The old man was very angry.

"I haven't fulfilled my wish yet, so I won't go to hell so early."

"It looks pretty good, but I don't know how strong it is."

"Don't you know that my ability can restrain these steel mechas inside?"

Magneto was curious, but he still chose to take the lead.

He slowly stretched out his hand, and a strong magnetic force was released from his hand, trying to use magnetic force to control Chen Ye.

But no matter how he tried, Chen Ye stood like a stone statue.

Chen Ye looked at Magneto with a surprised expression, and couldn't help laughing in his heart.

Chen Ye seemed to see Magneto's doubts. He knew that Magneto's magnetic force had a strong control over the steel mecha, but the problem was that the masked man used a leather suit to hit him!

"As we all know, the masked man used leather suits, which did not contain any steel. How could your magnetic force be useful!"

Magneto was not angry after hearing this. After all, he was a man who had seen the world. He still had his unique smile on his face, as if everything was under his control.

He grabbed the void with both hands, and the cars on both sides of the street immediately hung in the air, as if being pulled by an invisible force.

Then, he waved his hands, and those suspended cars rushed towards Chen Ye like fired shells.

Chen Ye stood there, not panicking at all. He calmly observed the situation.

Chen Ye raised his leg slowly, aimed at one of the cars, and suddenly performed a roundhouse kick.

The car was immediately kicked and rolled over, drawing a perfect arc in the air, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Surprisingly, every roundhouse kick was accompanied by a blue flame, as if Chen Ye had a mysterious power.

"Hey, hey, hey, old man, don't be like this, this is my territory." Chen Ye was obviously distressed that these cars were destroyed, and he didn't want his territory to be messed up.

He pressed the USB flash drive on his belt again.

"Eternal Requiem (weapon)!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a ray of light burst out from the USB flash drive, and then condensed into a sharp little dagger in his hand.

This dagger exuded a cold light, and it was obvious that it was not an ordinary item.

Ye held the dagger tightly and rushed towards Magneto.

His eyes were firm and sharp, like a tiger coming down the mountain, and no one could stop his edge.

On the street, the two of them fought back and forth, and started a fierce battle.

Magneto controlled heavy objects such as cars and rails with his powerful magnetic force and launched continuous attacks;

While Chen Ye fought back with his new power, Kamen Rider External.

Because the two's attacks were too intense, their attacks were as fierce as a storm, and the energy waves were surging in the air, as if they were going to tear the sky apart.

Tony and Magneto's two men had already retreated a lot, fearing that they would be hurt by the aftermath of their attacks.

"How can this Chen Ye be so strong? I didn't expect him to fight with our boss for so long. And why does his cape seem to be welded and never fall off no matter what?" The fire man next to him sighed as he looked at the scene.

There was a gleam of admiration in his eyes, and it was obvious that Chen Ye's strength convinced him.

"It would be great if Chen Ye joined our brotherhood, so that I could spend every day with him." The Night Walker said infatuatedly, her eyes revealing her admiration for Chen Ye.

Humans always admire the strong, and Chen Ye's powerful strength undoubtedly made her heart beat.

What's more, the men in the Brotherhood are all weird, there are hedgehogs with thorns all over their bodies, and there are toads, but there are few normal people.

If Chen Ye knew the mind of the Night Walker, he might feel a little helpless, after all, he didn't have much interest in Ni Ge.

Tony Stark was watching the battle from the side, his brows were furrowed, and his eyes showed a thoughtful look.

He was obviously shocked by Chen Ye's performance, and began to seriously consider how to deal with this powerful opponent if he became an enemy with Chen Ye.

"Jarvis, record the whole process, I want to know all the data of Chen Ye's armor." Tony ordered, his tone full of determination.

He not only wants to understand Chen Ye's strength, but also get inspiration from it in order to upgrade his steel armor.

"Damn it, I must upgrade my armor when I go back this time! And I have to go back to study the anti-Chen Ye armor before I can do it." Tony.

Stark said unwillingly.

This battle was an important revelation for Tony.

He began to realize that he needed to keep improving in order to deal with stronger enemies.

He was determined to upgrade his armor after returning, and even began to conceive a research and development plan for anti-Chen Ye armor.

This battle not only made him see the strength of Chen Ye, but also inspired his determination to pursue higher technology.

"Kid, you have such strength, why are you willing to wander around in this small and chaotic Hell's Kitchen?"

Magneto temporarily blocked Chen Ye's attack. He took a deep look at the young man and couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

Chen Ye smiled slightly, with a firm light flashing in his eyes, "This is my home!"

"But Hell's Kitchen is not your end point. You have the ability to go to a better place." Magneto frowned. He didn't understand the stubbornness of this young man.

"How can anyone dislike their hometown? It is precisely because it is Hell's Kitchen that I should stay and change it. I am not the kind of person who chooses to escape when encountering difficulties." Chen Ye's tone was full of determination.

"Who would dislike their hometown? It is precisely because this is Hell's Kitchen that I should stay here to change it. I don't want to be a deserter."

"Sorry, I will live a quiet life. You should fulfill your dream yourself."

Chen Ye said nothing more and he re-entered the battle.

His attack was more fierce, and every attack was firm and courageous.

Magneto began to feel pressure, and his physical strength was rapidly depleted.

Time seemed to slow down, and every attack and every defense became extremely slow.

Magneto felt that his physical strength was draining away bit by bit, while Chen Ye's attack became more and more fierce.

Finally, in a rapid attack and defense transition, Magneto revealed a flaw. Chen Ye seized this opportunity and punched Magneto heavily in the chest.

Magneto flew backwards and hit the wall.

He struggled to stand up, looking at Chen Ye with surprise and admiration in his eyes.

"Let me end this," Chen Ye pressed the USB flash drive on his belt again.

"External Maximun Drive!"

As the sound effect started, Chen Ye instantly jumped into the air, his right foot ignited with blue flame energy, like a burning meteor, falling rapidly, ready to give Magneto a fatal blow.

Fireman and Nightwalker saw that Magneto was in danger and stepped forward to stop him.

However, at this critical moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded, breaking the tense atmosphere.


Chen Ye was stunned, and subconsciously retracted his right foot that was about to fall.

I saw a beautiful woman blocking Magneto, her clear eyes full of determination.

"Wanda, you are back?" Chen Ye asked in surprise.

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