The fire broke out, and the fire was in chaos.

On a sunny afternoon, a shrill alarm suddenly sounded on a busy street in the Big Apple.

People stopped to watch, and saw thick smoke and flames in the sky in the distance. It was obvious that a building had caught fire.

The fire was fierce, and the flames seemed to devour everything. The atmosphere at the scene was extremely tense.

The fire truck roared in, and the firefighters quickly got off the car to start firefighting and rescue operations.

They wore heavy protective clothing, oxygen masks, and rushed into the fire scene in the heat and smoke.

However, the fire was too big, and the firefighters could not get close to the source of the fire, so they could only extinguish the fire from the periphery.

At this moment, exclamations suddenly came from the crowd at the scene.

Everyone looked up and saw a figure wearing a red tights and a mask, passing through the crowd like a flash of lightning and quickly flying towards the fire.

This is the Spider-Man who has recently become famous in New York. Since Peter listened to Chen Ye's words, he has been crazy in the Big Apple City these days to punish evil and promote good.

Peter turned into Spider-Man at the fire scene, and his appearance surprised and gratified everyone present.

He first used his spider silk skills to quickly shuttle between buildings to find trapped rescuers.

In another corner of the fire, a young woman was trapped in the thick smoke. She screamed in fear, and her voice was full of despair.

Peter heard her cry for help and immediately flew in her direction.

He crossed the sea of ​​fire, avoided the fallen beams and burning walls, and finally came to the woman's side.

He stretched out his strong arms, hugged her tightly in his arms, and then used spider silk to send her out of the fire safely.

Peter did not stop the rescue, he continued to go deeper into the fire scene to look for other trapped rescuers.

With his help, one trapped person after another was successfully rescued.

The firefighters were also infected by his heroic behavior. They worked harder to put out the fire and fought together with Spider-Man, and finally controlled the fire within a controllable range.

After nearly an hour of intense rescue, the fire was finally completely extinguished.

Peter also successfully completed his rescue mission and rescued all the trapped rescuers.

Seeing Spider-Man suddenly appear, like a shining star across the sky, the media's enthusiasm was immediately ignited.

Countless camera shutters were pressed, vying to capture the heroic figure of this brave superman, hoping to become an exclusive headline.

Flashes came and went, like bright stars, illuminating the entire city.

Peter couldn't help feeling a little proud when he saw this scene.

After all, he was still young, and he was very happy to be noticed and admired by everyone.

He easily posed in several handsome poses and took photos with the media.

"Mr. Spider-Man, why do you appear frequently in people's sight recently?"

"Do you have superpowers?"

"What do you think about the popular star Taylor being your fan?"

"Why are you called Spider-Man? Don't you think spiders are disgusting?"

When the reporters took the photos and picked up the microphone to interview Spider-Man, Peter was still a young man after all, and he was very happy to be praised, but he also knew that he could not reveal his identity.

So Peter deliberately said to him in a relaxed tone: "I am your good neighbor Spider-Man, goodbye"

After that, Peter did not stop, he quickly fired spider silk and stuck to the tall building.

His body jumped up, like a real spider, and disappeared lightly in the sea of ​​people.

Leaving the media stunned and amazed.

"It feels so good to be a hero." Peter cheered in his heart.

He enjoyed the pleasure of flying in the air and felt the admiration and love of people.

This feeling made him feel as if he had become the guardian of the city, full of a sense of mission and accomplishment.

However, Peter did not notice that among a group of reporters, there was a pair of eyes staring at him with hatred.

The owner of these eyes was Venom Eddie.

He was also a reporter and a colleague of Peter from another parallel universe. He lost everything because Peter exposed his fake photo.

He blamed all this on Peter, thinking that he had ruined his life.

"I thought you didn't exist in this universe, Peter." Eddie thought fiercely in his heart, "Soon I will let you know what it means to be ruined.

. Let you taste the pain I went through!"

He was full of resentment and desire for revenge against Peter, and vowed to make this so-called hero pay the price.


Spider-Man, this name has recently been like a shining star in New York City, shining brightly, attracting great attention from the general public and the media.

With his extraordinary abilities and fearless spirit, he has become a beautiful landscape in New York City, and various media reports have emerged, telling about his heroic deeds.

This of course attracted the attention of his old rival, the Green Goblin.

On the top floor of the Osborn Building,

The Green Goblin has completed the re-control of the Osborn Group.

At this time, the Green Goblin was drinking black tea elegantly and looking at the newspaper in his hand.

The headline of the newspaper clearly read the report of "City Hero Spider-Man", and the Green Goblin looked into the distance with a sinister and vicious look: "It's time to find our little Spider. "

When the Green Goblin first saw the report about Spider-Man, he was also very surprised. He didn't expect that there would be Spider-Man in this world.

But later he thought carefully, since there is the Osborn Group in this world, it is not so strange to have Spider-Man.

It just gave him a chance to take revenge on Spider-Man.

The Vulture on the side heard the Green Goblin's words and slowly walked forward: "I can't wait to find Spider-Man. Let him try the equipment I just upgraded."

The Vulture was very glad that he cooperated with the Green Goblin in front of him. Although the Green Goblin was not a good person, with the support of the funds of the Osborn Group, the Vulture completed the weapon upgrade.

The current Vulture felt that if he met the previous Spider-Man again, he said that he could beat ten of them.

"As long as Spider-Man is killed, no one in this world can stop me! "The Green Goblin said arrogantly.

The Vulture on the side looked at the Green Goblin vigilantly after hearing what the Green Goblin said. Once Spider-Man died, his alliance with the Green Goblin might collapse instantly. After all, based on his understanding of the Green Goblin, he might be the next guy to be killed.

So the Vulture also prepared a killer to deal with the Green Goblin.

But for now, they still have to deal with Spider-Man together, so the Vulture asked: "Do you have any plans to attract Spider-Man? And what about the Masked Rider?"

The Green Goblin took out two photos and said calmly: "As long as these two guys are caught, Spider-Man will come naturally. As for the Masked Rider, he hasn't come out for a long time. When the time comes, we will get rid of Spider-Man first, and then join forces to get rid of the so-called Masked Rider."

If Peter saw these two photos, he would definitely recognize that the two photos were his good friend Harry and his goddess Mary.

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