“It’s so lively outside, what’s going on?” Chen Ye came to the restaurant luckily, and it was already full of people.

Those tourists saw only some of the superheroes.

In fact, Thor, Doctor Octopus, Deadpool, Wanda, Kingpin, Strange and other superheroes from Hell’s Kitchen who came through the home system were already in the restaurant.

Wanda rushed to Chen Ye almost instantly and hugged him tightly, as if she was afraid that he would disappear again.

Her hug was full of joy of reunion after a long separation and a little imperceptible worry.

Seeing this, the people around cast warm eyes, with aunt-like smiles on their lips, which contained both blessings for the relationship between the two and envy for this pure emotion.

Sorry, I made you worry. Chen Ye’s voice was full of tenderness and apology. He gently stroked Wanda’s hair, trying to convey his thoughts and gratitude in this way.

At this time, Pietro, Quicksilver, chewed potato chips and interrupted vaguely: “Wanda planned a tour group for Hell’s Kitchen. I didn’t expect the effect to be so good. Now those people outside are scrambling to come here to visit! There was a bit of pride in his tone, as if this was also his masterpiece.”

In the restaurant, with the return of Chen Ye, familiar faces came into view one by one.

Wolverine Logan sat in the shadows in the corner, silent, but the glass of wine in his hand was particularly dazzling, which was his deepest welcome to Chen Ye’s return.

Magneto and Professor X sat in the corner on the other side. The two were concentrating on playing chess. Occasionally, they looked up and smiled at each other. The smile showed both respect for each other and relief for Chen Ye’s return.

Strange, that is, Doctor Strange, smiled and nodded to Chen Ye, and his deep eyes flashed with wisdom and insight.

He seemed to be able to see through the essence of everything in the world, but at this moment, he only wanted to send the most sincere blessings for this pure emotion.

Kingpin, the usually ruthless gangster leader, looked at his godson and showed a rare gentle smile on his face.

It was a complex interweaving of emotions, with both pride in Chen Ye’s growth and peace of mind for his safe return.

Tony Stark, the giant in the technology industry, was like a child at this moment, eating snacks in his hand and staring at Chen Ye intently. His eyes showed both the joy of reuniting with an old friend and curiosity and concern for everything Chen Ye had experienced.

And Deadpool, the guy who always showed an unruly image, just glanced at Chen Ye quickly, and then buried his head in coaxing the baby in his hand.

Although this baby was not his own, he once said that giving the female Deadpool a home meant to tolerate everything about her, including this sudden little life.

His movements were clumsy but full of love, and people couldn’t help but be moved by this promise that transcended life and death.

In the restaurant, soft lights sprinkled in every corner, interweaving with the occasional glimmer from the window, creating a warm and slightly mysterious atmosphere.

Everyone’s face was filled with complex emotions, a kind of longing that transcended time and distance, still burning, mixed with the joy and welcome of a long-lost reunion, as if saying: “You are finally back, Chen Ye.”

Chen Ye stood in the center of the restaurant, his eyes slowly swept over every familiar face, and an indescribable warmth surged in his heart.

This warmth is not only a physical feeling, but also a softness touched in the depths of the soul.

He took a deep breath and secretly decided in his heart that no matter what the future holds, this place and this group of people are precious treasures that he is willing to protect with his life.

Gently letting go of Wanda in his arms, the two exchanged tacit understanding and warmth in their eyes that could be understood without words.

Wanda smiled slightly, and that smile contained not only the joy of reunion, but also the trust and pride in Chen Ye’s ability.

“Speaking of which, after not seeing each other for half a year, each of you seems to have been reborn and become much stronger.” Chen Ye’s words were full of emotion. He closed his eyes and used his unique observation Haki to perceive every inch of space and every breath in the restaurant at a deeper level.

Wanda’s breath, like the deepest black in the night, intertwined with the outline of a witch, is a kind of authority to control darkness and master the unknown, which makes people involuntarily feel awe.

And Kingpin’s breath is like the end of the world, and the giant of destruction and power follows him like a shadow, demonstrating his unparalleled destructive power and tenacity.

Strange’s breath is the most unique. He is like an arbitrator standing at the junction of light and darkness, and the two ends of the scale balance the two poles of the world.

And the rune power surging in the middle is the power he controls.The key to balance and reconcile everything.

Thor’s breath is like thunder, and every breath seems to carry the roar of the sky. The hammer wrapped with lightning is not only his weapon, but also a symbol of his authority over the hammer as Thor.

The two old men sitting in the innermost playing chess, Magneto and Professor X, each exude a unique breath. Magneto’s breath represents the authority of magnetism. His existence is like a huge magnetic field that can control the surrounding metal and magnetic field;

Professor X’s breath is more subtle. It represents the power of spiritual authority, which can see into people’s hearts and influence thoughts. The game between these two old men is not only a contest of wisdom, but also a collision and fusion of two forces.

Tony Stark’s breath is even more unique. In Chen Ye’s perception, his armor turns into a suit shining with the glory of science and technology, and the book tightly held in his hand symbolizes his endless pursuit and mastery of knowledge.

This authority of knowledge makes him the embodiment of science and technology and wisdom.

However, what surprised Chen Ye the most was the change of the Card King.

After integrating the power of the Card Master, the Card King was filled with an elusive breath of destiny, as if every card in his hand controlled the destiny of all things in the world.

Of course, they have not yet comprehended the authority, but only have this prototype. It will take a long time to comprehend this authority.

While Chen Ye was observing them, someone was also observing Chen Ye.

“Hahahahaha, is this your godson? He doesn’t look so good, Kingpin, do you want to kill him and conquer the universe with me!”

“Shut up, Frieza!”

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