When Peter walked out of the room, he saw a strange man in a red tights standing at the stairs, whistling briskly, as if he was completely immersed in his own world.

Peter was slightly stunned. This scene was indeed a little unexpected for him.

Peter greeted the strange man awkwardly.

The man turned his head and showed a bright smile, with a bit of cynicism on his face.

Deadpool saw Peter very familiarly hugged Peter, and then pointed at himself with his thumb: "I tell you, your Uncle Ben survived all thanks to my horse spell."

His tone was full of pride.

"Young man, remember that my name is Deadpool. You can also call me handsome. I personally think that the name of handsome is more suitable for me."

Peter smiled awkwardly at Deadpool and thanked him: "Thank you for saving my uncle. My name is Peter Parker."

Although Peter did not know the guy who called himself Deadpool and was very curious about his relationship with Chen Ye, he probably saved Uncle Ben for Chen Ye's sake.

Peter did not think that he had any ability to let this stranger save people for no reason.

After hearing Peter's name, Deadpool's expression became extremely surprised, and his jaw almost dropped.

He looked at Peter with excitement in his eyes, and then made a gesture of spraying spider silk.

"So you can do this, right?" Deadpool asked Peter, his tone full of expectation.

Peter was stunned by the question. He looked at Deadpool's gesture and suddenly understood something.

He also made the same action of spraying spider silk, and a powerful force surged from his wrist, forming a thin spider silk.

After seeing this scene, Deadpool smiled with satisfaction.

He didn't expect to meet another guy named Peter Parker in this universe, and the other party also has the same ability as Miles.

I don't know if Peter, who always shouts to be a superhero in his universe, will become Spider-Man like him in the future.

Peter was very curious about Deadpool knowing that he had superpowers.

He felt that since he got superpowers, everyone seemed to know about it.

Whether it was the previous Kamen Rider, the Deadpool in front of him, or even Chen Ye, they all seemed to know his superpowers.

This made him eager to know the answer.

Deadpool looked at Peter's curious face, and a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He asked, "Do you want to know why I know you can do this?"

Peter nodded after listening, his eyes full of desire.

However, Deadpool did not tell him the answer directly.

He paused, then said in a joking tone: "I won't tell you. If you want to know, go find Chen Ye yourself. I still want to pick up girls. Bye."

As he said that, he pulled his right eye with his fingers and stuck out his tongue to make a funny gesture for Peter to see.

Then, he turned and jumped out of the window, leaving Peter standing there alone.

Peter looked at Deadpool's back speechlessly and rolled his eyes.

He couldn't help thinking in his heart: "Are all the people here of this character?" However, he didn't have time to delve into this question.

Because his heart was full of desire for answers at this moment, he decided to find Chen Ye to ask clearly.

Then just as Peter was about to go downstairs, Deadpool climbed up from the window again.

Deadpool put his hands against the window and asked Peter: "By the way, do you also have an Aunt May by your side, a beautiful lady in her 30s who still has charm."

Deadpool was thinking about his own little calculations in his heart.

He suddenly thought that if they were both Peter Parker, there might be an Aunt May.

If I didn't get to date Aunt May in that universe, maybe I can try in this universe.

This thought made Deadpool's eyes flash with a cunning light.

Although Peter didn't know why Deadpool asked this question, he still answered honestly: "Yes, I was raised by Aunt May and Uncle Ben, but if I remember correctly, Aunt May is already in her 60s. Maybe you recognized the wrong person."

Peter's tone was full of affirmation. He didn't think he would remember Aunt May's age wrong. How could Aunt May with white hair be a lady in her 30s?

Hearing Peter's answer, Deadpool's face flashed with disappointment.

He originally thought that he could find a new one in this universe.

's goal, but he didn't expect Aunt May to be much older than he thought.

Then, Deadpool disappeared outside the window again.

Peter looked at the direction where Deadpool disappeared, and his heart was full of confusion.

He didn't understand why Deadpool suddenly mentioned Aunt May, nor why Deadpool was disappointed with Aunt May's age.

But Peter didn't pay too much attention. Now he should go downstairs to find Chen Ye.

Just as Chen Ye was talking to Doctor Octopus about the future development of Hell's Kitchen School, he saw Peter coming downstairs.

Chen Ye stopped talking with Doctor Octopus and smiled at Peter, "Come down."

Peter walked up to Chen Ye, his eyes full of gratitude and respect.

He bowed deeply and said sincerely, "Thank you for saving my uncle. And, I'm sorry."

Peter's "I'm sorry" was said to Chen Ye.

Before, Peter had mistakenly thought that Chen Ye was capable but unwilling to save his uncle, so he was dissatisfied with him.

However, as things developed, Peter gradually realized his misunderstanding and felt deeply guilty.

He waved his hand, signaling Peter not to worry.

Then he heard the system prompt,

"Congratulations to the host, Peter Parker (Toby version) friendship has been upgraded to two stars."

"Congratulations to the host, ..."

"Congratulations to the host, Peter Parker (Toby version) favorability has been upgraded to five stars."

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the attribute: Spider Sense."

"Do you want to merge immediately?"


Chen Ye answered immediately.

Dr. Octopus, who was standing aside, seemed to have deep emotions in his eyes.

He looked at Peter and said with a complex emotion: "Hey, Peter, long time no see. You look younger and more energetic now. Keep it up, you have always been a good boy."

Dr. Octopus' words were full of expectations and care for Peter, and his eyes flashed with an inexplicable light, as if he was recalling their past.

He may have remembered the scene of their first meeting, when Peter was still a curious and passionate teenager. They explored the mysteries of science together and pursued endless knowledge.

Or, he remembered the moment that made him feel heartbroken. He chose to jump into the river in front of Peter and committed suicide. The determination and helplessness at that moment.

But Dr. Octopus was still very happy to see Peter again.

Peter seemed to be numb to everyone knowing him, and greeted Dr. Octopus.

"You seem to know me too, have we met before?" Peter couldn't help asking.

Every word of Peter revealed his inner doubts and anxiety.

Peter's mood was extremely complicated, and his mind was full of questions. These questions were like crazy growing vines, entangled in his heart.

He wanted to know the truth of all this, he wanted to know why everyone knew him, he was just an ordinary high school student, how could he attract so many people's attention?

Chen Ye seemed to see Peter's doubts and said slowly, "Don't worry, not only do we know you, but there is also someone who knows you and wants to see you."

Peter looked at Chen Ye with doubts and asked, "Who is it?"

Just then, a pile of sand suddenly appeared in front of Peter.

These sands should not appear in the living room, but they seemed to have life, slowly condensing together and gradually forming a human figure.

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