The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Chen Ye stopped his attack, then lifted his transformation, and his body gradually returned to normal.

Then he slowly walked to Wanda, and Chen Ye showed a look of surprise and pampering.

"Finally I'm willing to come back, Wanda." Chen Ye said softly.

"Are you okay? Chen Ye, are you injured?" Wanda first stepped forward to check if Chen Ye was injured.

"It's okay, it's okay. Look, I'm fine." Chen Ye answered Wanda happily.

Wanda walked around Chen Ye and carefully observed every part of Chen Ye's body to make sure he was not injured.

Wanda was relieved.

Then Wanda looked at Magneto, who was lying on the ground, with a complicated expression.

In fact, when Wanda saw Chen Ye preparing to deal with Magneto, she wanted Chen Ye to deal with Magneto, the unfaithful man, for a moment.

After all, Wanda had not seen this so-called father for more than 20 years, so she had no good feelings for him.

Finding the biological father is one thing, and recognizing him is another.

But until the last moment, Wanda decided to save Magneto first, after all, her brother had not seen his biological father.

Still have to give Pietro a chance to choose, after all, he also has the right to know who his biological father is.

Magneto on the side felt his heart was about to break, because he was the one who was about to be killed.

Fire Man and Night Walker hurried forward to support Magneto.

Tony also came over and Chen Ye teased: "Oh, Chen Ye, this is your little lover, not bad." There was a hint of teasing and joking in his tone.

Chen Ye did not answer Tony's words, and his eyes never left Wanda. Their eyes met in the air, as if there was a silent emotion being transmitted.

"Ahem, hey, hey, hey, pay attention. There are still people here!" Tony on the side couldn't stand the couple anymore.

Chen Ye turned his head awkwardly, his eyes wandering around, as if looking for something.

He suggested: "Why don't we go into the restaurant and sit down?"

Chen Ye knew that Wanda had gone to find her biological father during this period, and she also found Magneto.

This can also explain why Magneto, who had no intersection with her, came to the door, and Chen Ye did not feel murderous during the battle with Magneto.

Wanda on the side walked into the restaurant first after hearing this, and Magneto and her two men followed shamelessly behind her.

Chen Ye looked at Tony, only to see Tony refuse: "Forget it, there are still a lot of things to deal with. Since it's safe here, I'll leave first."

Then he put on the armored helmet and prepared to fly back.

Chen Ye quickly said to Tony: "Wait! Thank you!"

Tony glanced at Chen Ye, and then took off directly!

But Chen Ye could see the system prompt.


"Congratulations to the host, Tony Stark's favorability has been raised to three stars."

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained an item, a new element blueprint."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining 20 points of friendship."

Chen Ye was a little surprised when he saw the reward this time. This time it was not an attribute, but a blueprint.

He threw the blueprint back to Tony and asked him to study it himself.

Although Chen Ye felt that this reward was a bit of a loss, after all, Chen Ye knew that the latest element was in the video Tony's father gave him.

The current matter is the most important, Chen Ye thought about it and went straight into the restaurant.

. . . . . . . . .

In the Midtown area of ​​Hell's Kitchen, inside the headquarters of Vongola.

Vongola I, this powerful leader, his opponents are all the hostile gangs in the Midtown area.

His goal was clear, that is, to completely clean up all the gang forces in the Midtown area, so that they could no longer gain a foothold in the Midtown area.

So this time, the Vongola family can be said to have mobilized all its forces.

Except for Vongola I, who was in charge of the base camp, the other seven family guardians were assigned to various battlefields in the Midtown area.

They each led a team, ready to fight a life-and-death battle with the enemy gangs.

Vongola I sat on the gorgeous sofa, his eyes were firm and sharp, as if he could see through all the fog and get to the essence of things.

There was a calmness and confidence on his face, which was the unique temperament given to him by years and experience.

His fingers tapped the armrest of the sofa lightly, as if silently telling his determination and perseverance.

"This time, I should be able to fulfill the promise with Chen Ye."

Vongola I and Chen Ye had a naive promise when they were young - to clean up

Eliminate all the gang forces in Hell's Kitchen and return peace to this chaotic place.

That promise, for Vongola I, is not only a promise, but also a belief and pursuit.

Chen Ye, his close friend, used just one year to eliminate all the gang forces in the East District, bringing long-lost tranquility to Hell's Kitchen.

However, Vongola I failed to achieve their goal as promised. With the power of his family, although he has made some progress in the Midtown area, he has not yet been able to completely eliminate the gang forces.

This became a heavy stone in his heart, pressing him to the point of being breathless.

He knew that Chen Ye did not mean to blame him.

But he felt that he had no face to see Chen Ye, so he knew that Chen Ye had returned to Hell's Kitchen but still did not dare to see him.

If it were not for the gang gathering a few days ago, Vongola I would have been embarrassed to see Chen Ye.

"But after today. Everything has gotten better." Vongola I took a deep breath and said firmly. His eyes flashed with determination and hope, as if he had seen the victory in the future.

In every corner of the Midtown area, the war was raging and the smoke was everywhere.

The members of the Vongola family were brave and fearless, and the weapons in their hands flashed coldly in the firelight.

The people of the enemy gang were like a mob. Although they were numerous, they lacked organization and cooperation, and were soon beaten to pieces by the warriors of the Vongola family.

In another corner of the city, Arnold, the guardian of the cloud, stood alone on the roof of a high-rise building.

He was a lonely and arrogant man. He did not bring anyone with him and completed the cleanup of the enemy gang alone.

He said to the phone in a low voice: "Next time, if it is such a rubbish mission, don't call me back."

His voice was full of impatience and dissatisfaction, as if this mission was too insignificant for him.

On the other hand, on another battlefield, the members of the Vongola family defeated other gangs without relying on the power of the guardians. As for their captain, the Thunder Guardian Lanbao, he was lying on the ground sleeping quietly, completely ignoring the battle around him.

Finally, the Mist Guardian D. Spedo of the Vongola family and several other guardians completed their mission and returned to the base camp.

He sat casually aside and said to Ishi: "The Central City is still far from enough, otherwise we will annex other areas together." There was a spark of ambition in his eyes, as if the whole world was under his control.

So far, the Vongola family has become the largest underground force in the Central City.

Under the system prompt that Chen Ye had not had time to look at

"Congratulations to the host, Vongola I's favorability has been raised to full stars."

"Congratulations to the host, Vongola I has become your family."

"Congratulations to the host, get a little family point."

"Congratulations to the host, currently have 6/10 family members."

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