and a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

He knew that it was not wise to fight the Green Goblin head-on with the injured Harry.

But he also knew that he could not abandon Harry and put him in danger again.

So Peter could only try his best to avoid the Green Goblin's attack.

However, the Green Goblin's attack was not without rules. His skateboarding skills were superb, and every attack was like a sharp sword, pointing directly at Peter's vitals.

Because Peter wanted to protect Harry, he could only bear many attacks that he could have avoided, so Peter was now covered with scars.

The Green Goblin's attack became more and more fierce, and his skateboard drew sharp tracks in the air. Every collision made Peter feel a sharp pain.

However, Peter did not give up. He gritted his teeth and tried his best to resist.

Harry's heart was full of fear, but he knew that he could not give up at this time.

He took a deep breath, used all his strength, and shouted to Peter: "Peter, run away! Don't worry about me. Remember to help me get revenge in the future!" His voice echoed in the night sky with a hint of determination and firmness.

Peter looked at Harry, his eyes were firm and deep.

He knew that Harry was his friend, and his friend was in danger, and he could not abandon him.

He stared at Harry closely and replied: "Harry, I will not abandon you. You are my only good friend, how can I watch you fall into danger and ignore it?"

Peter's words made Harry's heart surge with a warm current.

He did not expect that Peter would so firmly choose to stand with him and face this powerful enemy.

His eyes were filled with moving light, and he looked at Peter, his heart full of gratitude and admiration.

However, Peter was not shaken by his words.

He held Harry's hand tightly, looked into his eyes, and said firmly: "Harry, we are friends, we will not abandon each other. Let us face this enemy together, whether we live or die, we must be together."

The Green Goblin looked at them, and a mocking smile appeared on his face.

He thought that the two young people would abandon each other for their lives, but he did not expect that they would choose each other so firmly.

There was a flash of surprise in his eyes, but more of disdain and contempt.

"Then you will die together. I originally prepared a bigger surprise for you, Spider-Man, but I didn't expect you to be so unappreciative. Then you will die here with Harry."

The Green Goblin's words were cold and sarcastic, and there was a twisted smile on his face, as if seeing the death of the two young people could bring him some kind of satisfaction.

Then the Green Goblin threw a large number of pumpkin bombs in the direction of Harry and Peter.

Harry and Peter looked at each other, their eyes full of despair.

They knew that facing the Green Goblin's pumpkin bomb, they had almost no chance of survival. Peter hugged Harry tightly, trying to use his body to block the upcoming bomb for him.

Their heartbeats were particularly clear in the silent night, and every beat seemed to tell the passing of their lives.

However, just when they were about to die, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Why don't you two just stay together."

This voice was like a spring breeze, awakening Peter and Harry from despair.

They looked up and saw a young figure slowly walking out of the shadows, with a teasing smile on his face, as if he didn't care about the crisis in front of him.

This young man was Chen Ye.

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