The world is full of love.

"Parallel universe!?" Jin Bing, who was standing aside, looked at Fisk, who was older and more experienced than him, with a complicated expression and said to himself.

Fisk ignored Jin Bing's doubts. He slowly turned around, squatted down, and looked at the terrified Vanessa and Richard gently.

His eyes were full of tenderness and care, as if they were his relatives.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. I finally see you! Vanessa." Fisk's voice was trembling with excitement.

In order to find Vanessa and Richard, he went through countless hardships.

He spent countless manpower and financial resources, and even built a collider at all costs, just to bring Vanessa and Richard back to him.

Fisk tried to hug Vanessa, but this move immediately aroused Kingpin's dissatisfaction.

He quickly rushed forward and punched Fisk. However, because Kingpin was seriously injured, the power of this punch was greatly reduced.

Fisk easily dodged sideways, and then quickly counterattacked, kicking Kingpin out with one foot. Kingpin's body drew an arc in the air and then fell heavily to the ground.

"How can you, a weak guy, protect Vanessa?" Fisk said coldly, "This world is really unfair. Why can you, who is so weak, still have Vanessa, while my Vanessa has passed away."

His expression became ferocious, and there was a crazy light in his eyes.

Chen Ye's eyes flashed with uncontrollable anger. He really couldn't stand Fisk's arrogance.

He waved his hands gently, and a strong magnetic force surged from his fingertips, instantly attracting the surrounding steel bars.

These steel bars seemed to be pulled by an invisible force, rushing towards Fisk and binding him tightly.

Then he signaled with his eyes for Jin Bing to send the mother and child out.

Although Jin Bing was extremely surprised and confused about this parallel universe that suddenly appeared, he knew in his heart that the safety of Vanessa and the child was the most important thing now.

"Thank you, child. Thanks to you today." Jin Bing, the gangster boss who used to be arrogant and domineering, showed sincere gratitude on his face.

Vanessa and Richard standing beside him also looked at Chen Ye with grateful eyes.

So, with complicated emotions, he hugged Vanessa and the child tightly and quickly left this dangerous place.

On the way out, Jin Bing's heart was turbulent. He looked at his wife and children in his arms and felt extremely distressed and guilty.

He had been trying to protect them, but this time, he almost put them in a desperate situation.

He couldn't imagine how he would react if Vanessa and Richard met with an accident due to his negligence.

Perhaps the Kingpin in that parallel universe had also felt this way.

He may have experienced the pain of losing his loved ones and tasted the bitterness of failure.

"Vanessa, Vanessa! Let me go quickly, I want to find Vanessa!" Fisk was like a madman, and even if he was tied up, he only cared about Vanessa.

Chen Ye looked at the Kingpin in the parallel universe in front of him, and knew that he had traveled through countless time and space in order to find Vanessa.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Sure enough, without him, Kingpin's wife and children would definitely be killed.

"Tell me, which parallel universe are you from?" Chen Ye asked uncertainly despite his guesses in his heart.

Fisk slowly regained his sanity and began to observe Chen Ye carefully.

His eyes were full of doubts and vigilance. Obviously, he didn't remember having such a master around him.

"Who are you? I don't remember having a master like you around me. It seems that you have a good relationship with Kingpin here." Fisk asked.

"I am his godson." Chen Ye replied.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect that someone like me would be a godchild. Kill me!" Fisk suddenly laughed after hearing this answer.

His laughter was full of ridicule and self-mockery, as if he didn't believe Chen Ye's words at all.

Chen Ye did not answer immediately. He began to observe Fisk's expression and reaction carefully.

He noticed that Fisk's eyes revealed a complex emotion, which made him curious and asked: "Are you really willing to die? You haven't found Vanessa yet."

After hearing Vanessa's name, Fisk's eyes were filled with

A trace of tenderness and grief flashed across his face immediately.

He lowered his head and was silent for a while, then looked up at Chen Ye and smiled bitterly: "I am Kingpin, do you think I will beg for mercy? If I beg for mercy again, will you let me go?"

"I should have died a long time ago, but I didn't expect to see Vanessa before I died. I am satisfied."

"The Vanessa here has her own Kingpin."

"I should also go find my Vanessa. Let's do it!"

"Didn't the Kingpin here teach you to root out the grass?"

Chen Ye stared at Fisk in front of him. He had already seen the determination to die in the other's eyes.

He stopped wasting words and clenched his right hand. The steel bars tied to Fisk seemed to sense his will and clasped their hands together, turning into a steel cage.

Fisk's vitality gradually disappeared, his eyes became empty, and the whole person was like a statue without a soul.

Chen Ye did not relax his vigilance. His eyes scanned the surroundings, looking for possible prey like a cheetah.

"You hid well, but you should come out after watching for so long." Chen Ye said coldly, his voice echoed in the empty field, but no one responded.

"Do you think you can avoid my detection by being invisible?" Chen Ye's mouth curled up slightly, with disdain in his tone, "Do you want me to ask you to come out?"

Then Chen Ye cast a chaos magic at an empty wall.

"No, no, no, I have no ill intentions, please don't attack!" said a voice that sounded quite young.

As the voice fell, the seemingly ordinary wall suddenly rippled, as if a stone was thrown into the lake, and the waves spread.

Then, a figure slowly emerged from it.

I saw a figure in a black Spider-Man costume appeared in front of Chen Ye. He made a stop gesture, which obviously meant surrender.

When Chen Ye saw this black Spider-Man, he already knew which parallel universe it was.

"Little black spider? Take off the hood," Chen Ye ordered.

The black Spider-Man hesitated for a moment, obviously not wanting to take off the hood.

He muttered quietly: "Sir, this is not good. I need to hide my identity."

Chen Ye replied unhappily: "Stop pretending, Miles. There are not many people who can be invisible and wear a black Spider-Man costume. You have been exposed long ago."

Chen Ye saw at a glance that the black Spider-Man in front of him was the protagonist of the animated film in his previous life. After all, he was the only black Spider-Man Miles in the multiverse.

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