After a long time, the two of them were still young.

Gu Yi, who was about to leave, also found Chen Ye's question interesting.

I saw that Master Gu Yi gently closed her eyes, as if she was listening to the melody of time, and the time gem on her neck was slightly glowing purple.

Chen Ye guessed that Master Gu Yi should be observing the future and observing various future possibilities.

Chen Ye saw that Gu Yi seemed unable to wake up for a while.

So he walked aside, picked up two bottles of ice-cold happy fat house water on the table, and drank them up.

Just after Chen Ye drank the second bottle of fat house water, Master Gu Yi finally opened her eyes.

There was a gleam of wisdom in her eyes, as if she had seen through all the possibilities of the future.

"It seems that Master Gu Yi has the answer. I wonder if you can tell me."

Chen Ye is indeed very curious about what would happen if Peter Parker did not become Spider-Man.

Master Gu Yi glanced at him lightly, with a flash of thought in her eyes.

What she saw was Peter Parker in countless timelines. Their life trajectories were different. Some were scientists, some were businessmen, and some even became villains.

However, no matter what kind of people they became in which world line, the ending was not good.

Some were killed by evil forces, some died in accidents, and some even died alone.

Of course, some became superheroes other than Spider-Man.

"Why don't you take a look yourself." Gu Yi waved his hand casually.

Chen Ye saw that the space around him changed again. Chen Ye seemed to have entered the long river of time, with countless light curtains around him.

"Maybe you should go and see it yourself." Master Gu Yi said lightly. She waved her hand lightly, and the space around her began to distort and deform, as if entering a mysterious world.

Chen Ye only felt that the space around him seemed to be covered with a layer of mist, blurry, and countless light screens appeared in front of him, as if it was the stage of the universe.

Each light screen represents a different universe, and each universe records the life of a man named Peter Parker.

He saw the first half of Peter Parker's life, which was no different from other ordinary people.

He saw Peter Parker's childhood, his mischief at school, his love story with Mary Jane, and the death of Uncle Ben.

But the turning point was that some Peter Parkers were bitten by spiders and became Spider-Man.

Some Peters were not bitten by spiders, and then they either died in an accident, and then the entire universe was wiped out.

Some Peters became other superheroes through various means.

Chen Ye saw Peter in the light screen, some became a member of the new Fantastic Four, some became the Human Torch, some became the Hulk, and the most outrageous was the Captain America.

Some Peter Parkers became villains, some became the Green Goblin, some became the Plague of the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse, and some became the Lizard Man.

However, Chen Ye discovered an amazing fact. No matter which superhero Peter Parker became, no matter how amazing and wonderful his life was, the universe he existed in could not escape the fate of destruction.

It seems that there is only one right way - that is to become Spider-Man and take the responsibility of fighting against evil.

After reading the information given to him by Master Gu Yi, Chen Ye closed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

He began to think about whether he was just a character in someone else's script like Peter Parker.

Master Gu Yi had been observing Chen Ye's reaction, and seeing his nervous look, he couldn't help but nod secretly in his heart.

She took so much effort to show Chen Ye these things just to warn Chen Ye not to change other people's lives.

Especially her future disciple, Chen Ye's college classmate Stephen Strange.

Master Gu Yi could not let Chen Ye interfere with Stephen Strange's life trajectory in any way.

That's why they went to such great lengths to throw Chen Ye into other universes. It is estimated that when Chen Ye completes the task, Strange should be in Kamar-Taj if nothing unexpected happens.

At this time, Chen Ye opened his eyes, looked at the Ancient One, and suddenly smiled: "Thank you, I understand."

Chen Ye has understood the good intentions of the Ancient One. In fact, he is not an exception. The Ancient One means that I must work hard to change the tragedy of the people around me!

What Chen Ye can do is to change the tragedy of his friends around him, and Strange happens to be Chen Ye's college roommate.

Although Strange has a bad temper and is a little arrogant.

But after all, they have been together for so long.

In the future, if Strange has any problems, Chen Ye will probably help.

After all, if Strange's girlfriend dies, the universe will be destroyed by him.

If Master Gu Yi knew that Chen Ye misunderstood his meaning, he would probably regret coming to see Chen Ye today.

Then a golden halo slowly emerged behind Master Gu Yi, and the halo was rotating. Behind the halo was Kamar-Taj.

Master Gu Yi said to Chen Ye: "Let's go, follow me to learn about the portal."

But Chen Ye did not intend to follow Master Gu Yi to leave.

Gu Yi asked in confusion: "Don't you want to learn about the portal?"

Chen Ye smiled slightly, put on the ring on his right hand, and then drew a circle in the air.

A golden halo also appeared in the air instantly, and the halo showed Kamar-Taj.

"Master Ancient One, I have learned it. There are still things I need to deal with here. When I finish, I will visit you in person and then go to other parallel universes." Chen Ye replied calmly.

Ancient One's calm eyes suddenly widened, and it was obvious that he was shocked by Chen Ye's move.

"Did you learn it just by watching it once? Or have you already learned it?"

Ancient One had originally prepared that Chen Ye would need to learn for several months before he could learn the portal.

After all, the portal is not an ordinary magic. Even a genius student like the one in Kamar-Taj would need at least a month to learn it.

Ancient One couldn't help but wonder if the self in other parallel universes had taught Chen Ye.

Chen Ye's performance in front of him was really too shocking.

"How about you come to Kamar-Taj to practice for a while. I will give you the Supreme Sorcerer?" Ancient One said.

Ancient One had reason to believe that as long as Chen Ye was given some time, Chen Ye's speed would have reason to become the strongest Supreme Sorcerer in history. As for who Strange was, Ancient One said that he was not familiar with him.

Chen Ye refused and said, "This kind of good thing should be left to Strange."

Chen Ye knew how much he was capable of. If he didn't rely on the system, he didn't know how much time he would have to waste to learn magic. It was estimated that by the time he came out of the mountain, the purple potato spirit would have finished snapping his fingers.

Then why bother learning anything? It would be faster to make more friends.

Seeing this, Gu Yi didn't try to persuade him to stay. He walked directly into the aperture and returned to Kamar-Taj.

As for Chen Ye, he needed to explain the matter of Hell's Kitchen, and then go to the Spider-Man parallel universe.

Chen Ye was also very curious about which version of Spider-Man he would meet.

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