The old man was very happy.

"Long time no see, Peter. I'm the Sandman." William Baker, the Sandman who condensed from sand into a human form, spoke slowly, with an indescribable vicissitude in his voice.

Peter Parker looked at the Sandman in confusion, with curiosity and surprise flashing in his eyes, and then turned to look at Chen Ye again: "Wow, another person with superpowers, so why does he know me too."

Chen Ye smiled, as if he saw through Peter's doubts. He explained: "Why don't you let the Sandman answer you. He also contributed to saving your uncle."

Peter couldn't help but feel ripples in his heart when he heard Chen Ye's words.

Although he didn't know who the sandman in front of him was, after all, he had saved his Uncle Ben. This kindness made him feel good and grateful for the sandman.

The sandman looked at Chen Ye gratefully. He didn't actually do anything.

. . . . . . . .

This sandman was also a sandman from a parallel universe. When he learned that he had come to another universe, he immediately found himself in this universe.

Then he gave a sum of money to let himself in this universe take the money to treat his daughter, thus avoiding the fate of killing Uncle Ben by accidental discharge.

But for some reason, when the sandman arrived at the scene, Uncle Ben still couldn't escape the fate of being killed by accidental discharge and fell to the ground.

The sandman was stunned. He couldn't believe his eyes.

He had obviously changed his fate, so why did Uncle Ben still die?

Just as the sandman was about to step forward to help, Chen Ye appeared and made a deal with him.

Chen Ye did not expect to meet the Sandman in this universe. Chen Ye immediately determined that he was from another parallel universe, because according to the timeline, the Sandman would transform into the Sandman only after he had finished his jail term.

The Sandman was originally a street gangster. During a jailbreak, in order to escape the police's pursuit, he accidentally broke into the desert nuclear bomb test area in Georgia. In the desert, he was affected by nuclear radiation and merged with the sand to become the Sandman.

As for why he was in jail, Chen Ye said that he was the murderer who killed Uncle Ben.

Seeing the Sandman, Chen Ye had some ideas in his mind, maybe he could also pull this Sandman into his team.

After all, the Sandman also joined the Avengers for a while, although he later withdrew from the Avengers because of different ideas.

Chen Ye was not worried that the Sandman would do something harmful to the world, because he knew that most of the people in the land of Hell's Kitchen were more evil than the Sandman.

He believed that as long as the Sandman was given the right guidance and restraint, he would become a sharp weapon in his hands.

So Chen Ye traded him to join Hell's Kitchen in exchange for saving his daughter and Uncle Ben in this universe.

. . . . . . . . .

Sandman looked at Peter with deep guilt and relief, and that complex emotion seemed to reveal his inner world.

His low voice echoed in the air, as if carrying a heavy past: "In a sense, I am the murderer of your Uncle Ben."

Peter's heartbeat accelerated instantly, and his anger burned like a burning flame.

However, Sandman's next sentence made him fall into deep doubt: "But I didn't mean it. I was ready to give up the idea of ​​​​carjacking after hearing Uncle Ben's advice, but I didn't expect the gun to go off later, causing your Uncle Ben to die."

"Although I have explained it once, and the other you has forgiven me. But I still have to say it again." Sandman added.

Uncle Ben is not dead, and what about the other I have forgiven him, Peter doesn't know if he has seen such a person before.

If Peter really saw it himself, he would definitely have an impression. After all, the Sandman has a murderous aura, and it is hard not to have an impression.

Chen Ye looked at Peter's confused expression and knew that the Sandman's expression did not make Peter understand clearly.

He decided to explain it himself, so he slowly said: "Peter, do you know the concept of parallel universe?"

Although Peter usually looks a little silly, his IQ is very high, even comparable to Mr. Fantastic.

Under Chen Ye's guidance, he instantly thought of the concept of parallel universe.

His eyes widened, and he pointed at Chen Ye and the others in surprise: "Are you people from parallel universes?"

Chen Ye nodded and said seriously: "Yes, we are all people from different parallel universes. But they and I are not from the same place

. "

He paused, as if looking for the right words to explain this complex concept.

Finally, he said: "You can imagine that we are all guests from different worlds, and we all happened to come to your universe as guests."

"As for why they know you, it's because they have been enemies with you for various reasons."

"In other words, they are all your enemies."

Peter felt embarrassed after hearing what Chen Ye said.

He didn't expect to get to know his enemies again in this way.

However, he also felt an inexplicable excitement in his heart.

This means that in other parallel universes, he has become very powerful, and may even have become a superhero.

Peter looked at Chen Ye and asked in confusion: "Are you too?"

Chen Ye knew what Peter was going to ask, and smiled softly and replied: "You are not worthy of being my enemy, with your skills. Any one of us can subdue you. "

Chen Ye was telling the truth. Peter couldn't beat any of his family members after they were strengthened by him.

After hearing this, Peter scratched his head awkwardly, his eyes full of longing for parallel universes.

"Then can I go to other parallel universes like them?" Peter asked Chen Ye.

Chen Ye's expression became serious, and he said to Peter: "Don't think that traveling through parallel universes is a good thing. Next, I will tell you the real purpose of my coming here."

In the next half an hour, Chen Ye explained to Peter in detail why he came to this universe and the challenges he would face.

Peter was stunned. He had never thought that his world actually hid such a huge secret.

He felt unprecedented pressure because he knew that the universe he was in was also facing the same crisis.

"What should I do next? "Peter asked eagerly, his face full of worry and anxiety.

He realized that he had a great responsibility and had to work hard to save the universe.

Peter did not expect that his universe was facing such a huge crisis. If one was not handled well, the universe he was in would be destroyed.

For himself, for Aunt May and Uncle Ben, and for Mary,

Peter had to save the universe no matter what.

Chen Ye took a sip of tea gently, and his eyes became deep and firm.

He spoke slowly, and his voice revealed trust and strength: "You just need to do what you have always wanted to do, Peter. We will bear the rest together."

"What is it?" Peter asked puzzled. At this time, Peter was not in the mood to do what he wanted to do. Saving the universe was the most important thing.

"Punish the good and eliminate the evil, and be a superhero." Chen Ye answered firmly.

Chen Ye believed that as long as Peter appeared in this universe as Spider-Man, the remaining villains in the parallel universes would come out consciously.

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